Posts tagged: Coronavirus

A Freedom Spring After the Dark Winter of Tyranny?

Written by Daniel Horowitz

It’s not just when you’re having fun that time flies. I can’t believe it’s nearly 11 months since my first article noting that locking down and masking children is a crime against humanity divorced from all science. Yet here we are almost a year later, entering a new spring season, with children being forced to mask in school (assuming they are even in school) and being wrongly treated as vectors of spread rather than the future of our country.… Continue Reading

Right for Me but Not for Thee

Written by Robert Knight

If a picture is worth a thousand words, the video of a mask-less Nancy Pelosi caught having her hair done at a shut-down San Francisco salon this past week is worth an entire dictionary.

The Speaker of the House immediately deployed the Marion Barry defense.  When caught on video smoking crack with a hooker in 1990, the former mayor of Washington, D.C. and city councilman at the time exclaimed, “B**** set me up!”… Continue Reading

PODCAST: Democrats Use Pandemic and Riots to Unseat Trump

Pre-pandemic, the economic policies of the Trump administration had the economy soaring, providing the black community with the lowest unemployment rate in history. Then the Chinese Communist government unleashed a horror on the world, which became the crisis for which Democrats longed and are exploiting. In their devilish quest to shepherd befuddled Biden gently into the Oval Office in January, Democrats are desperately trying to keep schools and businesses shut down no matter the cost in unnecessary human suffering.… Continue Reading

Black Lives Matter. Empower Good Cops to Save Them

Written by Daniel Horowitz

The New York Times is breathlessly accusing Minneapolis police of being seven times more likely to shoot black people than white people. What the paper fails to tell you is that black people are 12.1 times more likely to be a victim of a gun homicide in Minneapolis than white people are. So adjusting for that obvious fact, police actually have a higher rate of shooting against white suspects per interaction.

According to the CDC, the black homicide rate was 12.9 times higher than the white homicide rate from 2010 to 2015, and homicide was the leading cause of death for black people under 35.… Continue Reading

Lack of Vote-Integrity Measures Disenfranchises Voters

Written by Laura Hollis

The political impact of the COVID-19 pandemic appears to be as unpredictable as the virus itself, and as potentially monumental as the financial losses it has caused. Although the November election is still almost five months away, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is leading the charge for states to have mandatory mail-in ballots, purportedly in the interests of public safety.

Some people — including the ever-vocal President Donald Trump — view mandatory mail-in voting as a prescription for widespread voter fraud.… Continue Reading

“Are There Silver Linings to This Pandemic?” (Illinois Family Spotlight #200)

Our final Spotlight for May features a recent conversation between Monte Larrick and Pastor Dan Haas of Aurora Community Church. In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Haas wonders what is God’s message to believers in Christ and what is the Church’s task. Dan stresses the opportunity the pandemic presents to re-evaluate and prepare for what ministry could look like inside and outside of the physical church facility in the months to come. He also emphasizes that Governor Pritzker’s “one size fits all” approach to restrictions is flawed and injurious.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: No Emergency Exceptions in The Bill of Rights

Written by David E. Smith

On this edition of Spotlight, the four C’s: Constitution, constitutional rights, churches, and coronavirus share center stage. Our podcast leads off with attorney and constitutional scholar David Shestokas. Monte Larrick and David discuss how Governor J.B. Pritzker has overstepped his authority by issuing coronavirus-related executive orders that masquerade as law.

Additionally, they contemplate the Governor’s true motivation, especially as his actions directly target churches, freedom of religion, and the right to peaceably assemble.… Continue Reading

“The Bill of Rights Has No Emergency Exceptions” (Illinois Family Spotlight #199)

On this edition of Spotlight, the four C’s: Constitution, constitutional rights, churches, and coronavirus share center stage. Our podcast leads off with attorney and constitutional scholar David Shestokas. Monte Larrick and David discuss how Governor J.B. Pritzker has overstepped his authority by issuing coronavirus-related executive orders that masquerade as law. Additionally, they contemplate the Governor’s true motivation, especially as his actions directly target churches, freedom of religion, and the right to peaceably assemble.

Midway through the podcast, Monte and David are joined by Pastor Richard Giovannetti who shares his pastoral perspective on how Illinois’ excessive restrictions are negatively impacting ministry, worship, and fellowship.… Continue Reading

What’s in Your Governor’s Fireplace?

Written by Paul Hurst

People of faith are sensing something is very wrong with our government right now. In Illinois, the newspapers might as well publish Jeremiah Chapter 36 as their front page cover story. After all, his Biblical account sounds like it’s taken directly from today’s headlines.

Pending disaster, dire warnings, arrogant leaders, cowardly representatives, people of faith banned from their place of worship, untrustworthy people turning each other in and an increasingly godless society, tempting God’s wrath every step of the way.… Continue Reading

Greasing the Skids Toward Socialism?

Written by Jerry Newcombe

One fallout of the COVID-19 crisis is its severe thrashing of our economy. Not only have all the impressive economic gains of the Trump administration evaporated, but we are now adding to our national debt in scary ways. I hope that all the bailouts are temporary means to solve a temporary problem.

To use an analogy: One of the saddest things about a midlife crisis is that permanent damage can be done to “solve” what turns out to be only a temporary problem.… Continue Reading