Written by Tim Graham
Journalists have strongly slanted the “news” during the Trump era in order to destroy Donald Trump’s presidency, and to destroy it early if possible. Their actions betray that they feel they have important and influential platforms from which they can and should run America in between elections. The voters can have a say for about two weeks every two years.
Recall 2004, when Newsweek‘s Evan Thomas admitted the press would go all in for Democratic presidential and vice presidential nominees John Kerry and John Edwards, and that the effort would “be worth maybe 15 points.”… Continue Reading
Tags: Barack Obama, Big Tech, Brian Stelter, CNN, Donald Trump, economic growth, Evan Thomas, Fox News Channel, Hunter Biden, jobs reports, Joe Biden, John Edwards, John Kerry, Kamala Harris, Media Research Center, Newsweek, Operation Warp Speed, Tara Reade, The Polling Company, Tucker Carlson
Federal Elections, Media Watch, Political | David E. Smith |
November 25, 2020 8:00 AM |
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Written by Robert Knight
If a picture is worth a thousand words, the video of a mask-less Nancy Pelosi caught having her hair done at a shut-down San Francisco salon this past week is worth an entire dictionary.
The Speaker of the House immediately deployed the Marion Barry defense. When caught on video smoking crack with a hooker in 1990, the former mayor of Washington, D.C. and city councilman at the time exclaimed, “B**** set me up!”… Continue Reading
Tags: Andrew Cuomo, Antifa, Bill Clinton, BLM, Coronavirus, COVID19, Democrat cities, Democratic National Convention, Dennis Hastert, Erica Kious, Hair salon, hypocrisy, Jeffrey Epstein, Jerry Falwell, Jim Kenney, Joe Biden, John Edwards, John F. Kennedy, Lori Lightfoot, Marion Barry, mask, masks, Nancy Pelosi, New York Times, President Trump, Robert Knight, San Francisco, Trump Virus, Tucker Carlson, Wall Street Journal
Political | Benjamin D. Smith |
September 12, 2020 4:00 AM |
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Written by Peter Heck
If I hadn’t watched the clip twice, I wouldn’t have actually believed what I was seeing. CNN anchor Brian Stelter, the man who hosts a program called Reliable Sources no less, stared at me through the camera in the most serious tones he could muster. Discussing the upcoming days in the impeachment inquiry, Stelter motioned noticeably at the screen next to him and cautioned,
“Some people are going to insult your intelligence in the days ahead.”
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Tags: ABC News, Brian Stelter, Carl Bernstein, CNN, Donald Trump, Jeff Zucker, Jeffery Epstein, Mark Levin, Oliver Darcy, Peter Heck, Reliable Sources, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Sean Spicer, Tucker Carlson
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
November 15, 2019 8:00 AM |
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Written by Peter Heck
Feverishly covering the story that noted left-leaning, pro-LGBT news anchor Shepard Smith had abruptly left Fox News after 23 years, CNN’s “senior media reporter” Oliver Darcy expressed his stoic concern about what this meant for the future at Fox:
First of all, I understand the potshot at Fox. Darcy is attempting to sustain a career at a supposed news network that, far from being Fox’s rival, is struggling to even compete with the ratings of Hallmark Channel, Investigation Discovery, and TLC in primetime.… Continue Reading
Tags: Anderson Cooper, Antifa, Barack Obama, Bret Baier, Chris Cuomo, Chris Wallace, Don Lemon, Donald J. Trump, Fox News Channel, Laura Ingraham, Nancy Pelosi, Oliver Darcy, Project Veritas, Sarah Sanders, Sean Hannity, Shepard Smith, Tucker Carlson
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
October 18, 2019 7:33 AM |
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Written by T.R. Clancy
Tucker Carlson pointed out a few days ago how the already insufferable leader of the Congressional Democrats has recently been “ordained….an archbishop in the church of progressive sanctimony.” For a while now, Nancy Pelosi’s been the country’s expert on morality (e.g., border wall: immoral; abortion on demand: moral). She’s now taken to telling the country how much she prays, and she’s urging others to do it, too – at least that old sinner, Donald Trump.… Continue Reading
Tags: abortion, Barack Obama, Cardinal Egan, Catholic, Chuck Schumer, Donald Trump, George W. Bush, Kermit Gosnell, King Solomon, Little Sisters of the Poor, Meet the Press, MS-13, Nancy Pelosi, Pope Benedict, Roe v. Wade, Ross Douthat, Tom Brokaw, Tom Perez, Tucker Carlson
Faith & Religion, Sanctity of Life | David E. Smith |
December 20, 2018 7:00 AM |
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Written by L. Brent Bozell
In the age of Trump, the American media insist that freedom of speech is in danger because they somehow consider mocking journalists a suppression of free speech. Now imagine if America had a law where you couldn’t mock Christian doctrines without facing a fine. The press would again denounce the curtailment of free speech but now you’d also hear the cries of “theocracy!”
