Posts tagged: Chuck Schumer

Biden Puts IRS Funding Ahead of Military and Border Security

Written by Stephen Moore

Everyone should be deeply troubled by the recent report that the Army is on pace to miss its recruiting goal by dozens of thousands of troops and by the report that followed a few days later, alleging that the Border Patrol is running short of agents in Arizona and Texas. The border is so porous these days that even mayors of sanctuary cities are starting to complain about illegal immigration.

So, what is Congress doing about these crises?… Continue Reading

The Fight Over Abortion Continues

Written by Kristi Shaffer

The U.S. Supreme Court decision of Dodd v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which overturned Roe v. Wade, is a victory for all who support life. The decision ends federal protection of abortion and sends the subject back to individual states to determine how and if abortion will be allowed in the state. It is estimated that at least 26 states will have strong restrictions or bans on abortion. While it indeed should be celebrated, conservatives should not let our guard down; the war for the pro-life community wages on.… Continue Reading

U.S. Senate Dems Want to Eliminate the Filibuster

Written by David E. Smith

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) promised that if Republicans filibuster a voting rights bill supported by the entire U.S. Senate Democratic caucus, as they are expected to, he’ll schedule a vote on changes to the rules by January 17.  See report.

On August 24, 2021, Democrat lawmakers in the U.S. House voted 219 to 212 to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act which seeks to federalize elections and take control of voting regulations away from the states. … Continue Reading

GOP: Seek Not Phony Bipartisanship. Save the Nation

Written by David Limbaugh

Riddle me this: Why would Republicans fall for the Democrats’ age-old ploy of pressuring them into working on “bipartisan” legislation that will only advance the Democratic agenda and damage the nation?

Indeed, what’s the point in the GOP puffing up its chest about ousting Liz Cheney from her U.S. House leadership position if they’re just going to turn around and behave like never-Trumpers by caving on Joe Biden‘s agenda? Why would they play footsy with the most militantly leftist party in American history?… Continue Reading

Render Unto Biden? Dems’ Appetite for Revenue Will Make Taxes Go Through the Roof

Written by Robert Knight

It’s tax season again and Caesar wants his cut.

The national debt is approaching $30 trillion, and Congress just added 2 more trillion for more “COVID-19 relief.”

The current bill [just passed] by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer is composed of massive pork barrel spending and a bail-out for high-tax Democratic states that have mismanaged their finances. Oh, and some more money for COVID-related economic distress on the heels of the earlier $4 trillion, of which $1 trillion has yet to be released.… Continue Reading

The Equality Act And The Abolition Of Women

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

On Thursday, Feb. 25, 2021, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Equality Act by a vote of 224-206.

Proponents of the legislation, such as U.S. Representative David Cicilline, Rhode Island Democrat, declared, “Every American deserves respect and dignity and [this is why it’s] important that the Equality Act become law …”

But here’s the thing: He’s lying. And so is every single Democrat who aligns with him and parrots this deceptive blather.… Continue Reading

Democrats Leap Into the Abyss of Hypocrisy

Written by Laurie Higgins

Just when you thought Leftists couldn’t be more cynical, hypocritical, dishonest, tyrannical, and cruel, they step up to prove you wrong. When Democrats, by whatever janky standards they’ve made up, think Republicans have gone “low,” they–that is, Democrats–dive headlong into the abyss of hypocrisy and nastiness.

They’ve been doing their theatrical performative best to argue that the attack on the Capitol is particularly heinous because of the building’s symbolic significance—which, of course, it has.… Continue Reading

Idle Wave: The Democratic Landslide That Wasn’t

Written by Tony Perkins

Democratic donors are feeling a lot lighter in the wallet this week, but how much do they have to show for it? While Fox News raced to call the U.S. House for Democrats, the real story behind the numbers is a crushing one for U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). She didn’t just watch her majority shrink — she witnessed a foreboding flip of seats in solidly blue districts. Will she have control over the House when it’s all over?… Continue Reading

Dark Days in the U.S. Senate

Written by Laurie Higgins

Every day, “progressives” provide evidence for their unfitness for any positions of leadership, power, or influence. Senate minority leader and master of hyperbole and prevarication Chuck Schumer (D-NY) provides a case in point.  In response to the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court, Schumer made this comment on the U.S. Senate floor:

It will go down as one of the darkest days in the 231-year history of the United States Senate.

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The Worst Time for Congressional Partisanship

Written by David Limbaugh

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi‘s attempted partisan sabotage of the coronavirus relief bill might mark a new low for her. That the bill finally passed doesn’t excuse her reckless gamesmanship.

Republican and Democratic U.S. Senate leaders were close to an agreement when Pelosi parked her partisan broomstick and poured poison into the congressional punchbowl.

“Talking to some Senate GOP sources,” Townhall political editor Guy Benson tweeted. “They seem stunned and angry.… Continue Reading