Posts tagged: Parkinson’s disease

The Real Crisis We All Should Be Talking About

Written by Peter Heck

Here’s the thing I can’t get over.

If those running our country had instructed Joe Biden to duck any debates with Donald Trump, an option that would have been utterly defended by both his base and the mainstream press (but I repeat myself) as justifiable – “debating a convicted felon only gives him a legitimacy he hasn’t earned” – then Biden would still be the nominee of the Democrat Party heading into November’s election.… Continue Reading

Hillary’s Fall: Specs, Lies and Videotape

Written by J. Matt Barber

I can’t wait for “Weekend at Chelsea’s” to hit the big screen. CNN and the rest of Hillary Clinton’s slobbering media sycophants have already written the script. If this woman, God forbid, dropped dead on the sidewalk tomorrow, these doting suck-ups – these mass media strumpets whose voter trust has, understandably, reached an all-time low – would dutifully parrot the Clinton campaign talking points and call it a “minor setback” to her “inevitable” victory.… Continue Reading