Posts tagged: The Wall Street Journal

Little Trust for the ‘Democracy-Saving’ Media

Written by Tim Graham

The national media consider themselves essential in educating the electorate, so what happens when the electorate does not consider them a trustworthy guardian of democracy?

The Associated Press and the American Press Institute just released a poll on the 2024 election and found only 14% of their sample expressed “a great deal of confidence in election-related information they receive from national sources.” By contrast, 46% have little or no confidence at all in the information they receive from national news organizations.… Continue Reading

Republicans Must Make Democrats Own Their Radical Politics

Written by Robert Knight

Left-wing lunacy should be Republicans’ best friend. Take California — please.

In Democratic-run Los Angeles, a fire from a homeless encampment got out of hand and caused enormous damage to an Interstate 10 overpass, closing the major freeway. It will be weeks before it can reopen to the roughly 300,000 commuters who use it daily.

In Democratic-run San Francisco, officials cleaned up just enough homeless tents, used needles, human excrement and garbage to give visiting Chinese leader Xi Jinping a Potemkin village experience during the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit and his visit with President Joe Biden.… Continue Reading

Dems Have No Interest In Compromise On Abortion

Written by Paul Caprio

In his column, Donald Trump Owes Pro-Lifers (September 29), William McGurn has made some important points about the significance of the pro-life movement in electing Donald Trump President in 2016.

First, however, Mr. McGurn mentions Trump’s recent attack on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for signing a six-week abortion ban. Trump is calling it a “terrible thing.” The Florida law is called federalism in action, Mr. President.

Mr. McGurn correctly reminds us of the two major events which were crucial in providing overwhelming, and probably decisive, pro-life support for Trump in 2016.… Continue Reading

Liberals’ Climate Agenda Brings Out The Gaslighting

Written by Robert Knight

“What comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart,” Jesus told his disciples.

Yes, a few words can reveal all you need to know about someone’s character or motives.

A case in point is Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. In a column on Wednesday for The Wall Street Journal, she told at least two easily rebutted whoppers.

Here’s the first: “With the Inflation Reduction Act, we are delivering on what I call ‘modern supply-side economics,’” she wrote.… Continue Reading

Scandal Questions Go Down the Latrine Jean-Pierre

Written by Tim Graham

White House briefings in the Biden years are often sleepy meetings compared to the Jim Acosta shriek-fests we remember under Trump. President Joe Biden pledged he would be so much nicer to the press corps. He promised to “bring transparency and truth back to the government.” But the press is much nicer to him than the other way around.

Biden provides far less access than Trump did. He avoids press conferences and one-on-one interviews like the plague.… Continue Reading

COVID-19 ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Turned Out To Be True

Written by Robert Knight

One by one, the myths and lies propagated by the ruling elites about COVID-19 are falling like dominoes.

What was supposed to have been “misinformation” is the real deal.

The “wet market” theory, which never made sense, is turning out to be all wet. Major government agencies — the Department of Energy and the FBI — now say that the virus probably leaked from China’s Wuhan virology lab. It didn’t come from a bat sandwich after all.… Continue Reading

Pushback Against ‘Woke’ Agenda Happening Around The World

Written by Robert Knight

Don’t look now, but the resistance to woke tyranny is rising rapidly, and not just in the United States.

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon resigned on Wednesday after eight years in office. A leftist and climate change extremist, she opposed Brexit while leading the fight for Scottish independence from Britain.

During her tenure, according to the Daily Mail, Scottish life expectancy plunged, drug deaths doubled, alcohol deaths increased, schools continued failing, and Scots were worse off economically than when she took office.… Continue Reading

Biden Admin Rule Change & Amendment 1

The Biden administration’s long-awaited Department of Labor rule change for independent contractor classification under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) was made public Tuesday morning.

Labor Secretary Marty Walsh (D, Pro-Labor Unions) stated the following when the rule was announced:

“While independent contractors have an important role in our economy, we have seen in many cases that employers misclassify their employees as independent contractors, particularly among our nation’s most vulnerable workers.

“Misclassification deprives workers of their federal labor protections, including their right to be paid their full, legally earned wages. 

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The Lies That Blind American Citizens

Written by Robert Knight

It’s not healthy when citizens automatically discount whatever the government or media tell them.

That’s what happens in totalitarian countries like North Korea, China or Venezuela.

We have this now in America, thanks to a ruling elite who lie ever more boldly. Girls can be boys. Men can be women. The border is secure. Inflation is all in your head. COVID-19 will kill you unless you do exactly what we tell you to do.… Continue Reading

Romney, Murkowski and Collins: Weak-kneed Republicans

Written by Robert Knight

What part of a judge being soft on child pornography offenders don’t they understand?

Having embraced every perversion under the sun and proclaimed it all good, Democrats in the U.S. Senate predictably voted 50-0 on Thursday to affirm Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court.

That would include Joe Manchin. The senator from West Virginia has stood in the gap against some of the Democrats’ worst schemes like “Build Back Better.”… Continue Reading