Posts tagged: Donald J. Trump

The Racist Sound of ‘Whiteness Is a Pandemic’

Written by Tim Graham

The Root is obviously a hyperbolically racial magazine, since its slogan is “The Blacker the Content the Sweeter the Truth.” It’s not surprising that it frequently publishes writer Damon Young, author of the memoir “What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Blacker.” We’re told he asked important and dramatic questions like “Will this white person’s potato salad kill me?”

Young’s memoir was honored as “required reading” by NPR and celebrated by Entertainment Weekly and The Washington Post, among others.… Continue Reading

U.S. Representative Mary Miller Defends Husband, Cautions Conservative Christians

Written By Christine Misner

U.S. Representative Mary Miller (R-Effingham) is defending her husband, Illinois State Representative Chris Miller (R-Oakland), from claims by “progressive” caucus Illinois Democrats that he violated his oath of office by attending the January 6 rally held by former President Donald J. Trump in Washington, DC. She claimed his critics are targeting conservative Christians.

The Millers are Christians who attend Oakland Christian Church in Oakland, Illinois, where she teaches Sunday school and Vacation Bible School.… Continue Reading

Woke Coke is No Joke
(and Nothing New)

Written by Trevor Grant Thomas

As much as conservatives in America love capitalism, many U.S. capitalists sure seem to hate conservatives—especially Christian conservatives. On virtually every issue important to conservatives of all stripes, large U.S. corporations (“Big Corp” for this column) stand opposed—almost unanimously!—to American conservatives.

In other words, to the detriment of America and the truth, Big Corp has gone “woke.” Coca-Cola provides the most recent and egregious example of gross corporate wokeness. According to a whistleblower, Coca-Cola is forcing its employees to complete online training that instructs them on “What it Means to Be White” and how to “Try and be less white.”… Continue Reading

As Criminals Take Advantage of Hands-Off Justice System, Feds Clamp Down on Political Prisoners

Written by Daniel Horowitz

For the past decade, I’ve been trying to raise awareness about the harms of the weak-on-crime policies being advocated by both parties. As crime continues to surge, even the most violent career criminals are released on little or no bail, a growing phenomenon that is responsible for most of the violent crimes committed in the country. The insipid mantra of the de-incarceration crowd is that we shouldn’t lock people up for low-level offenses.… Continue Reading

The Tyrannical Left’s Sinister Conspiracy to Silence Conservatives

Written by David Limbaugh

Why does the left want to silence conservatives? Why do rank-and-file Democrats go along with this abomination? Leftists have bad intentions, but how about the Democrats who enable them? I prefer to think they’ve being manipulated.

As worried as we should be about the hyperexploding national debt and our inevitable fiscal catastrophe, I am even more worried about the left’s success in turning America into a police state (ironic, given its simultaneous war on the police).… Continue Reading

Southern Illinois GOP Chairs, Others Condemn Rep. Kinzinger’s Statements on Trump

Written by Christine Misner

U.S. Representative Adam Kinzinger (IL-16th) upset many of his fellow Republicans around the country with the statements he’s made about former President Donald J. Trump in recent weeks. Perhaps none more so than the county chairman of 36 southern Illinois regional Republican Party committees who issued a letter condemning Kinzinger for his actions including calling for the impeachment of President Trump and failing to support the president’s claims of election fraud.

The GOP county chairs voted to issue their condemnation at the Southern Regional Zoom Meeting Jan.… Continue Reading

Democrats’ Climate Agenda Will Mimic Their COVID Tyranny

Written by Trevor Thomas

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Agree With Liberals, or You’re Racist, Xenophobic and Dangerous

Written by Robert Knight

OK, with the “unity” and “healing” rhetoric behind us as we enter the Biden/Harris years, backed by 25,000 troops, we can get back to the business at hand.

That would be the left’s all-out war on free speech, American heritage, limited government, economic freedom, biological truth and Judeo-Christian morality.

After Mr. Biden’s soothing words, his administration took a scorched-earth approach on its very first day. He signed executive orders reversing many positive Trump policies, including controlling the border, achieving energy independence, limiting travel from terror-prone nations, protecting unborn children, keeping biological males out of females’ bathrooms, locker rooms and sports, and assembling the 1776 Commission, which was countering lies about America spread by the malign 1619 Project.… Continue Reading

America’s Ever-Tightening Cancel Culture Makes Communists Happy

Written by Robert Knight

A day after the Georgia U.S. Senate runoff handed the left its trifecta — control of both houses of Congress and the White House — the Communist Party USA gave notice that this is merely the latest stage in Sovietizing America.

An editorial on the CPUSA’s website acknowledges that the Democrats’ total control may be temporary, so they had better make hay while they can:

“In this context — the ever-present capitalist system and the temporary two years of a Democratic-controlled Congress and White House — what we do in the next two years is crucial,” the editorial says.

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Trump’s Agenda Must Survive His Presidency

Written by David Limbaugh

I am saddened by what occurred at the nation’s Capitol building on Wednesday. Such mob violence, especially against the nation’s institutions of government, must be firmly and unequivocally condemned.

For my entire lifetime, the Republican Party has been the party of law and order and has zealously honored the U.S. Constitution. We must and will continue to be.

Most conservatives are rightly condemning the violence, but it should be noted that this is not typical of people on the right.Continue Reading