Posts tagged: Ted Kennedy

Wait, Wait… David Axelrod is Complaining About The “Nature of our Times”?!

Written by Peter Heck

There were more than a few storylines to track after one of the most intransigent liberals in the history of the U.S. Supreme Court, Stephen Breyer, announced he would be stepping down at the end of this term.

First, the timing of the announcement seemed suspect. Justices have historically waited much later in the term to declare such an intent (Kennedy, Souter, O’Connor). That early timing led to widespread speculation that Breyer likely gave the White House the courtesy of a wary heads-up to avoid them being taken off guard and allow them to give a full and proper vetting of potential replacements.… Continue Reading

Astronauts, Riots, and Pandemics: 2020 vs. 1969

Written by Dr. Paul G. Kengor

In July 1969, three American astronauts landed on the moon. It wasn’t just a great technical triumph. It was a much-needed respite amid social and political chaos.

America was already beset by Vietnam and civil rights struggles. That summer of 1969, things got worse. The nation was shocked by news of a riot after a confrontation between gay rights activists and police outside the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village on June 28.… Continue Reading

Let’s Stop Pretending Biden is a Virtuous Man

Written by Peter Heck

There’s a developing tendency on the right when discussing the current presidential race to regard former Vice President Joe Biden as “at least a decent and honest guy.” He isn’t a communist like Bernie, that’s true. And he isn’t a congenital liar who deceives others for profit and power like Warren. Or isn’t he?

That’s the question that I think it’s important for conservatives to answer as we border on making Vice President Biden a palatable choice in the race for president.… Continue Reading

Operating Above the Law

Written by Robert Knight

“No one is above the law,” U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said when announcing the start of the impeachment process against President Donald J. Trump.

She should have tempered it with: “unless you’re a Democrat.”

For starters, literally hundreds of Democrat-controlled jurisdictions operate as “sanctuary cities,” flouting the law by refusing to cooperate with federal immigration officials.  Nothing ever happens to the Democrat politicians, just the crime victims at the hands of criminal aliens who are released instead of being turned over to immigration enforcement officers.… Continue Reading

Don’t Let Them “Bork” Judge Kavanaugh

Written by Dr. Jerry Newcombe

Soon the U.S. Senate will hold hearings as to whether or not to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. One can only imagine the fireworks to come.

Beware of the Saul Alinsky model of the politics of personal destruction. Saul Alinksy, a Marxist and the father of the community organizers, wrote Rules for Radicals (1971), in which he states, “In a fight almost anything goes. It almost reaches the point where you stop to apologize if a chance blow lands above the belt” (pp.… Continue Reading

Russian Collusion in Democrat Inner Circle?

Written by Karin McQuillan

There has been enthusiastic collusion by the leadership of the Democratic Party with the Russian disinformation campaign to destroy President Donald Trump.  (See “A Brief History of ‘Fake News'” on  The Democrat willingness to collude with Russia to overturn our democratically elected president is unprecedented.  There is the infamous case of Ted Kennedy approaching the Kremlin to help Democrats defeat Reagan, but never before has collusion with our enemies by a non-communist party been sustained and widespread.… Continue Reading

LaHood vs. Flynn in the 18th Congressional District Special Election

Mike Flynn

Written by David E. Smith

Good people who vote are beyond weary of all the lying and hypocrisy that goes on in politics.  I suspect many good folks turn off politics entirely because many of our elected officials have abandoned integrity and will say whatever the voters want to hear during a campaign with no intention of keeping their word.

Mike Flynn — candidate for the vacated Congressional seat in Illinois’ 18th District — is the latest example.… Continue Reading

Cruz Says GOP Candidates Afraid to Talk “Gay” Marriage

Ted Cruz

Taking on the competition in his run for the White House, GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz says that there are many Republican politicians who are scared to jump into the debate over same-sex “marriage” and religious liberty, including some of the candidates he’s running against.

Written by Michael F. Haverluck

While speaking at the Watchman on the Wall three day conference that ended Friday, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz told the crowd of more than 600 in the nation’s capital that he is not afraid to champion their religious freedom. … Continue Reading