Posts tagged: Donald J. Trump

The Blue-Collar Boomer That Won’t Bow

Written by Terrell Clemmons

Sebastian Gorka Explains the Electoral Phenomenon of Donald J. Trump

J.D. Vance was born in 1984 in Middletown, Ohio, where his grandparents had moved two generations prior and found gainful employment with the American Rolling Mill Company, commonly called Armco Steel. Decent wages enabled them work their way toward a comfortable life, one very different, materially, from the dirt-poor subsistence they’d left in the hills of Jackson, Kentucky. In Middletown, people could make ends meet, raise a family, and still have a little extra to spend come Christmas time.… Continue Reading

Adam Schiff’s Avalanche of Accolades

Written by Brent Bozell III

Our media elites arrogantly lecture about our democracy being undermined by robotic propaganda, but do they ever listen to themselves talk about the Democrats? Somehow, they think their robotic propaganda is just the “truth.” The press came to witness the Senate impeachment trial, and U.S. Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) had them at hello.

No member of Congress has been more dramatically partisan in this war on the Trump presidency than Schiff. … Continue Reading

The Constitution and Rule of Law – When It Suits Them

Written by Robert Knight

Upon delivering two articles of impeachment to the U.S. Senate on Wednesday, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared that Mr. Trump was guilty of “an assault on the Constitution of the United States.”

Wow. That was some phone call he made to Ukraine’s president. Who knew that, if unaddressed, it would unravel the nation’s founding document?

In any case, Mrs. Pelosi’s newfound, if selective, respect for the U.S. Constitution is refreshing.

In 2010, when asked what part of the U.S.… Continue Reading

If You Value Human Life, You Must Vote For Donald Trump

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

In this election season, one thing becomes more evident every day. If you value human life, you have no choice but to vote for Donald Trump.

“How can you say that,” you shout. “How can anyone claim that only one man or one party stands for human life and the dignity of the human being?

There is a one-word answer: Abortion.

Oh, I can hear the chorus of malcontents. “You conservatives are so myopic.… Continue Reading

Operating Above the Law

Written by Robert Knight

“No one is above the law,” U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said when announcing the start of the impeachment process against President Donald J. Trump.

She should have tempered it with: “unless you’re a Democrat.”

For starters, literally hundreds of Democrat-controlled jurisdictions operate as “sanctuary cities,” flouting the law by refusing to cooperate with federal immigration officials.  Nothing ever happens to the Democrat politicians, just the crime victims at the hands of criminal aliens who are released instead of being turned over to immigration enforcement officers.… Continue Reading

CNN Seems Blissfully Unaware That They Are a Punchline

Written by Peter Heck

Feverishly covering the story that noted left-leaning, pro-LGBT news anchor Shepard Smith had abruptly left Fox News after 23 years, CNN’s “senior media reporter” Oliver Darcy expressed his stoic concern about what this meant for the future at Fox:

First of all, I understand the potshot at Fox. Darcy is attempting to sustain a career at a supposed news network that, far from being Fox’s rival, is struggling to even compete with the ratings of Hallmark Channel, Investigation Discovery, and TLC in primetime.… Continue Reading

Trump Moves to Protect Taxpayers From Immigrant Medical Bills. How About Border?

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Here’s a novel question: We are all struggling with a cumbersome and expensive health care industry, trying to find ways to fix a broken system for Americans. Why on earth would we invite the rest of the world to access our system for free?

That was essentially the question pro-sovereignty figures in the Trump administration asked before they pushed for the new rule announced Friday to bar admission of those immigrants who show up at our hospitals without insurance or any way to pay out of pocket.… Continue Reading

If Only We Could Impeach the Left-Wing Media

Written by Trevor Thomas

In order to remove the U.S. president, the vice president, federal judges, and other federal officials from office, Article I, Section II of the U.S. Constitution gives the U.S. House of Representatives “the sole Power of Impeachment.”  Article I, Section III gives the U.S. Senate “the sole Power to try all Impeachments.”  In the history of the United States, the U.S. House has initiated impeachment proceedings dozens of times; however, only 19 individuals have faced actual Articles of Impeachment.… Continue Reading

Why Trump Is Gaining Conservative Christian Supporters

Written by Dr. Michael L. Brown

A recent editorial in the New York Times confirms the results of my own online polling. President Trump appears to be gaining more conservative Christian voters than he is losing.

Writing for the Times on October 5, Jeremy W. Peters compiles an impressive list of former Never Trumpers who are now firmly in his camp. And quite a few of those on his list would identify as conservative religious voters.… Continue Reading

Democrats’ Excessiveness Will Backfire

Written by David Limbaugh

How many times do Democrats get to cry wolf before a rational body politic tells them to go fly a kite? Instead of retreating with tails between their legs over their failed Russia hoax, they’re at it again.

Did any Democrats leading the false charge that President Donald J. Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election ever apologize for putting the country through this nightmare? Did any of their media water carriers ever backpedal from their anti-Trump sensationalism?… Continue Reading