Posts tagged: Illinois Democrats

Illinois Tax and Spend Budget for FY 2025

Written by David E. Smith

In the wee hours of the morning, Democrats — who control the Illinois House of Representatives — approved a $53.1 billion budget for the 2025 fiscal year. The 3,374 page budget, plus supplemental spending bills, had already been approved by Democrats — who control the Illinois Senate — on Sunday evening.

The budget includes a significant increase in spending — $400 million more than what Governor J.B. Pritzker had initially proposed.

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Growing Fears of Government Weaponization

Written by David E. Smith

During a U.S. House Judiciary Committee Hearing on Wednesday, September 20, 2023, U.S. Representative Victoria Spartz (R-IN) emphatically complained to Attorney General Merrick Garland that there is growing fear of government persecution among Americans, saying at one point, “It’s like KGB.”

In a subsequent Tweet later, she points out:

“As someone who grew up in the Soviet Union, I’m disturbed by the fact that so many hardworking Americans—including my constituents—are afraid of political persecution by our own government.”

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Illinois Legislators Are Creating a Sexless Society

Written by Jennifer M. Korte 
Former candidate for IL House Rep District 112 in 2022
Local advocate for common sense and political transparency

Illinois legislators are hard at work creating a sexless society. Using sex-neutral terminology, they are creating and changing legislation to remove any distinction between males and females. Moreover, they are trampling on advancements in our society for women’s rights and lawful protections, while endangering some of the most vulnerable members of our society.… Continue Reading

“Illinois Is As Easy As ABC: Abortion, Bankruptcy, and Corruption” (Illinois Family Spotlight #151)

This edition of spotlight features the Illinois life champions responding to the approval of dramatic abortion expansion by Governor Pritzker at a news conference directly following the signing and celebration of Illinois’ democrats abortion masterpiece: the RHA.

The speakers are Mary Kate Knorr, the executive director of Illinois Right to Life, her attorney Peter Breen, the senior counsel of the pro-life Thomas More Society, a neonatal ICU nurse by the name of Emily Kelly, Dr. Nalini Rajmannan, and the Pro-Life Action League’s Eric Scheidler.… Continue Reading

Do Democrat Politicians Prefer Dead Babies?

Written by Abigail Ruth

There has been a significant amount of howling among Democrats and even some Republicans since IFA posted an article written by Teri Paulson last week that had to be retitled, “Why is Legalized Abortion Called a Holocaust?” Briefly,  Illinois Family was accused of “hate speech,” “inappropriate behavior,” “trivializing the memory of Holocaust victims,” and “promoting violence,” to name a few.

No one who complained actually addressed the core issue of whether or not there really is a moral difference between killing people based on their ethnicity (e.g.,… Continue Reading

Just Say No… to Speaker Madigan (Illinois Family Spotlight #013)

il_family-spotlight_125x125A number of candidates for state representative have signed a pledge declaring they will not vote for Michael Madigan as Speaker of the House.  In the first part of the show, Rep. Tom Morrison and guests state why voting against Madigan is so important for the future of Illinois.  Afterword, John Biver (special projects coordinator at Illinois Family action) joins Monte and Dave to discuss Madigan, the pledge, and why fiscal reform is so desperately needed.… Continue Reading

Illinois on Verge of Becoming America’s Most Democratic State


Written by Russ Stewart

Illinois is an anomaly. It is “The Land of Lassitude.” Voters are passive, partisan and forgiving. In state government, there are no checks and balances to Democratic abuses, ineptitude and favoritism.

In any other state, when a governor is impeached, indicted, convicted and imprisoned, the party of that incumbent would be shamed, tarnished and ousted. Not in Illinois.

In any other state, when one party controls all the levers of government — governor, both houses of the state legislature and the supreme court — and that party fails to govern effectively, voters would hold them accountable and they would be ousted.… Continue Reading

Illinois Democrats Sue to Stop Term Limit Ballot Question

A lawsuit filed by a Democratic Party attorney seeks to prevent term limits and political redistricting questions from appearing on Illinois’ ballot in November.

The lawsuit in Cook County Circuit Court argues that the state Board of Elections shouldn’t spend public funds on two proposals to amend the Illinois constitution that it calls invalid.

The first would establish term limits for lawmakers and is led by GOP gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner. The second would create an independent commission to draw legislative district lines.… Continue Reading