Posts tagged: David French

America’s Evangelical Denominations Lurch Leftward

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

I shouldn’t have done it, but I couldn’t resist.

This week, I got into an exchange on social media with an evangelical pastor who was critical of Megan Basham’s new book, “Shepherds for Sale.” The book is a New York Times bestseller, and it exposes the overt leftward lurch of America’s evangelical denominations, publications, organizations and their leaders, also known as Big Eva.

In her book, Mrs. Basham does an excellent job of following the money and highlighting a fact: Influencers such as Russell Moore (editor in chief of Christianity Today magazine) and David French (contributing writer for The New York Times) and organizations such as the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities and the Trinity Forum are politically compromised because they are funded or influenced by billionaires such as George Soros who are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to infiltrate the church with pro-abortion politics.… Continue Reading

Christians Need To Stop Playing Defense And Go On Offense

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

In 2013, author John S. Dickerson wrote about the troubling condition of the American church in his book “The Great Evangelical Recession: 6 Factors That Will Crash the American Church and How to Prepare.”

Mr. Dickerson‘s key premise was that Christian orthodoxy in the United States is in rapid decline. The evidence he presented to support what, at first glance, seems to be a terminal diagnosis is multifaceted.

According to Mr.… Continue Reading

Are Conservative Christians Too Political?

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

This past week, as we watched the unfolding stories of illegal immigrants beating police in New York, chaos on our southern border, and the Middle East teetering on the edge of World War III, one of the most insidious bits of news that might have escaped your attention is called “the after party.”

What is this “after party,” you ask? It’s a curriculum funded by Democratic billionaires that “evangelicals” such as David French and Russell Moore are promoting in churches across the country.… Continue Reading

Infanticidal Democrats Took Their Cues from Barack Obama

Written by Trevor Thomas

When it comes to the most significant moral issues of our time, no one should be surprised by immoral actions of modern liberals. You can be saddened, shocked, angry, disgusted, and the like, but you should not be surprised.  This is certainly true when it comes to the issue of even infanticide.

For decades, Democrats have dehumanized the unborn and argued against protecting the most innocent and helpless among us, even when they escaped death in their mothers’ wombs.  … Continue Reading

Anthony Kennedy Has Important Parting Advice for Liberals

Written by David E. Smith

This week’s U.S. Supreme Court decision in NIFLA v. Becerra should drive a stake into the heart of an Illinois law that requires pro-life medical professionals to refer patients for medical procedures/services they find morally objectionable such as abortion, sterilization and certain end-of-life care protocols.

This tyrannical legislation (SB 1564) was signed by Republican impostor Bruce Rauner and sponsored by Chicago Democrats. In writing the majority opinion of the Court, Justice Anthony Kennedy offers some constructive criticism to totalitarian policy-makers:

[B]egin by reading the First Amendment as ratified in 1791; to understand the history of authoritarian government as the Founders then knew it; to confirm that history since then shows how relentless authoritarian regimes are in their attempts to stifle free speech; and to carry those lessons onward as we seek to preserve and teach the necessity of freedom of speech for the generations to come.

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When Ideology Collides with Good School Governance

Written by R.B.A. DiMuccio

Should schools be focused on providing children with a good education in a safe environment or should they be laboratories of partisan political agitation? The answer, of course, should be obvious. The National School Boards Association states that “education is not a line item in your school board’s budget, it’s the only item.” The principles of “governance and leadership,” such as those articulated by the Pennsylvania School Boards Association, make no allowance for focusing on anything other than educating children.… Continue Reading

Why So Much Hatred Against Christians in America Today?

By Dr. Michael Brown

On Sunday, the day of the church massacre, cultural commentator David French tweeted, “The amount of anti-Christian hate on Twitter the same day Christians were massacred is stunning and chilling.”

If ever there was a time when we might have expected sympathy for Christians, or at least restraint in attacking them, the opposite proved true far too many times. Why?

On Fox News, Laura Ingraham noted that some of the reactions to the shooting pointed to “elite hostility to people of faith,” stating that “hostility to faith infects the popular culture.”… Continue Reading

David French: Liberals Using Orlando Shooting to Ignite ‘War on Christianity’


Written by Michael Gryboski

Social liberals are using the Orlando shooting massacre to ignite a “war on Christianity,” according to prominent conservative columnist David French.

Last weekend, 29-year-old Omar Mateen murdered 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. During the attack Mateen called 911 and pledged support for the Islamic State terror group.

Despite Mateen’s stated ideological leanings, some liberal journalists and social commentators are blaming conservative Christians instead, French said in the National Review on Wednesday.

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