Category: Federal Issues

El Paso, TX, Again the Focal Point of Southern Border Crisis

By John Lopez

On December 20, Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) sent this communication to President Biden concerning the Southern Border Crisis on the eve of the Winter Solstice.

“With cold temperatures gripping Texas, your inaction to secure the southern border is putting the lives of migrants at risk, particularly in the City of El Paso.  With thousands of men, women, and children illegally crossing into Texas every day, and with the expectation that those numbers will only increase if Title 42 expulsions end, the state is overburdened as we respond to this disaster caused by you and your administration.

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Will The Omnibust Finally Push Conservatives to Rebel Against The GOP?

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Providing assistance for Ukrainians to defeat the Russians
is the number one priority for the United States right now
according to most Republicans. That’s how we see the challenges
confronting the country at the moment.”
 ~Mitch McConnell

Everything that is wrong with this country is embodied in the 4,155-page omnibus bill negotiated by Mitch McConnell and supported by the majority of U.S. Senate Republicans. Like all bills that fleece the American people, it was dropped in a massive cardboard box at 1:23 a.m.… Continue Reading

Federal Appeals Court Rules Favorably for Thousands of Air Force Service Members

Written by Jorge Gomez

This week, a federal appeals court issued a favorable ruling impacting thousands of military service members. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit upheld an injunction protecting U.S. Air Force service members from being punished or involuntarily terminated from the military for requesting religious accommodations to the vaccine mandate. Importantly, this protects First Liberty’s own Senior Counsel Danielle Runyan, a member of the Air Force Reserve, whose religious accommodation request was denied.… Continue Reading

¡No más mentiras! Chicago Media Finally Acknowledging City of El Paso Migrants Busing

Illinois Democrats still blame Republican governors while Biden administration implements new action

Written by John Lopez

No more lies.

Since the first buses arrived in Chicago from southern-border states in late August, both Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker (D) and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) have been publicly critical, even hinting at a criminal investigation into the actions of southern governors, in particular, Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R).  Abbott’s “Operation Lone Star” gained national attention when it started to bus illegal immigrants from the Texas-Mexico border to the self-declared “sanctuary cities” of New York City, then Washington, D.C.… Continue Reading

Who Exactly Are The Marijuana Offenders Biden Just Pardoned?

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Unless you were at the Capitol on January 6, federal prosecutors don’t target you for prison for simply possessing marijuana. In fact, in this era of marijuana as the national pastime, you won’t find anyone originally targeted by prosecutors for nothing more than simple possession serving time in prison. So, when Biden makes a grand announcement that he is pardoning all those convicted of simple possession, you know there is more to it than meets the eye.… Continue Reading

Biden Admin Rule Change & Amendment 1

The Biden administration’s long-awaited Department of Labor rule change for independent contractor classification under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) was made public Tuesday morning.

Labor Secretary Marty Walsh (D, Pro-Labor Unions) stated the following when the rule was announced:

“While independent contractors have an important role in our economy, we have seen in many cases that employers misclassify their employees as independent contractors, particularly among our nation’s most vulnerable workers.

“Misclassification deprives workers of their federal labor protections, including their right to be paid their full, legally earned wages. 

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Asylum Seekers & the City of El Paso

Written by John Lopez

The crisis of the southern border is a major issue in the 2022 elections.  With the high profile programs of Republican governors of Texas, Arizona and Florida to bus asylum seekers to sanctuary cities like Washington, D.C., New York City, Chicago, and Martha’s Vineyard, not a day goes by when another bus with migrants arrive at a sanctuary city from one of the governors.

The left sees the actions of Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) as another way to pin the “MAGA Republican” label, when the governors, particularly Abbott and his “Operation Lone Star”, trying to prevent the asylum seekers from overrunning Texas border cities.… Continue Reading

Newspaper Appeal for Legislative Help and Why Such Appeal Would Fall on Deaf Ears if Amendment 1 Passes

Written by John Lopez

This article continues addressing a ballot measure that Illinois voters must vote on this election cycle.
We urge voters to reject Amendment 1, a constitutional amendment that
would elevate collective bargaining rights in the Illinois Constitution,
allowing government union contracts to override state law.

Here’s a newspaper editorial one does not read everyday, especially from a 190-years-old newspaper like the Star-Ledger, the largest newspaper in the state of New Jersey.

The opening lines tells the story this is not your everyday publication by a major newspaper editorial board:

This editorial is that rare piece that presents an unavoidable conflict of interest for us, since we in the dwindling press corps are not the observers this time; we are one of the players.

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Amendment 1 Proponents Double-Talk on Independent Contractors

Plus how recent (June 30) U.S. Supreme Court Ruling Presents a New Impediment to Proponents

This article continues addressing a ballot measure that Illinois voters must vote on this election cycle.
We urge voters to reject Amendment 1, a constitutional amendment that
would elevate collective bargaining rights in the Illinois Constitution,
allowing government union contracts to override state law.

Written by John Lopez

At the September 29 Amendment 1 virtual editorial endorsement interview hosted by the Daily Herald, two panelists from Shaw Media including Scott Holland participated. … Continue Reading

Worker Classification, Amendment 1 and the Biden Administration Rule Change to the Fair Labor Standards Act Administration

Written by John Lopez

This article continues addressing a ballot measure that Illinois voters must vote on this election cycle.
We urge voters to reject Amendment 1, a constitutional amendment that
would elevate collective bargaining rights in the Illinois Constitution,
allowing government union contracts to override state law.

“What if I told you there was a way you could earn real money without being scammed and without a tie…I’m talking about the gig economy…ride shares, food delivery…”

— Johnny Lawrence learning about the gig economy, Cobra Kai, “Downward Spiral”, Sony Pictures Television Studios, Netflix, 9/9/22

As shared recently on Illinois Family Action, the forced unionization of 1099 independent contractors is the hidden agenda now openly public for the proponent of Amendment 1.… Continue Reading