Posts tagged: Paul Ehrlich

’60 Minutes’ Exhumes Enviro Cult Leader for a New Round of Scaremongering

Written by David Harsanyi

Earth is headed for a sixth extinction, warned biologist Paul Ehrlich on “60 Minutes” this Sunday. And since Ehrlich has predicted about 20 extinctions over the past 60 years, he’s a leading expert on the issue.

Couldn’t “60 Minutes” find a fresh-faced, yet-to-be-discredited neo-Malthusian to hyperventilate about the end of the world? Why didn’t producers invite a single guest to push back against theories that have been reliably debunked by reality? Because the media is staffed by environmental pessimists and doomsayers who need to believe the world is in constant peril due to the excesses of capitalism.… Continue Reading

Bad News for Dems: The Nail in the Coffin of the Newest Environmental Scare Hoax

Written by Laurie Higgins

This week is ending with some very good news for the Trump campaign and for every true-red Republican running for office. An explosive book was just released on June 30 by a “climate scare” leader in which he confesses to and apologizes for the deception environmentalists have perpetrated against the entire civilized world.

In the book Apocalypse Never by bona fide far-left environmentalist Michael Shellenberger, he exposes and apologizes for the mountain of climate activist lies that a handful of scientists have been trying to expose for years.… Continue Reading