Posts tagged: Laura Ingraham

Connecting the Dots of Mass Shootings

Written by Ronald Kessler

The failure to stop the 9/11 terrorist plot was blamed in large part on a failure to connect the intelligence dots.

Now a similar failure is preventing the country from recognizing what is behind the massive increase in mass shootings: the increasing legalization and potency of marijuana.

The connection should be obvious. A new study backed by the National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates that 30% of schizophrenia cases in men aged 21 to 30 are linked to cannabis addiction.… Continue Reading

Jake Tapper and Chuck Todd Prove (Again) Why Media Trust is So Low

Written by Peter Heck

When Gallup released the results of their recent Coronavirus crisis trust poll, I can’t help but think there were several jaws that hit the floor in America’s newsrooms. Having asked the American people whether they approved or disapproved of the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic by a host of various leaders and institutions, there was only one that found more disapproval than approval, on average.

President Trump? No, by a wide 22 points, Americans approved of his leadership.… Continue Reading

CNN Seems Blissfully Unaware That They Are a Punchline

Written by Peter Heck

Feverishly covering the story that noted left-leaning, pro-LGBT news anchor Shepard Smith had abruptly left Fox News after 23 years, CNN’s “senior media reporter” Oliver Darcy expressed his stoic concern about what this meant for the future at Fox:

First of all, I understand the potshot at Fox. Darcy is attempting to sustain a career at a supposed news network that, far from being Fox’s rival, is struggling to even compete with the ratings of Hallmark Channel, Investigation Discovery, and TLC in primetime.… Continue Reading

Surrendering to SPLC’s Lazy Media Lemmings

Written by Michelle Malkin

ACT for America, a nationwide grassroots group that educates the public about radical Islam, was founded in 2007 by my vigilant activist friend and Lebanese Christian immigrant journalist Brigitte Gabriel. I was honored to accept Gabriel’s invitation to speak at her organization’s annual banquet at Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, on Nov. 7.

Gabriel has worked tirelessly to expose the Islamic imperialist agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic state; barbaric practices of female genital mutilation and honor killings by adherents of sharia; and the whitewashing of violent jihad in American middle school textbooks.

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Release the Names

Written by Rob Chambers

The Congressional swamp has surrounded itself with a legal apparatus known as the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995. This law was designed to protect sex offenders in the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, and other federal agencies from public scrutiny. Congress has also been funding a U.S. Treasury account to pay claims for congressional acts of sexual harassment and other discrimination claims.

Until recently, the political establishment on both sides of the aisle kept the morally problematic aspects of the law from the public.… Continue Reading

Why So Much Hatred Against Christians in America Today?

By Dr. Michael Brown

On Sunday, the day of the church massacre, cultural commentator David French tweeted, “The amount of anti-Christian hate on Twitter the same day Christians were massacred is stunning and chilling.”

If ever there was a time when we might have expected sympathy for Christians, or at least restraint in attacking them, the opposite proved true far too many times. Why?

On Fox News, Laura Ingraham noted that some of the reactions to the shooting pointed to “elite hostility to people of faith,” stating that “hostility to faith infects the popular culture.”… Continue Reading