Posts tagged: President Trump

SPOTLIGHT: The Status of Religious Liberty

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this episode, Illinois Family Spotlight features remarks and insights made by the honorable Sam Brownback that took place during an IFI Forum on religious liberty.

Sam Brownback served as governor of Kansas, represented the people of Kansas in the U.S. House & Senate during President Trump’s administration, served as the U.S. Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, and is currently the chairman for the National Committee for Religious Freedom.… Continue Reading

Right for Me but Not for Thee

Written by Robert Knight

If a picture is worth a thousand words, the video of a mask-less Nancy Pelosi caught having her hair done at a shut-down San Francisco salon this past week is worth an entire dictionary.

The Speaker of the House immediately deployed the Marion Barry defense.  When caught on video smoking crack with a hooker in 1990, the former mayor of Washington, D.C. and city councilman at the time exclaimed, “B**** set me up!”… Continue Reading

PODCAST: Bitter, Shortsighted Never-Trumpers Harming America

Those who refuse to vote for President Trump because they find his tweets and temperament off-putting are small-minded, myopic, self-indulgent traitors to America. They are indulging their antipathy for Trump and their personal vindictiveness at the expense of America’s future.

There is a loathsome campaign afoot by Never-Trumpers/RINOs/Establishment Republicans (aka the D.C. swamp) to bequeath to the next generation a country of far more oppression, far less liberty, far greater educational indoctrination, a darker economic future, and more threats domestic and foreign.… Continue Reading

PODCAST: President Trump’s Mt. Rushmore Speech & the Left’s Unhinged Response

The juvenile, unhinged, and dishonest responses to President Trump’s magnificent Mt. Rushmore speech on July 3, 2020 reveal exactly what patriots are up against. President Trump began his speech by reminding all who call America home of the reason for the existence of the monument at Mt. Rushmore, the reason why America is unique among nations, and the reason so many still want to call America home:…

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PODCAST: President Trump's Mt. Rushmore Speech & the Left's Unhinged Response
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“BOLD As A Lion” (Illinois Family Spotlight #179)

IFI and IFA’s executive director David Smith’s speech at the annual IFI Fall banquet is presented on this spotlight. During this “Bold as a Lion” themed banquet, Dave talked about Christians needing to be bolder in the public square in the face of increasing pressure from the radical left. He also gave his opinion of Trump’s presidency to date, the seemingly insurmountable odds against pro-family advocates, an encouragement from scripture, a vision for the future of the Illinois Family organizations, and a little pep-talk towards the end.… Continue Reading

CNN Takes the Bait on Diversity

Written by Brian C. Joondeph

CNN, famous for fake news, focuses their 24-7 news cycle on anything damaging to President Trump, even if they have to provoke it or make it up. Their low television ratings reflect the lack of public interest in their incessant Trump bashing. In late June, “In primetime, CNN lost to HGTV, Investigation Discovery, the History Channel, the Discovery Channel, and the Food Network.”

When CNN is not Trump bashing, they are virtue signaling to fellow leftists.

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Trump is More Popular Than Obama and it’s Driving the Fake Newsers Nuts

Written by Autumn Price Johnson

President Trump’s popularity is soaring among voters in spite of round-the-clock attacks from CNN’s Jim Acosta and others in the Fake News industry.

“When they see the anger from the media – the seething rage against this president, it drives people to the president’s corner,” Republican National Committee spokesperson Kaley McEnany said on the Todd Starnes Radio Show.

McEnany cited a new Rasmussen poll showing President Trump has a current approval rating of 48%, while former President Barack Obama had an approval rating of 46% at the same point in his presidency.… Continue Reading

“HB 40 is Having a Deadly Impact on Illinois” (Illinois Family Spotlight #105)

On a busy intersection on a bright summer day, Monte Larrick spoke with Eric Schiedler, the President of the Pro-Life Action League at the 19th annual Face the Truth Tour.

This edition of Spotlight features their conversation which touches on President Trump‘s SCOTUS nominee; how graphic images displayed at the Truth Tour debunk popular liberal talking points on abortion; possible Supreme Court debates on the Illinois’ “bubble zone” law; troubling news about the effects of the implementation of HB 40 (taxpayer funding of abortion); and how HB 40 will affect Illinois abortion law if SCOTUS overturns Roe v.Continue Reading

The Racist Left

Written by E.W. Jackson

Leftist ideologues live in an alternate universe, a product of their hallucinations of an America that does not exist except in their own demented thinking.

The latest manifestation of this delusional perception is Eugene Robinson‘s opinion piece in the Washington Post on July 5.  Here is some of what he said:

Racism is a feature of the Trump administration, not a bug[.] …

We have not seen such overt racism from a president since Woodrow Wilson imposed Jim Crow segregation in Washington and approvingly showed “The Birth of a Nation,” director D.W.

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The Left is Always Wrong: Election Meddling Edition

Written by Tom Trinko

Twelve Russians have been indicted for hacking the DNC and releasing DNC emails showing that the DNC had violated its own rules and worked against Bernie and for Hillary in the primaries.

Leftists are talking about the Russians meddling in the U.S. election as a result.  The problem is that while hacking the DNC is illegal and the Russians should be prosecuted, how can telling the voters that the DNC conspired against Bernie be considered “meddling” in our election?… Continue Reading