Posts tagged: Kyrsten Sinema

Amendment 1 Proponents Double-Talk on Independent Contractors

Plus how recent (June 30) U.S. Supreme Court Ruling Presents a New Impediment to Proponents

This article continues addressing a ballot measure that Illinois voters must vote on this election cycle.
We urge voters to reject Amendment 1, a constitutional amendment that
would elevate collective bargaining rights in the Illinois Constitution,
allowing government union contracts to override state law.

Written by John Lopez

At the September 29 Amendment 1 virtual editorial endorsement interview hosted by the Daily Herald, two panelists from Shaw Media including Scott Holland participated. … Continue Reading

Amendment 1 Proponents Tip Their Hand to Hidden Agenda in Chicago Tribune

Written by John Lopez

This article continues addressing a ballot measure that Illinois voters must vote on this election cycle.
We urge voters to reject Amendment 1, a constitutional amendment that
would elevate collective bargaining rights in the Illinois Constitution,
allowing government union contracts to override state law.

“Hundreds of trucks sit empty in California this week, exacerbating a supply chain crisis already driving the cost of food and goods for all Americans to new heights. 

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Illinois Attorney General’s Actions Bring Worker Classification to Forefront Labor Day Weekend

Written by John Lopez

This article continues addressing a ballot measure that Illinois voters must vote on this election cycle.
We urge voters to reject Amendment 1, a constitutional amendment that
would elevate collective bargaining rights in the Illinois Constitution,
allowing government union contracts to override state law.

Note from John Lopez:  With developments late Thursday, September 1, with Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul (D) filing a civil suit against Drive Construction for violating Illinois laws, including the Illinois Employee Classification Act, this article will continue discussing Amendment 1’s hidden agenda, while on the surface is collective bargaining, but in reality Worker Classification will be implemented. Continue Reading

U.S. Senate Dems Want to Eliminate the Filibuster

Written by David E. Smith

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) promised that if Republicans filibuster a voting rights bill supported by the entire U.S. Senate Democratic caucus, as they are expected to, he’ll schedule a vote on changes to the rules by January 17.  See report.

On August 24, 2021, Democrat lawmakers in the U.S. House voted 219 to 212 to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act which seeks to federalize elections and take control of voting regulations away from the states. … Continue Reading

Calling on ‘Moderate’ Democrats

Written by David Limbaugh

Everyone knows President Joe Biden ran as a moderate and is governing as a leftist radical, yet we see little evidence of Democrats, including the liberal media, breaking ranks from him. Why?

I’ve previously written about the lack of Democrats’ dissent from their party’s undeniable extremism and have always been met with the response that they don’t dissent because there are no longer any moderate Democrats. Yet when I talk to my Democratic friends, they vehemently deny that they personally are extremists.… Continue Reading

U.S. Senator Manchin and Growing Number of Democrats Express Opposition to Court-Packing

Written by Liberty McArtor

A lot has changed since President Franklin Roosevelt tried to rig the U.S. Supreme Court in 1937, but some things stay the same—like widespread opposition to court-packing among both political parties.

When President Roosevelt tried to increase the number of U.S. Supreme Court justices to advance his New Deal agenda in the late 1930s, his own party was key in stopping him. Despite FDR’s overall popularity, Congress—and the American people—recognized that his court-packing plan was a “bonehead idea,” to use Joe Biden’s term from 1983.… Continue Reading

Let the Democrats Keep Showing Their Hand

Written by David Limbaugh

The Democratic Party’s emerging radical bloc is alarming, but the leftist group’s youthful intemperance could backfire and re-energize Republicans’ 2020 electoral prospects.

Even before all the hanging chads and miraculously divined ballots have been examined in Florida, newly elected leftist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is already engaging in activism in the halls of Congress. On Tuesday morning, the future representative from New York joined a protest organized by the Sunrise Movement outside the offices of Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi to demand immediate action on climate change — as if the dinosaur wing of the Democratic Party weren’t sufficiently extremist on environmental issues.… Continue Reading