Posts tagged: Donald J. Trump

Greasing the Skids Toward Socialism?

Written by Jerry Newcombe

One fallout of the COVID-19 crisis is its severe thrashing of our economy. Not only have all the impressive economic gains of the Trump administration evaporated, but we are now adding to our national debt in scary ways. I hope that all the bailouts are temporary means to solve a temporary problem.

To use an analogy: One of the saddest things about a midlife crisis is that permanent damage can be done to “solve” what turns out to be only a temporary problem.… Continue Reading

The Communists Lied and the People Died

Written by Jerry Newcombe

Worldviews have consequences. The pandemic that grips the whole world is symptomatic of the deadly grip that the ungodly leadership in China holds over a wide populous (including tens of millions of Chinese Christians).

The coronavirus did not just come out of nowhere. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) claims that it came out of the wet markets of Wuhan, a city of about 11 million people. But there is evidence that it may have originated in a biolab, the Wuhan Institute of Virology.… Continue Reading

Why Everyone Who Hates Donald Trump Should Become a Political Conservative

… Or At Least Consider the Prospect and Benefits Thereof

Written by Terrell Clemmons

Earlier this month, David Frum spilled his spleen in a lengthy harangue at The Atlantic titled, This Is Trump’s Fault. Against the backdrop of the coronavirus outbreak, the author of the upcoming Trumpocalypse: Restoring American Democracy, spent more than 5,000 words (that would be about a ten-page, single-spaced Word document, by the way) taking the president to task in hyperbolic, over-the-top, no-holds-barred terms.… Continue Reading

Jake Tapper and Chuck Todd Prove (Again) Why Media Trust is So Low

Written by Peter Heck

When Gallup released the results of their recent Coronavirus crisis trust poll, I can’t help but think there were several jaws that hit the floor in America’s newsrooms. Having asked the American people whether they approved or disapproved of the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic by a host of various leaders and institutions, there was only one that found more disapproval than approval, on average.

President Trump? No, by a wide 22 points, Americans approved of his leadership.… Continue Reading

The “Trump is a Dictator” Crowd is Angry Trump…Isn’t Acting Like a Dictator

Written by Peter Heck

It has become nearly impossible to take the New York Times seriously. Even those who appreciate the Times regularly quote it not because of its accuracy or insight, but because it’s taking a caustic (and usually careless) swipe at a president that they hate. That’s not a great look for the country’s “newspaper of record.”

The most recent demonstration of their embarrassing current state of affairs has to be education policy reporter Erica L.Continue Reading

Let’s Stop Pretending Biden is a Virtuous Man

Written by Peter Heck

There’s a developing tendency on the right when discussing the current presidential race to regard former Vice President Joe Biden as “at least a decent and honest guy.” He isn’t a communist like Bernie, that’s true. And he isn’t a congenital liar who deceives others for profit and power like Warren. Or isn’t he?

That’s the question that I think it’s important for conservatives to answer as we border on making Vice President Biden a palatable choice in the race for president.… Continue Reading

14th Congressional District Endorsement: James Marter

Written by David E. Smith

There are seven candidates running for the Republican nomination in Illinois’ 14th Congressional District during this month’s Primary Election. The winner of this contest will face off against freshman Congresswoman Lauren Underwood in the General Election on November 2nd. This district has been historically red and supported Donald J. Trump in 2016 by a wide margin. Many pundits believe that Underwood’s election in 2018 was made possible by the Trump backlash.… Continue Reading

Ranked-Choice Voting: Is It a Good Choice for Illinois?

Written by Jane Ryan Carrell

A September 2019 article in The Atlantic describing a new way of voting for candidates bears the headings “A step toward blowing up the presidential-voting system” and “Maine’s adoption of ranked-choice voting could upend a close race for the White House.”

What is Ranked-Choice Voting, who is adopting it, and should Illinois adopt it? What are the positives and negatives, and how might it affect the 2020 presidential race?

Under Ranked-Choice Voting, sometimes abbreviated here as RCV, the voter lists candidates in order of preference.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: “If you Compromise on Life, It’s Easy to Compromise on Anything Else” says Rev. Graham

Written by David E. Smith

Prior to last fall’s IFI Faith, Family, and Freedom Banquet, the Reverend Franklin Graham spoke with Monte Larrick. We are pleased to feature that interview on this edition of Spotlight. Rev. Graham stresses that Christians must be engaged and involved in the political process, educated as to the candidates’ stand on the crucial issues of life and religious freedoms, and committed to prayer before entering the voter booth.

Some of the topics Rev.… Continue Reading

Can Deception & Smooth Talk Hide This Huge Divide on The Sanctity of Life?

Written by Micah Clark

This is a tale of two candidates as far apart as night and day. Last week, President Donald J. Trump boldly spoke in defense of life to millions watching his State of the Union address. Using an example of a mother and daughter who were guests in the U.S. House chamber for his speech, the President said:

“Ellie reminds us that every child is a miracle of life. And thanks to modern medical wonders, 50 percent of very premature babies delivered at the hospital where Ellie was born now survive.

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