Written by John Biver
In recent years Illinois has been experiencing fiscal and moral decay at an alarming rate. Leftist policies championed by the Democratic Party are the cause. Plain and simple. Voters unhappy with the state’s decline often look to the Republican Party to provide leadership to combat and reverse that decline. The problem is this — too many David Welter-like Republicans have been elected to office.
Republican State Rep. David Welter, who represents the 75th district which is centered in Morris, Illinois, and includes parts of Grundy, Kendall, LaSalle, and Will counties, votes with the Democrats on too many important issues.… Continue Reading

TAKE ACTION: Please contact your state representative by phone and email and encourage him/her to VOTE NO on the ERA (Bill #SJRCA4). The Capitol switchboard number is (217) 782-2000. Call and asked to be transferred to your his or her office to leave a message with their administrative assistant.… Continue Reading
Laurie Higgins joins David Smith and Monte Larrick to discuss the Illinois Senate’s ratification of the ERA, and they also discuss the LGBTQIA history curriculum legislation currently in consideration in the Illinois General Assembly.
Can the ERA be stopped in Illinois now that it has passed the state senate? “Yes,” Laurie Higgins said, because the “ERA actually says nothing about women.” The language of the proposed amendment does signal, however, that it will eradicate abortion restrictions and it will end sex differentiation in private spaces.… Continue Reading
Written by John Biver
Monte Larrick recently caught up with Elise Bouc, the State Chairwoman of Stop ERA Illinois. They discuss the push to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment to the United State’s Constitution, only requiring two more states to approve it before it becomes a federal amendment.
When the ERA was stopped back in the 1970s, people understood that the wording of the Amendment was flawed, Bouc explains, and we need to remove the discussion of “equal opportunities” for women from this poorly worded proposal.… Continue Reading
Written by John Biver
Tomorrow at Republican Party County Conventions across the state, conservatives will be engaging in the battle. I have never been more encouraged about the prospects for the success of those supporting the right policy reforms within the next few years than I am now.
When Bruce Rauner signed HB 40 and made it legal for pro-aborts to use your tax dollars to fund the murder of unborn babies, several Republican leaders in our General Assembly condemned Rauner and supported a challenger against him in the primary.… Continue Reading
Monte Larrick recently caught up with Elise Bouc, the State Chairwoman of Stop ERA Illinois. They discuss the push to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment to the United State’s Constitution, only requiring two more states to approve it before it becomes a federal amendment.
Please contact your state representative and ask him or her to please vote NO on the Equal Rights Amendment.
When the ERA was stopped back in the 1970s, people understood that the wording of the Amendment was flawed, Bouc explains, and we need to separate the discussion of “equal opportunities” for women from this proposal.… Continue Reading
Written by John Biver
The leaders of six pro-life organizations issued a public statement on Friday criticizing the 8 Republican state senators who joined the Democrats this past week to pass the “Equal Rights” Amendment (ERA).
In the letter, the pro-life leaders mention that left-wing U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has admitted that the “intended scope of the ERA is to greatly increase the scrutiny of pro-life legislation.”
A vote for the ERA is a vote for overturning abortion restrictions and enshrining abortion rights in the U.S.… Continue Reading
Tags: Bonnie Quirke, Chris Nybo, Curran, David E. Smith, Dawn Behnke, Elise Bouc, Equal Rights Amendment, Jason A. Barickman, John F, Karen McConnaughay, Michael Connelly, Pamela Althoff, Phyllis Schlafly, Ralph Rivera, Reverend Robert Vanden Bosch, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sue Rezin, Tom Rooney
Sanctity of Life | David E. Smith |
April 14, 2018 5:00 AM |
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Written by Benjamin Smith
Elise Bouc is the State Chairwoman of Stop ERA Illinois. She joins Monte and Dave on this week’s podcast to discuss the extensive negative consequences of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in the state of Illinois and the nation.
Phyllis Schlafly, Beverly LaHaye, and former state representative Penny Pullen were champions of battling and exposing the ERA because of the harm to women. And one unlikely woman confirmed their grave concerns.… Continue Reading

The Illinois Family Action (IFA) Board of Directors enthusiastically endorses Dr. Jay Kinzler for U.S. Congress in Illinois’ 6th District. Kinzler, a medical doctor and Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel, fully understands the importance of family, the sanctity of life, and the definition of marriage. Dr. Kinzler has a proven record in local government reining in waste and corruption. His commitment to accountability in government will help efforts to stop the continued out-of-control spending in Congress.… Continue Reading
Tags: Equal Rights Amendment, James Marter, Jay Kinzler, Mark Kirk, Peter Roskam, Planned Parenthood, Religious Freedom Restoration Act, same-sex marriage
Federal Elections, Illinois Politics, Political | David E. Smith |
February 26, 2016 11:33 AM |
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Written by Kathy Valente
Last week the Illinois Senate voted 39 to 11 to pass SJRCA 75, the dangerous Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), the effort to amend the U.S. Constitution to say: “Equality of rights under law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State on account of sex.”
This legislation is now in the Illinois House for consideration and debate. State Representative Lou Lang (D-Skokie) is the chief sponsor.
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Tags: Equal Rights Amendment, ERA, Lou Lang, Michael Madigan, Patrick Quinn, politics, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, War on Women
Illinois Politics, Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
May 26, 2014 7:00 AM |
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