Pastor Cory Musgrave joined Monte Larrick on this edition of Illinois Family Spotlight to discuss his invocation on the Illinois House floor earlier this year. State Rep. Darren Bailey invited Pastor Musgrave to open the Illinois House in prayer, and Pastor Musgrave took the opportunity to ask God to forgive us for the recent passage of a radical abortion expansion bill that will result in even more innocent bloodshed.
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This past week the Democrat media went ballistic over Republican congressmen and women “invading” the secret basement room where Adam B. Schiff is stirring his pot o’ impeachment soup. Washington Post fake conservative Jennifer Rubin’s Oct. 23rd column was titled, “So much for ‘due process’: Republican mob crashes secure hearing room.”
“Separation of church and state.” There may be no reference to, inference of, insinuation of, or display of religion anywhere in any government operation or public school, even if there is no coercion to participate in any Christian event or prayer. That is enshrined in every clause of the U.S. Constitution.
Christian attorney John Mauck of the Mauck & Baker law firm here in Chicago joins Monte Larrick to discuss the legal side of social issues; specifically: suppressing evangelistic efforts in Millennium Park, a measure in Congress which would deprive organizations on the SPLC "hate-list" of their tax-exempt status, SCOTUS reviewing LGBTQ repairative therapy and discrimination laws, and tangible things we should do to combat them. In the second half of the show, they discuss the "Equality Act," and cases Mauck & Baker are involved in here in the State of Illinois.
Last week, I wrote about why you can't trust a word the biased, liberal mainstream media tells you about President Donald Trump. They distort, mislead, misrepresent, slander and muddle context. As their Marxist hero Saul Alinsky taught them in "Rules for Radicals," the ends justify the means. In other words, anything goes — any lie is excused — to create "fairness, equality and social justice."
Donald Trump is clearly the most unusual and unorthodox president of my lifetime, if not in all of U.S. History.   He routinely says things, and does things, that probably give election and political advisors severe heartburn. Whether his rhetoric and demeanor still connect with a majority of voters remains to be seen.  (His large rallies seem to indicate that there is a significant base of voters who do support this.)
Freedom of speech is in the First Amendment for a reason. Freedom begins with the ability to speak your opinion without fear of censorship or violent reprisal or imprisonment. This is a precious human right, not something that most countries in the world revere like we have. But here in America, free speech is most dangerously under attack in the one place you would not expect: the universities.
Things have come to a pretty pass when the most “moderate” Democratic presidential candidate wants to make history by bringing along a “first gentleman” instead of a first lady.
In recent years Illinois has been experiencing fiscal and moral decay at an increasing rate. Leftist policies championed by the Democratic Party are the cause. Voters unhappy with their state’s decline look to the Republican Party to provide leadership to combat and reverse that decline. Instead, we get too many David Welter-like Republicans elected to office.
In a recent Washington Times column, titled “Is San Francisco the future of America?,” Lee Edwards, distinguished fellow at the B. Kenneth Simon Center for Principles and Politics at The Heritage Foundation, asked, “What has happened? Why is America slouching like some rough beast — not toward Bethlehem, but Gomorrah?”
Feverishly covering the story that noted left-leaning, pro-LGBT news anchor Shepard Smith had abruptly left Fox News after 23 years, CNN’s “senior media reporter” Oliver Darcy expressed his stoic concern about what this meant for the future at Fox: