Posts tagged: Bernie Sanders

Red Birds From The Same Nest

Written by Robert Knight

Bernie Sanders may have missed his chance to finally head the Democratic ticket, but he still holds considerable clout, which is why Joe Biden was busy wooing the Vermont socialist’s supporters this past week. “Senator Sanders and I may disagree on tactics,” he said. “But we share a common vision.”

That’s good to keep in mind as the media try to cover up Mr. Biden’s recent leftward lurches and convert him into a “moderate” to seem less scary in November.… Continue Reading

The Democratic Party: No More Moderates

Written by Walker  Wildmon

With the rise of U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary, I have caught myself calling other Democratic candidates moderates compared to Sanders. The reality is there are no moderates left in the Democratic Party.

The Democratic National Convention published its party platform in 2016 which outlines the party’s position on a wide array of issues.

Multiple times throughout the platform, it is made clear that the murder of a baby should be legal throughout all nine months of pregnancy.… Continue Reading

Mining a Crisis for Political Gold

Written by Robert Knight

“You don’t ever want a crisis to go to waste. It’s an opportunity to do things that you would otherwise avoid.”

So said former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who was President Obama’s chief of staff and an astute practitioner of smashmouth politics.

It’s worth remembering this as the Democrats and their media do everything they can to hype the dangers of the Wuhan coronavirus.  Not that it isn’t deadly serious. It is.… Continue Reading

Let’s Stop Pretending Biden is a Virtuous Man

Written by Peter Heck

There’s a developing tendency on the right when discussing the current presidential race to regard former Vice President Joe Biden as “at least a decent and honest guy.” He isn’t a communist like Bernie, that’s true. And he isn’t a congenital liar who deceives others for profit and power like Warren. Or isn’t he?

That’s the question that I think it’s important for conservatives to answer as we border on making Vice President Biden a palatable choice in the race for president.… Continue Reading

Bernie Sanders and the Company He Keeps

Written by Hugh Fitzgerald

Bernie Sanders has let it be known that he won’t be attending the AIPAC meeting this year because of the “bigotry” displayed by that organization. In fact, he has never attended a meeting of AIPAC, has no real idea of what that organization does, cannot possibly have read their literature, if he thinks there is an ounce of “bigotry” in the works and days of that Samaritan group that has the audacity of hoping to correct misinformation and disinformation about the tiny Jewish state, a state that would like – what an outrageous demand!… Continue Reading

Bernie Sanders on Cuba: “Is That A Bad Thing?”

Written by Hugh Fitzgerald

On 60 Minutes, Anderson Cooper asked Bernie Sanders about his early enthusiasm for Fidel Castro, the late Cuban dictator. Sanders said that he was no longer an enthusiast, but did want us all to remember that Castro had done some good. He praised the literacy program implemented by Castro, asking, “Is that a bad thing?”

No, it’s a not a bad thing. But it hardly makes up for 60 years of dictatorship, suppression of free speech, torture and imprisonment of political prisoners, destruction of much of the economy which for a long time was kept afloat by infusions of cash from the Soviet Union.… Continue Reading

In the Democratic Party, Pro-Abortion Extremism Knows No Bounds

Written by Blake Elliott

It was no surprise to pro-lifers on February 11th when the pro-abortion, Democrat-controlled Colorado House Committee on State, Veterans, and Military Affairs voted to postpone and essentially kill CO HB 1068, which would have provided legal protection for infants born alive after a failed abortion attempt. It just so happens that this occurred on the same day that pro-abortion Democrats were fighting against a similar bill at the federal level at a hearing entitled “The Infant Patient: Ensuring Appropriate Medical Care for Children Born Alive.”… Continue Reading

Pete Buttigieg’s “Different Way” Is Not Biblical Christianity

Written by David Closson

[Last week], six candidates participated in the final Democratic debate before the Iowa caucus. Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg, and Tom Steyer each made their pitch for why they should be their party’s nominee to take on President Donald Trump in the general election.

Buttigieg’s repeated emphasis of his religious background is unique for his party: Democrats have been reluctant to speak about their faith on the campaign trail.… Continue Reading

Democratic Presidential Disarray

Written by David Limbaugh

I’m almost as upset that Democratic presidential candidates are squabbling as I am that Prince Harry and the former Meghan Markle apparently don’t want to live in Los Angeles until President Donald Trump leaves office. Double bummer.

Speaking of doubles, did you know that U.S. Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) have accused each other of lying? How can this be? Progressives don’t lie. With that in mind, one of them must be lying.… Continue Reading

Latest Scandal Reminds Us Who Bernie Sanders Really Is

Written by Peter Heck

Despite the mainstream media blackout (did you really expect anything less from the Democrat Media Complex protecting one of its own?), the bomb dropped on the Bernie Sanders campaign by the conservative investigative journalist group Project Veritas is making its rounds. If you haven’t yet seen or heard:

A Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign field organizer was caught on hidden video making some astounding statements, including defending Stalin’s murderous Soviet gulags, equating Trump voters to Nazis that need to be “re-educated,” saying “cities will burn” if Trump wins re-election, and saying Milwaukee and other cities “will burn” if Sanders does not win the Democratic nomination.

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