Posts tagged: Christianity Today

Someone Please Tell Christianity Today There’s Nothing “Historic” About Heresy

Written by Peter Heck

Last week, what remains of the United Methodist Church voted to reject the authority of God’s Word on matters of human sexuality and publicly affirm and embrace sin as a tenet of their denomination.

There was nothing particularly surprising about the move. In fact, after having chased all of the God-honoring, Christ-worshipping, Bible-submitting believers out of their group, it was completely expected.

Not the Bee reported on their convention/rainbow circus HERE several days ago when it happened.… Continue Reading

Christians Need To Stop Playing Defense And Go On Offense

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

In 2013, author John S. Dickerson wrote about the troubling condition of the American church in his book “The Great Evangelical Recession: 6 Factors That Will Crash the American Church and How to Prepare.”

Mr. Dickerson‘s key premise was that Christian orthodoxy in the United States is in rapid decline. The evidence he presented to support what, at first glance, seems to be a terminal diagnosis is multifaceted.

According to Mr.… Continue Reading

Compromise Isn’t The Great Commission

Written by Peter Heck

It was several years ago that in preparing a speech for an upcoming event, I flipped on the local evening news.

The first story of the night was a double homicide on the city’s northeast side. The second story was that police feared a serial rapist had struck again. The third story involved a string of armed robberies. And then it happened: The anchors turned to the fourth item on their laundry list of bad news, and detailed the removal of the Ten Commandments display at the local courthouse following a legal challenge.… Continue Reading

Pete Buttigieg’s “Different Way” Is Not Biblical Christianity

Written by David Closson

[Last week], six candidates participated in the final Democratic debate before the Iowa caucus. Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg, and Tom Steyer each made their pitch for why they should be their party’s nominee to take on President Donald Trump in the general election.

Buttigieg’s repeated emphasis of his religious background is unique for his party: Democrats have been reluctant to speak about their faith on the campaign trail.… Continue Reading