Posts tagged: Bernie Sanders

Carbon Dioxide Cabal Finally Getting Pushback

Written by Robert Knight

What do some young activists in Montana have in common with Honolulu city officials?

It’s hysteria over carbon dioxide, the gas we breathe out, that makes all life possible.

Both groups have won recent court rulings in lawsuits to ban fossil fuels. The plaintiffs seek to punish companies that provide natural gas, oil and coal to power the electric grid, cars, airplanes, and other useful modern amenities.

This is beyond foolish. For instance, try getting to Hawaii using solar or wind power.… Continue Reading

“We’re Going to Terminate The Green New Scam”

Written by David E. Smith

As he is wont to do, president-elect Donald J. Trump has re-branded the Green New Deal, labeling it the “Green New Scam.”

The Green New Deal was first introduced in 2019 by U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and U.S. Senator Edward J. Markey (D-MA), both members of the left-wing Congressional Progressive Caucus. This big-government plan proposes a 10-year mobilization to tackle a so-called “climate crisis” by mandating a transition away from fossil fuels to supposedly “renewable” energy sources – many of which rely on government subsidies – with the goal of achieving “net-zero” emissions.… Continue Reading

Democrat Policies Cause a MASSIVE Increase in the Homeless Population

Written by Trevor Thomas

On a recent X post, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) lamented the level of homelessness in the U.S. Sanders declared,

This is the richest country on earth. 770,000 Americans should not be homeless, and 20 million more should not be spending over half their incomes on rent or a mortgage. We need to invest in affordable housing, not Trump’s massive tax breaks for billionaires.

Sanders post was in response to an AP  post that revealed that “the U.S.… Continue Reading

Media Know They Must Change. They Won’t…

Written by Peter Heck

The numbers speak for themselves. MSNBC is suffering through a ratings catastrophe as the disillusioned loyalists, who kept believing the network’s stable of left-wing hosts who continued to promise that Trump was an unelectable Hitler, have walked away.

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Can A Christian Vote for Trump? Must a Christian vote for Trump?

Written by Rev. Thorin Anderson

Are you confused by the calls from well-known evangelical leaders like John Piper to not vote for Donald Trump in November? Everyone but God makes mistakes, but I believe that to boycott Trump because he does not measure up to evangelical standards is a mistake with potentially catastrophic consequences.

If you witness a little child, without a floatation device, falling into a swimming pool you don’t need to wait for the Spirit to prompt you to go in after him!… Continue Reading

Wealth Taxes, Court Packing, and Revolution

Written by Oliver Perry

Fox News reported that presidential candidate Kamala Harris affirmed her support of a federal wealth tax.

It’s meant to hit only the “super wealthy”:

“The proposal would impose a minimum tax of 25% on total income, generally inclusive of unrealized capital gains, for all taxpayers with wealth (that is, the difference obtained by subtracting liabilities from assets) greater than $100 million,” the Treasury Department stated in its FY25 revenue proposals. The same proposal was also put forth by the Biden-Harris administration in fiscal year 2024 and in fiscal year 2023, but the minimum taxable amount was 20%.

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What to Expect at the Democratic National Convention

Written by Robert Knight

The Democratic National Convention convenes on today and runs through Thursday, Aug. 22.

“More than 15,000 members of the media will be in Chicago to cover the convention,” the convention website informs us. That is, they’re supposed to be there to cover it, not act as delegates. But it’ll work out the same way.

The media will help Democrats create a misleading portrait of the party to pump into America’s living rooms.… Continue Reading

Harris Had a More Leftist Voting Record Than Sanders

Written by Robert Knight

Within hours of her being announced as President Biden’s presumed replacement as the Democratic nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris’ moderate makeover began.

Journalists reflexively began gushing over her “historic” candidacy and centrist views.

The love bombing and sheer dishonesty is a replay of 2020, when she ran for vice president as a supposed moderate.

The facts loudly spoke otherwise. As a U.S. senator from California from 2017 to 2021, she had a more leftist voting record even than socialist U.S.… Continue Reading

The Undemocratic Democrat Party

Written by Peter Serefine

The Democratic Party’s handling of its presidential primaries over the past three election cycles has raised significant concerns about the internal democracy of a party that prides itself on democratic principles. The cases of Bernie Sanders in 2016, Joe Biden in 2020, and Biden’s forced step aside in 2024 exemplify a pattern where the party’s leadership has moved against the will of its members, leading to accusations of undemocratic practices.

2016: The Sanders-Clinton Controversy

In 2016, Bernie Sanders mounted a formidable challenge against Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination.… Continue Reading

The Real Crisis We All Should Be Talking About

Written by Peter Heck

Here’s the thing I can’t get over.

If those running our country had instructed Joe Biden to duck any debates with Donald Trump, an option that would have been utterly defended by both his base and the mainstream press (but I repeat myself) as justifiable – “debating a convicted felon only gives him a legitimacy he hasn’t earned” – then Biden would still be the nominee of the Democrat Party heading into November’s election.… Continue Reading