One of the things I learned long ago is the principle of the vacuum. As it is in physics, so it is with human nature. Nothing will always be filled with something. Like a vortex in the ocean, a black hole in the cosmos, or the Hoover in your living room, so it is in the public square.
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Ever wonder if you're still registered to vote at a former address? Ever wonder if your name is possibly being used illegally by another to "vote?" Ever wonder how to find out, and remove yourself from the voter rolls at that former address? 
Just when you think it’s all over and that America has gone over the edge, some good things are happening. Let’s start with the ascent of U.S. Representative Mike Johnson (R-LA) to Speaker of the U.S. House. This has stunned observers who thought that pro-life, conservative Christians were forever barred from such offices thanks to the left’s takeover of virtually every major institution.
As the next presidential election cycle heats up, voters in Illinois and across the nation will be counting on the system working properly. This requires that registration rolls are clean and up to date. Moreover, enacting voter ID requirements, using paper ballots, and implementing better controls on early and absentee voting would make help make election fraud virtually impossible.
As you watch hundreds of thousands of military-age men storming the southern U.S. border, your eyes should be trained more on our cities than on the border itself. That is where all these criminal and belligerent elements are settling — and where they are changing our culture, society, and security for the worse.
It’s been another week of what seems to be terrible news for people of the Bible. From the shameless antisemitism on our college campuses to the blatant anti-Christian bigotry in Congress, the message from the cultural intelligentsia is clear: If you are one of those rubes who still believe in the Old Testament, the New Testament — or both — you are anathema, you should be silenced, you are unworthy of leadership and, in the case of Israel, you should be killed.
There is strong evidence to suggest that support for Hamas among college students is higher than it is in the general population. For example, a 2023 poll by Harvard CAPS/Harris found that 48% of college-age students (18-24) said they support Hamas, while only 52% said they support Israel. This is in contrast to the overall population, where 82% support Israel and only 12% support Hamas.
While the Ukraine-Russia war drags on near the two-year mark, while Israel faces a generational fight against Hamas and their bloodthirsty vow to wipe Jews from the earth, the U.S. State Department is in hot pursuit of what really matters: "Intersex Awareness Day"
This Spotlight episode features Scott Phelps, executive director of Abstinence and Marriage Partnership, and his speech on The Success Sequence– the three steps to a successful life. The first step to a successful life is to complete a high school level of education. The second step is to get a stable job. Finally, the biggest indication for a successful life is to ...
A new poll finds a slim majority of Americans under 25 believe the October 7 massacre of Israeli civilians was justified. What’s going on?
On Friday, Oct. 27, just hours after U.S. Representative Mike Johnson (D-LA) was elected speaker of the U.S. House by the unanimous vote of the Republican majority, CNN reporters Andrew Kaczynski and Allison Gordon posted the following: “Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has a history of harsh anti-gay language.”