Posts tagged: Samaritan’s Purse

Democrats’ One-Party Tyranny is The Real Meaning of ‘Saving Democracy’

Written by Robert Knight

The Democrats’ plan to “save democracy” is pretty clear.

Their first order of business is to defeat former President Donald J. Trump by any means possible, wielding the legal system like a stiletto.

The second is to get rid of as many election integrity safeguards as possible. More about that in a moment, with Virginia as a striking example.

Mr. Trump, whose momentum toward the GOP nomination may be unstoppable, is being hounded on absurd charges by Democratic prosecutors in Democratic-run courts in four jurisdictions with jury pools dominated by Democrats.… Continue Reading

A Spectacle of Bigotry: LGBT Objections to Christian Aid in NYC

Written by Peter Heck

In a 2017 USA Today op-ed, journalist Jonathan Merritt, who has distinguished himself by persistently undermining the authority of Scripture while wearing the name of Jesus, fretted over a potential Christian boycott of Disney and its LGBT activism. He wrote:

It risks making Christians look like antiquated bigots, and it reeks of moral hypocrisy. Worse, it diverts energy from a more worthwhile effort: teaching Christian children to coexist in a pluralistic society.

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