Written by Daniel Horowitz
For the past decade, I’ve been trying to raise awareness about the harms of the weak-on-crime policies being advocated by both parties. As crime continues to surge, even the most violent career criminals are released on little or no bail, a growing phenomenon that is responsible for most of the violent crimes committed in the country. The insipid mantra of the de-incarceration crowd is that we shouldn’t lock people up for low-level offenses.… Continue Reading
Tags: American Greatness, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Brian Sicknick, Donald J. Trump, J. B. Pritzker, Jessica Watkins, Julie Kelly, Merrick Garland, Oscar Grissett, Susana Ortiz, Timothy McVeigh
Crime Culture, Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
February 25, 2021 7:00 AM |
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Written by Peter Heck
Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris is facing criticism after her remarks comparing the violence at Capitol Hill on Wednesday to the Black Lives Matter riots during the summer.
“We witnessed two systems of justice when we saw one that let extremists storm the United States Capitol, and another that released tear gas on peaceful protesters last summer,” Harris said in comments Wednesday night. “We know this is unacceptable. We know we should be better than this.”
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Written by Robert Knight
It may be Christmastime, but our ruling elites are keeping up their campaign of cultural cleansing.
Not even Honest Abe is safe.
In San Francisco, a committee tasked to rid the school system of now-disgraced public figures at 44 sites says that a high school named after Abraham Lincoln, who freed the slaves and held America together through the Civil War, ought to drop the Great Emancipator.
“Lincoln, like the presidents before him and most after, did not show through policy or rhetoric that Black lives ever mattered to them outside of human capital and as casualties of wealth building,” explained first-grade teacher Jeremiah Jeffries, chairman of the renaming committee.… Continue Reading
Tags: 1619 Project, Abraham Lincoln, African Methodist Episcopal Church, Asbury United Methodist Church, Black Lives Matter, Cultural Marxism, Dan Snyder, Dianne Feinstein, Francis Scott Key, Franklin D. Roosevelt, George Floyd, George Washington, James Garfield, James Monroe, John Muir, Junipero Serra, National Football League, Paul Revere, Proud Boys, Teddy Roosevelt, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Thomas Jefferson, Washington Redskins, William H. Lamar IV, William McKinley
Education, Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
December 21, 2020 7:00 AM |
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Written by Robert Knight
Some progressives are grousing that Joe Biden’s Cabinet choices aren’t sufficiently Marxist. They want Bernie Sanders named as Labor secretary, for instance. The Nation magazine is less critical but also wants more lefties.
You just can’t please some people. The fabricated “Office of the President-Elect” has announced what amounts to a reunion of the Obama administration’s radical crew, and then some.
Take Susan Rice. After the United Nations ambassador was caught lying about the terrorist attack on the American consulate in Benghazi on Sept.… Continue Reading
Tags: Alejandro Mayorkas, Barack Obama, Benghaz, Bernie Sanders, Black Lives Matter, CBS News, Center for American Progress, Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Darren Wilson, David Daleiden, David Horowitz, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, Department of Homeland Security, Economic Policy Institute, George Soros, Health and Human Services, Heather Boushey, Housing and Urban Development, J. Christopher Stevens, Jared Bernstein, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Little Sisters of the Poor, Marcia Fudge, Michael Brown, Nation magazine, Neera Tanden, Planned Parenthood, Sandra Merritt, Susan Rice, The Guardian, The New York Times Magazine, United Nations, Victor Navasky, Xavier Becerra
Federal Issues | David E. Smith |
December 17, 2020 5:00 AM |
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Written by Dr. Jerry Newcomb
Last week we celebrated Thanksgiving, but is this holiday becoming so politically incorrect that one day it will be doomed to be sent down the “memory hole”?
There is a war on American history. Over the Thanksgiving weekend, Antifa and other leftwing groups toppled more historical statues. Tyler O’Neil of PJ Media (11/28/20) describes the extent of this vandalism, which included the spray-painting of anti-Thanksgiving messages and statues torn down in Chicago, Minneapolis, Portland, and Spokane.… Continue Reading
Tags: Abraham Lincoln, Antifa, Billy Falling, Black Lives Matter, Frederick Douglas, George Orwell, George Washington, Golda Meir, Marxism, My Cherokee Roots, Pilgrims, Thanksgiving, Thomas Jefferson, Tyler O’Neil, Ulysses S. Grant, William McKinley
Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
December 4, 2020 7:05 AM |
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Written by Thorin Anderson
Not that long ago, surveys reported that over 90% of Americans claimed to believe in God and to be moderately religious. However, with the ascendency of the Left and the vitriol of the media and academia against Christianity over the last few years, the percentage of Americans identifying with Christianity has dropped significantly. But the Left is no longer content to merely mock Christians. They now openly hate us and seek to silence us.… Continue Reading
Written by Robert Knight
This past month, America’s Progressives showed they will do anything to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. This includes having social media, along with “legacy” media, spike articles by America’s fourth largest newspaper, The New York Post.
But that’s not all. These Marxists are even vowing revenge on Trump supporters if they get back the reins of power.
“When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission,” tweeted Robert Reich, former Labor Department secretary under Bill Clinton and adviser to Barack Obama.… Continue Reading
Tags: ABC News, Adam Schiff, Amy Coney Barrett, Babylon Bee, Barack Obama, Big Tech, Bill Clinton, Black Lives Matter, Center for Antiracist Research, Chris Hayes, Donald J. Trump, Hunter Biden, Ibram X. Kendi, Jack Dorsey, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Maize Hirono, Marxism, Monty Python, MSNBC, National Public Radio, New York Post, Noorie Malik, Open Secrets, Robert Reich, Russian Collusion, Seth Dillon, The New York Post, Twitter, User Operations, Yelp
Federal Elections, Media Watch, Political | David E. Smith |
October 29, 2020 8:00 AM |
Comments Off on The Relentless Revolution
Written by Robert Knight
So, Colin Kaepernick is the current face of American professional sports.
This is the guy widely panned four years ago for his protests during the playing of the National Anthem at National Football League games. Now he’s the bee’s knees.
That’s the picture from a Washington Post poll that says a majority (56 percent) of Americans actually approve of athletes kneeling in protest when the Star-Spangled Banner is played. Only 42 percent of those polled say it’s “not appropriate.”… Continue Reading
Written by Daniel Horowitz
The hallmark of a first-world country is not that violence never occurs within its borders, but that once it does, the damage is mitigated immediately and the perpetrators are punished and future criminals deterred. Yet here we are, over 80 days into this national insurrection by terrorist groups like Back Lives Matter and Antifa, and there is no end in sight.… Continue Reading
Tags: Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Cantwell v. Connecticut, death to America, Donald J. Trump, Insurrection Act, Kenosha, Militia Act of 1792, racketeering, Ulysses Grant, Washington Post, Whiskey Rebellion
Federal Issues | David E. Smith |
September 4, 2020 5:52 AM |
Comments Off on President Trump Should Read Black Lives Matter The Riot Act – And The Insurrection Act
Written by David E. Smith
This week’s IFA Spotlight podcast revisits the recent Black Families Matter rally that was held in south suburban Flossmoor, right next door to the Planned Parenthood abortion center. Latasha Fields delivers a passionate, well-reasoned, and biblically based call for Christian parents to stop advocating for public education and instead take personal responsibility for their children’s instruction. She also addresses the destructive agenda and influence of groups such as Black Lives Matter at School and the New York Times 1619 Project’s K-12 Black History Curriculum in government schools – and their intent to undermine and dismantle the Black nuclear family.… Continue Reading