Posts tagged: U.S. Supreme Court

Turning America Into a 3rd World Country

Written by Robert Knight

Another day, another vote-buying scheme from the Biden regime.

[Last] week, President Biden announced $7.7 billion in bailouts to 160,000 more people who owe money on their student loans. Never mind that the U.S. Supreme Court said he had no authority to shift the burden to taxpayers. Under this regime, the U.S. Constitution is Silly Putty.

Expecting people to repay loans for which they agreed to the terms is what Democrats might call “a threat to democracy.”… Continue Reading

LGBTQ Movement Working to Transform Society in its Own Image

Written by Robert Knight

Some things are wrong regardless of intent or a claimed level of authority. If laws conflict with the ultimate authority — God — they are invalid, as the great British legal scholar Blackstone (and later, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.) observed.

In most situations, parents have the God-given right to direct their children’s upbringing. But there are limits to that authority, such as evidence of child abuse.

Exhibit A is the lawsuit by parents, doctors and lawyers who are trying to get the U.S.… Continue Reading

Democrats’ Lawlessness Knows No Bounds

Written by Robert Knight

Lawlessness comes in many forms.

It’s millions of aliens crossing the U.S. border illegally. It is murders, rapes and drug smuggling by ruthless gangs that are exploiting a White House that is intent on creating a new electorate regardless of the cost to Americans.

It’s misusing the law ruthlessly against political opponents, such as a former president of the United States and his former aides.

It is turning security agencies like the FBI, the CIA and the National Security Agency into partisan, one-party enforcers and pressuring media and social media to suppress dissent.… Continue Reading

Downgrading the Right to Life

Written by David E. Smith 

In our day of weaponized government and intolerance for honest speech, it isn’t difficult to imagine a scenario where politicians would willingly relegate our individual freedoms – guaranteed to us in the U.S. Constitution – to the voters in the states to decide what levels of liberty – and restrictions of those liberties – they would allow going forward.

For those of us in blue states, it isn’t a stretch to imagine how this would play out for the Second Amendment.… Continue Reading

SCOTUS Waffles on Abortion Drugs

Written by Daniel Horowitz

During his 2005 confirmation hearings, Chief Justice John Roberts compared the role of the U.S. Supreme Court to that of an umpire calling balls and strikes. But what happens when the umpire allows one team more at-bats than the other? Once again, the much-vaunted conservative U.S. Supreme Court is a one-way ratchet for left-wing litigation. Some things never change.

When Donald Trump was president, not a single major administrative policy went unchallenged by the officiously litigious left-wing legal movement.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: A Pro-Life Update from Attorney Peter Breen

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this episode, Spotlight is featuring remarks made by former state representative Peter Breen at the 2024 Speakout Illinois Pro-Life Conference.

Peter Breen is the executive vice-president and is the head of litigation for the Thomas More Society, which is a non-profit, public-interest law firm that champions the causes of life, family, and freedom.

In his speech, Peter Breen remarks on the 2022 U.S. Supreme Court decision, which overturned Roe v.… Continue Reading

SCOTUS Must Weigh in on Unprecedented Political Persecution

Written by Robert Knight

In the name of “saving democracy,” a former presidential aide is now in a federal prison in Miami.

Former Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro was sentenced to four months for ignoring a congressional subpoena ordering him to appear before the U.S. House Jan. 6 Select Committee.

That’s the kangaroo court that permitted no pro-Trump witnesses or pro-Trump committee members, and staged a Stalinist-style show trial that outranks the most disgraceful congressional abuses of power ever seen.… Continue Reading

Abortion Is a Winning Issue for Republicans

Written by Star Parker

The visit by Vice President Kamala Harris to a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in St. Paul, the first ever visit by a president or vice president to an abortion clinic, is getting the considerable attention it deserves.

When America’s vice president visits and pays homage to the nation’s largest abortion provider, it’s news. And what she said there is also news.

Harris predictably distorted truth and reality, pitching the boilerplate left-wing headline calling the destruction of our unborn health care.… Continue Reading

What Too Many Republicans Get Wrong About The U.S. Constitution

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Every Republican seems to agree that our country has been taken over by a post-constitutional junta that usurps power to achieve its insidious objectives rather than follows the rule of law. But when it comes to redressing those usurpations with the only tool James Madison gave us — federalism — our elected officials too often shirk their responsibilities. Worse, they declare that the egregious usurpations are, in fact, the law of the land.… Continue Reading

SCOTUS Takes Action on Several Religious Freedom Cases

Written by Kassie Dulin

This week, the U.S. Supreme Court released an order list taking action on several cases we’ve been watching.

Most notably, the Court declined to review Missouri Department of Corrections vs. Finney. Justice Samuel Alito issued a five-page statement about the Court’s denial. This includes a direct reference to First Liberty’s Supreme Court victory in Carson v. Makin.

In this case, multiple conservative Christians were excluded from a jury in an employment discrimination case brought by a lesbian plaintiff.… Continue Reading