Posts tagged: Adam Schiff

AIPAC’s Sketchy Endorsement of Democrat Raja Krishnamoorthi Leaves More Troubling Questions Than Answers

Written by Linda Prestia

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a bipartisan, pro-Israel political action lobbying committee, has been endorsing members of Congress for years in a bid to enact specific policies that create a strong, enduring and mutually beneficial relationship with Israel, America’s biggest ally and the only democracy in the Middle East.

AIPAC essentially raises millions of dollars by Jewish and Christian people and groups across the country, who want to see Israel protected.… Continue Reading

NPR’s Lurch to the Left

Written by Robert Knight

For years, those of us in the media have known that National Public Radio could also be called National People’s Radio.

It’s no secret that tax-subsidized NPR has leaned left since its inception in 1970. But the network had some good reporting and used to keep its most radical elements mostly in check.

Public radio even features discussions pitting conservatives against liberals on various issues. I did some of those when I worked as a cultural policy analyst for the Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America.… Continue Reading

Dems And News Media Allies Test The Limits of Denial on Biden Family Corruption

Written by Robert Knight

As the evidence of impeachment-worthy Biden family corruption piles up, so do the absurd defenses mounted by Democrats and their media allies.

The Washington Post, which has not returned its ill-gotten Pulitzer for ginning up the false “Russian collusion” narrative against former President Donald Trump, is charging that the congressional inquiry into the Bidens is merely political gamesmanship.

“Republicans cheapen a vital power of the House,” a Post editorial headline proclaimed Thursday.… Continue Reading

Even High Profile Democrats Claim That Voter Fraud Is A Major Problem

Written by David E. Smith

If you think that voter fraud is a fabricated issue, conjured up by Republicans who were desperate over the 2020 election results, then you need to watch the video at the end of this introduction.


One America News Network’s Pearson Sharp provides us a formidable lineup of Democrat—yes, Democrat—officials who all have sounded the alarm over the vulnerabilities of America’s voting machines. All at various points in time, Democrat politicians such as Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, Amy Klobuchar, Adam Schiff, Ron Wyden, and many other government officials have warned Americans about the threat of hackers and foreign agents meddling in American elections. Continue Reading

Jack Smith’s Jan. 6 Indictments Are an Attack on Political Speech

Written by David Harsanyi

If recklessly lying to voters were a crime, most everyone in D.C. would be serving life in solitary confinement at Supermax. But in a liberal democracy, as frustrating as it often is, political misconduct is settled by voters and elections, not partisan prosecutors or rioters.

Feel free to campaign and vote against Donald Trump if you like. I’m certainly no fan. If Trump wins in 2024, Congress can impeach and remove him if they choose.… Continue Reading

It’s Bizarre When We Rely On Jokesters For Accurate Reporting

Written by Robert Knight

Last Tuesday, a remarkable thing happened.

Under a split screen of photos of President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, a message appeared during a Fox News story about Mr. Trump’s arraignment over documents found in the FBI’s raid on his Florida home. In all caps, it said:


Well, yes. What sounds like The Babylon Bee is exactly what’s happened.… Continue Reading

Exposing Moral Evil And Defrocking Those Who Weaponize The Law

Written by Robert Knight

Here’s a brief quiz. What do all these events have in common?

Special counsel John Durham’s long-awaited report leaves no doubt that Hillary Clinton’s campaign facilitated the Russian collusion hoax “to vilify Donald Trump” during and after the 2016 presidential election cycle. The corrupt FBI leadership validated the scheme, which led to the first Trump impeachment. Democratic U.S. Representative Adam Schiff of California lied over and over to keep the hoax going.… Continue Reading

“Insurrection” vs. Numerous Subversions of the American Left

Written by Trevor Thomas

With U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s release of thousands of hours of Capitol surveillance video footage to Tucker Carlson, and Carlson’s subsequent airing of the footage on his popular FOX News show, it’s more clear now than ever: What the American left did to Trump, on COVID, on crime (especially the ANTIFA/BLM riots), at the border, and the like, was FAR worse than anything that occurred at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.… Continue Reading

The New York Times’ Fake News Has a Russian Accent

Written by Robert Knight

The New York Times has a problem with Russia. And the truth.

For more than three years, the Times pushed the false Trump-Russia collusion story, making the paper an accessory to what amounted to an attempted coup against the 45th president.

For its sordid role, the Times, known as “the Gray Lady,” won a Pulitzer Prize in 2018 for writing on “Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and its connections to the Trump campaign.”… Continue Reading

Corrupt Democrats And Their Fake ‘Justice’

Written by Robert Knight

The wheels of justice sometimes grind very slowly.

Or not at all.

In our current system, it appears that the only thing that matters is which party you belong to.

Corrupt Democrats almost never face punishment for their crimes. It doesn’t matter how glaring the evidence.

IRS official Lois Lerner retired with full benefits after getting caught using the IRS to target conservative groups such as tea parties during the Obama years.… Continue Reading