Written by Robert Knight
You know it’s getting thick when even U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) says Facebook and other social media are too censorious.
First, she took the mandatory shot at Donald Trump. “I’m glad that he’s not on Facebook,” the Massachusetts Democrat said of the ban on the former president upheld on May 5 by a Facebook appeals board. “I think that he poses a real danger.”
She went on: “But I don’t think that Facebook ought to have this kind of power.… Continue Reading
Tags: Adam Smith, Amy Klobucher, Apple, Big Media, Big Tech, Bust Up Big Tech Act, CCP, COVID–19, Donald Trump, Elizabeth Warren, Facebook, Google, James Freeman, Josh Hawley, Kelly Loeffler, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Mark Zuckerberg, Marsha Blackburn, Mike Braun, New York Times, Nicholas Wade, Online Freedom and Viewpoint Diversity Act, Parler.com, Prager U, Robert A. J. Gagnon, Robert Epstein, Roger Wicker, Section 230 Immunity, Teddy Roosevelt, Tom Cotton, Tucker Carlson, Twitter, Vimeo, Wall Street Journal, World Health Organization, YouTube
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
May 17, 2021 8:00 AM |
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Written by Robert Knight
Given the level of insanity erupting at all levels in America, it wasn’t really a shock when the huge, multinational corporation Unilever announced in early March that it was pulling the word “normal” from at least half of its products.
No more soap for “normal skin care,” or shampoo for “normal hair.” It’s offensive.
A global study by Unilever found that the word “normal” made 56 percent of the respondents feel excluded and that 70 percent felt that using the word on packaging has a negative impact on people.… Continue Reading
Tags: Anita Hill, Aristocats, Aviance, Axe, Ben & Jerry’s, Big Brother, Breyers, Bruce Tinsley, Brut, Clarence Thomas, Continental, Disney-Plus, Dove, Dr. Seuss, Drag Queen Story Hour, Dumbo, Gannett newspaper chain, Gina Carano, Hellmann’s, Jason L. Riley, Joe Biden, Knorr and Pure Leaf Tea. Also, Lifebuoy, Lipton, Loudoun County School Board, Mallard Fillmore, Marxism, Michael Pack, Ministry of Trut, Ministry of Truth, Newspeak, Orwellian times, Peter Pan, Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden, Read Across America Day, Star Wars, Swiss Family Robinson, The Jungle Book, The Lady and the Tramp, The Mandalorian, The Washington Times, Theodor Seuss Geisel, Unilever, Wall Street Journal
LGBTQ Agenda | David E. Smith |
March 15, 2021 4:00 AM |
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Written by Robert Knight
OK, with the “unity” and “healing” rhetoric behind us as we enter the Biden/Harris years, backed by 25,000 troops, we can get back to the business at hand.
That would be the left’s all-out war on free speech, American heritage, limited government, economic freedom, biological truth and Judeo-Christian morality.
After Mr. Biden’s soothing words, his administration took a scorched-earth approach on its very first day. He signed executive orders reversing many positive Trump policies, including controlling the border, achieving energy independence, limiting travel from terror-prone nations, protecting unborn children, keeping biological males out of females’ bathrooms, locker rooms and sports, and assembling the 1776 Commission, which was countering lies about America spread by the malign 1619 Project.… Continue Reading
Tags: 1619 Project, 1776 Commission, American College of Pediatricians, American Family Association, Barack Obama, Big Tech, border control, Center for Family, Church Militant/St. Michael’s Media, Donald J. Trump, energy independenc, Joe Biden, Josh Hawley, Kamala Harris, Liberty Counsel, New York Times, Nicholas Kristof, Pacific Justice Institute, Parler, Planned Parenthood, Pornhub, Rachel Levine, Regnery Publishing, Ruth Institute, Simon & Schuster, Southern Poverty Law Center, Thomas Spence, Wall Street Journal, Xavier Becerra
Political | David E. Smith |
January 29, 2021 7:00 AM |
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Written by Robert Knight
If a picture is worth a thousand words, the video of a mask-less Nancy Pelosi caught having her hair done at a shut-down San Francisco salon this past week is worth an entire dictionary.
The Speaker of the House immediately deployed the Marion Barry defense. When caught on video smoking crack with a hooker in 1990, the former mayor of Washington, D.C. and city councilman at the time exclaimed, “B**** set me up!”… Continue Reading
Tags: Andrew Cuomo, Antifa, Bill Clinton, BLM, Coronavirus, COVID19, Democrat cities, Democratic National Convention, Dennis Hastert, Erica Kious, Hair salon, hypocrisy, Jeffrey Epstein, Jerry Falwell, Jim Kenney, Joe Biden, John Edwards, John F. Kennedy, Lori Lightfoot, Marion Barry, mask, masks, Nancy Pelosi, New York Times, President Trump, Robert Knight, San Francisco, Trump Virus, Tucker Carlson, Wall Street Journal
Political | Benjamin D. Smith |
September 12, 2020 4:00 AM |
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Written by Daniel Horowitz
Some localities are now threatening jail time for people who do not wear masks under the unproven science of stopping the spread of SARS-CoV-2. The contorted irony is that this same virus is being used as a pretext to release criminals from jails and prisons to stop an epidemic in confined areas. Well, it turns out there is a lower death rate from COVID-19 in jails than in the general population. Consequently, the coronavirus bloodbath in jails and prisons has not materialized, but the spike in crime from prisoners’ release certainly has.… Continue Reading
Tags: bail, COVID–19, Daniel Horowitz, Maryland Public Policy Institute, Noel Gallo, Sean Kennedy, violent crime, Wall Street Journal, Washington Times
Crime Culture, Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
July 31, 2020 7:00 AM |
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Written by Robert Knight
What would we do without virtue signalers instructing us about how hopelessly racist America is?