And yet the First Amendment worshipers were missing on Oct.… Continue Reading
Tags: Aisha, Associated Press, Brendan O'Neill, Donald Trump, Erik Voeten, European Court of Human Rights, Fox News Channel, Los Angeles Times, Muhammad, Sekmadienis, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Tucker Carlson, USA Today
Islam & Sharia, Media Watch | David E. Smith |
November 6, 2018 7:00 PM |
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Written by Jonathan Clay de Hale
In just the week since Part I of this two-part series was published, we’ve learned from a new study that the number of foreigners illegally living in the United States is twice as high as the conventionally accepted level of 11.3 million (and could be as high as 29.1 million, as suggested earlier); that Democrats intend to pressure President Donald Trump to raise the refugee resettlement number to 110,000 refugees a year (five times the number of foreign refugees taken in 2018); and that the Border Patrol found nearly 200 illegal aliens from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador wandering in the Arizona desert—the third such finding in the last month.… Continue Reading
Tags: Bangladeshi, border control, Border Patrol, border security, Border wall, Donald Trump, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, illegal aliens, immigration, James Hoffmeier, multiculturalism, national security, refugees, Tucker Carlson, Wayne Grudem
Federal Issues, Immigration | David E. Smith |
October 2, 2018 5:00 AM |
Comments Off on Why Christians Should Support Building a Wall – Part II
Written by John Biver
A lot can be said in a matter of a couple of minutes as State Representative Tom Morrison demonstrates in this short video endorsing Jeanne Ives for governor.
Election day is this coming Tuesday, and Ives is going to need every vote the pro-family community can help her get. Unlike so many primary races, this time conservatives have a genuine choice: genuine conservative Jeanne Ives or failed governor Bruce Rauner who has struck out on all 44 of his “turn around agenda” items and signed into law some of the most radical social policy legislation in the country.… Continue Reading
Tags: 2018 GOP Primary Election, Bruce Rauner, Greg Hinz, Jeanne Ives, Jim Slusher, John Kass, Laurie Higgins, Mike Madigan, Tom Morrison, Tucker Carlson
Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
March 16, 2018 8:00 AM |
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Written by Peter LaBarbera
A coalition of 47 conservatives has written a letter appealing to the media to stop citing the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as an authority on “hate,” calling it “an attack dog of the political left” that slanders traditional conservatives as “extremists.”
In the wake of the race protests and riots in Charlottesville, Virginia, CNN and other media and blogs have cited the SPLC’s “hate map” as a guide to locate “hate groups”and “extremists” across the United States.… Continue Reading

Written by Todd Warner Huston
The watch words of the day seems to be “fake news” with liberals using the concept as a weapon to shut down all center right news and opinion outlets on both the Internet and TV. But the fact is, the liberal media invented “fake news” many decades before those on the right finally had enough of media bias and started their own news outlets.
Liberals have spent the entire month after Election Day proclaiming every non-liberal website or TV network to be purveyors of “fake news” even going so far as creating a list of sites they claim are all lies and publishing wildly biased “studies” of said sites to “prove” they are filled with “fake news.”… Continue Reading
Tags: Ashe Schow, Brian Williams, Chip and Joanna Gaines, Dan Rather, fake news, Hillary Clinton, John Oliver, Todd Warner Huston, Tucker Carlson, Walter Duranty
Media Watch | Admin |
December 16, 2016 4:00 AM |
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