If recklessly lying to voters were a crime, most everyone in D.C. would be serving life in solitary confinement at Supermax. But in a liberal democracy, as frustrating as it often is, political misconduct is settled by voters and elections, not partisan prosecutors or rioters.
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Apparently, Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives are terrified of their own agenda. Last week, a group of Democrat lawmakers walked out of a committee meeting en masse rather than watch a short video from a liberal “gender transition” surgeon explaining how the procedures are performed on children.
Should a thief be allowed to become a police officer? How about someone who sells drugs on the streets? Any sane person would answer both of these questions with a resounding “no.” It shouldn’t need an explanation, but there are a few main reasons why those who break the law shouldn’t be in law enforcement. The first is that they are either immoral or even worse, they know what they’re doing is wrong and simply don’t care. Either way, their moral compass is completely out of tune with reality, and a strong moral code is important in our police force.
Legal experts are pouring over the latest indictment of former President Trump, with many saying it will be an extremely challenging case to prove. This 3rd indictment has raised a series of legal questions about freedom of speech, election interference, and whether the specific charges brought against him will hold up.
In this week's episode of Illinois Family Spotlight we feature remarks given by Sam Sorbo at Illinois Family Institute’s 2022 Banquet. Sam Sorbo is an actress, filmmaker, radio host, and is a staunch advocate for educational freedom. Her book, They’re Your Kids: An Inspirational Journey from Self-Doubter to Home School Advocate, chronicles her family and their experience with homeschooling.
When in global history has a sovereign nation’s own government aided an invasion against its own people? At this point, we could build a 2,000-mile border wall up to the heavens, but if we don’t neutralize the malfeasant leadership at the DHS, they will simply bring the invaders through the front door.
This past week, while the nation sat transfixed by endless stories of President Biden‘s pathological dishonesty, Hunter Biden‘s cocaine-laced corruption and U.S. Representative Nancy Mace’s just-plain-weird boasting of her wanton sex life, another headline of equal if not more significance may have escaped your attention.
The U.S. House Oversight Committee has been investigating the business dealings of Hunter Biden and his associates since 2020. In recent months, the committee has held a number of closed-door depositions with witnesses, including former Hunter Biden business associates Devon Archer and Tony Bobulinski.
The line between radical activism and "mainstream" journalism has been obliterated, especially when it comes to the LGBTQ+ lobbyists. The war on traditional Christianity is on. It was splashed all over the front page of the July 25 USA Today.
The president recently defined “Bidenomics” as building the economy “from the middle out and bottom up, not the top down.” In fact, Bidenomics is really the economy’s equivalent to “long COVID,” whereby that same middle class suffers permanent degradation of quality of life and standard of living while being caught in the permanent and degenerative cycle of government debt, inflation, and market manipulation.