They’ve been out in force even more than usual since the tragic death of George Floyd and the riots that followed. It’s hard to escape their false narrative, peddled by CNN, the major networks, every major newspaper and most politicians.
They say America has made little or no racial progress in the last 60 years, that the police are all wannabe Bull Connors, that income inequality is enforced by “institutional racism,” and that “America is a failed social experiment,” as Harvard professor Cornel West says.… Continue Reading
Tags: CNN, Colin Kaepernick, Cornel West, David Dorn, David Patrick Underwood, Donald Trump, Drew Brees, Eric Garcetti, George Floyd, Heather Mac Donald, Legos, New York Times, Racism, Rodney King, Sally Jenkins, The 1619 Project, The Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Weather Channel
Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
June 11, 2020 7:00 AM |
Comments Off on How to Cultivate Racism and Hate in America
Written by Robert Knight
Two theories are circulating about the origin of the COVID-19 coronavirus.
The media are still selling the idea that it probably arose from an infected bat at an outdoor live animal food market in Wuhan. That’s also the Chinese Communist Party’s line.
The media don’t want people thinking that communist researchers at the Wuhan Virology Institute’s BSL-4 lab might have been directly responsible.
However, a plausible scenario is that the virus was, indeed, cooked up in the lab.… Continue Reading
Tags: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Anand Giridharadas, Ayanna Pressley, Bernie Sanders, Chinese Communist Party, Clare Lopez, Coronavirus, COVID–19, Democrat Party, Facebook, Green New Deal, impeachment, Joe Biden, Mark Zuckerberg, Nancy Pelosi, Wall Street Journal, World Health Organization, Wuhan Virology Institute
Federal Issues | David E. Smith |
April 29, 2020 8:00 AM |
Comments Off on Cooking Up a Viral Moment
Written by Robert Knight
“No one is above the law,” U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said when announcing the start of the impeachment process against President Donald J. Trump.
She should have tempered it with: “unless you’re a Democrat.”
For starters, literally hundreds of Democrat-controlled jurisdictions operate as “sanctuary cities,” flouting the law by refusing to cooperate with federal immigration officials. Nothing ever happens to the Democrat politicians, just the crime victims at the hands of criminal aliens who are released instead of being turned over to immigration enforcement officers.… Continue Reading
Tags: Adam Schiff, Andriy Derkach, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Burisma Holdings, Clinton Foundation, Defense of Marriage Act, Democratic Party, Dmitry Medvedev, Donald J. Trump, Eric H. Holder, Fast And Furious, Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden, impeachment, Joe Biden, Marc Elrich, Mary Jo Kopechne, Nancy Pelosi, Petro Poroshenko, Ronald Reagan, Russiagate, Russian Collusion, Susan Rice, Ted Kennedy, Ukraine, Uranium One, Viktor Shokin, Wall Street Journal
Federal Issues | David E. Smith |
November 20, 2019 8:00 AM |
Comments Off on Operating Above the Law
Written by Ken Blackwell
Looking over the frenzied political landscape in America today — one marred by constant clashes between right and left — a single issue rises above the rest. In many areas of public life, conservatives — their words, views and values — are under assault. Ultra-left, radical activists methodically expunge conservative speech and conservative ideas from public discourse.
This threat to the First Amendment and to the sharing of viewpoints held by roughly half of all Americans is taking many forms.… Continue Reading
Tags: Andy Ngo, Antifa, Campus Reform, Facebook, First Amendment, Harmeet Dhillon, Instagram, Publius Lex, Quillette, Speech First, TechWatch, The College Fix, The Media Research Center, Twitter, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, University of Michigan, University of Texas-Austin, Wall Street Journal
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
July 25, 2019 4:00 AM |
Comments Off on Attacks on Conservative Speech Take Many Forms
Written by Patrick Buchanan
After reading an especially radical platform agreed upon by the British Labor Party, one Tory wag described it as “the longest suicide note in history.”
The phrase comes to mind on reading of the resolution calling for a Green New Deal, advanced by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and endorsed by at least five of the major Democratic candidates for president.
The Green New Deal is designed to recall the halcyon days of the 1930s, when, so the story goes, FDR came to Washington to enact the historic reforms that rescued America from the Great Depression.… Continue Reading
Tags: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, FDR, Great Society, Green New Deal, Kamala Harris, Kimberley Strassel, Kirsten Gillibrand, Nancy Pelosi, Patrick Buchanan, Wall Street Journal
Climate Change | David E. Smith |
February 12, 2019 8:00 AM |
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