Illinois Republican candidate Adam Niemerg was removed from the ballot for the upcoming March primary due to failure to “properly notarize his statement of candidacy.” This was ruled a failure on Niemerg’s part to fulfill his obligation under the Illinois Notary Act.
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This episode of Spotlight features the legacy of Joe Schiedler, who passed away at the age of 93. Joe Schiedler leaves a 50 year legacy of peaceful, pro-life activism that took him around the nation and the world. Schiedler and his wife, Anne, co-founded the Chicago based Pro-Life Action League, and he authored Closed: 99 Ways to Stop Abortion and Racketeer for Life. 
Whenever I hear the White House insist the border is secure, inflation is no problem, and that boys are really girls if they feel like it, I look around for Rod Serling.

You half expect to see the vintage TV show host emerge from a misty backdrop to say, “What you’re seeing is a replica of reality, not reality itself. You have been transported to a parallel universe where evil is good, wrong is right and bitter is sweet.
Upon reading a recent article in The Diplomat, written by Illinois Democrat Congressman, Raja Krishnamoorthi, I wanted to present some analysis and context to what he shared. Congressman Krishnamoorthi was considering whether competing with the Chinese Communist Party meant “kicking it when it’s down.” His answer was, “No,” and he instead offered up his 4 Ps of “people, production, partnerships, and protection” and advocated for American “self-examination.”
Trump's early primary victories have started the "newsroom debates" again. Associated Press reporter David Bauder penned a story headlined "Trump's live appearances pose a riddle that news executives still haven't solved."
This episode of Spotlight the IFI Forum for pastors & leaders, hosted by the Spirit of Liberty Church of God in Markham, IL. In this segment, IFI's Executive Director, David Smith, explains why Christians should be active in politics, public policies, and the 40 Days for Life campaigns that operate outside of abortion facilities.
It’s becoming obvious that not only is the U.S. Supreme Court a net liability at the federal level, but Trump-appointed judges are also preventing red states from being red.
Creatio ex nihilo is a Latin phrase used to describe a central theological point of Christianity. It’s an axiom that captures the first event of Genesis: “In the beginning, God created.” It says it is God and God alone who can take nothing and turn it into something. He’s the one who sets the field and draws the boundaries. He’s the one who puts the goals in place. He is responsible for the rules and the definitions. God establishes order.
The Democrats’ plan to “save democracy” is pretty clear: Defeat former President Trump by any means possible... The second is to get rid of as many election integrity safeguards as possible.
The Biden Administration's intentional disregard of border security has dramatically fostered and escalated an ongoing crisis at our southern border as record levels of illegal immigrants and deadly drugs pour into our nation. And we cannot overstate the egregious problem of human trafficking that has exploded in scope over the past few years.
Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, chronicled neurotic disorders, including “projection” and other psychological defense mechanisms. Projection occurs when someone projects their own feelings, motives, behaviors and thoughts onto others. It’s a way of coping with one’s own insecurities and to blame one’s problems on others.

Another Freudian concept is denial. That’s when someone dismisses external reality and formulates his or her own “truth.”