Posts tagged: Medicaid

Biden Puts IRS Funding Ahead of Military and Border Security

Written by Stephen Moore

Everyone should be deeply troubled by the recent report that the Army is on pace to miss its recruiting goal by dozens of thousands of troops and by the report that followed a few days later, alleging that the Border Patrol is running short of agents in Arizona and Texas. The border is so porous these days that even mayors of sanctuary cities are starting to complain about illegal immigration.

So, what is Congress doing about these crises?… Continue Reading

How the GOP Has Taken Ownership of Obamacare

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Republicans have not only betrayed their promise to repeal Obamacare, they have made Obamacare popular. They have championed its three core elements while refusing to even make the case against all its vulnerabilities and are now running on preserving it. While we are all focused on the results of November 6, we must gird up for a longer battle that, if not waged and won, will ensure we never have health care freedom in America, because consensus for government-run monopolies is close to fruition.… Continue Reading

Why Christians Should Support Building a Wall – Part I

“Do not do anything that endangers your neighbor’s life. I am the Lord.” ~Leviticus 19:16

Written by Jonathan Clay de Hale

Another murder by an illegal alien fails to rouse the nation

What is it going to take for Americans to overthrow the inertia of their political masters in Washington with regard to keeping illegal aliens out of the country? Apparently, more than the cold-blooded murder of its citizens by foreign trespassers.

In July, Mollie Tibbetts’ mutilated body was found after a month-long search, dumped in a cornfield in Brooklyn, Iowa.… Continue Reading

The Stupidity of the GOP

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Republicans have already given away the farm.

Imagine a teenager goes on a shopping spree with his dad’s credit card one month and unalterably charges the card with hundreds of thousands in expenditures. Then, the next day at the supper table, he passes his dad a note saying he is willing to help balance the family’s budget. You are as foolish as that dad if you are taken in by the GOP’s vote this week on a balanced budget amendment.… Continue Reading

What Does it Mean to Be a Republican?

Written by Lt. Col. Allen B. West

[Over the summer], MSNBC host and former U.S. Congressman from Florida Joe Scarborough said on a late night talk show that he was no longer a Republican. Scarborough admitted that he would be registering as an Independent. This is the same Joe Scarborough who came of age in the constitutional conservative ideological legislative revolution of one Newt Gingrich and his “Contract with America”. Of course, these days there are many folks changing their party affiliations to Independent.… Continue Reading