Posts tagged: Pride Month

June and Pride Month: Humiliation For Our Divided And Suffering Country

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

It’s June, and for the next 30 days, we will be inundated with our country’s monthlong celebration of pride.

We will see it everywhere. It will be pervasive. The rainbow’s ever-increasing colors will be inescapable. We will see it in the news. We’ll see it at Target. We’ll see it in Walmart. We’ll see it in our public parks and at our schools. We’ll see it in our theaters. We’ll see it on T-shirts, umbrellas, bumper stickers, and even at our churches.… Continue Reading

An Open Letter to The Church During Pride Month

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Pride Month is obviously upon us. From the ubiquitous rainbow flags and public drag celebrations to the quasi-aborted attempts by retailers such as Target to normalize what, just five seconds ago, every average American would have said was absurd, the message is clear: “Join us in celebrating every sexual deviancy known to man, or we will cancel you, shun you, shame you, and punish you, for your intolerable intolerance.”

In the face of such societal deconstruction, how are we to respond?… Continue Reading

Pride Month Begins Its Rampage Against Children

Written by Brian Wencel

With June 1st marking the start of Pride month, numerous woke corporations and government institutions wasted no time in raising pride flags and rolling out social media profile pictures to match the occasion.

However, many companies are beginning to think twice before pledging their allegiance to the LGBTQ lobby.

After Bud Light and Target suffered significant losses from boycotts for pushing gender ideology nonsense, many companies seem to be a bit more cautious and hesitant, and rightly so.… Continue Reading

Staying Inside The Laws of God

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

One thing I’ve learned by living in the reality of rural America as opposed to the concrete and neon of Washington or New York City is that freedom can be deceiving. Or maybe better said, freedom is often the opposite of what it appears to be.

For example, when I drive through the ranches of Kansas and see cattle roaming freely in the fields, they are always surrounded by a fence.… Continue Reading

Biden’s Pro-Abortion and LGBTQ Crusades

Written by Robert Knight

The gap is growing wider by the day in the culture war. In fact, it is heating up.

The White House “Proclamation on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Pride Month, 2022” should help clarify what’s at stake.

This is no small matter. It’s at the heart of the left’s strategy to turn America into a place where no one dares espouse traditional morality. Their ultimate aim is to criminalize Christianity, not usher in tolerance.… Continue Reading

Happy Pride Month! Celebrating the Essential Vice and Utmost Evil

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

On June 1, 2021, Joe Biden used his bully pulpit to encourage Americans to stand proud in our nation’s march for what he called equality. “Pride stands for courage. [Pride] stands for justice, and most of all [pride] stands for love … Happy Pride Month!” the president tweeted.

In the fall of 1942, C.S. Lewis took to the airways of his nation to encourage his fellow citizens to, likewise, stand resolute.… Continue Reading