Posts tagged: Lee Zeldin

Camels’ Entire Bodies Are Now in the GOP Tent, and It’s No Longer Red

Written by Laurie Higgins

Over the course of the past week, it should have become obvious to all conservatives that camels, whose noses have long been welcomed into the GOP tent and sycophantically stroked, have weaseled their big hulking bodies in and are spitting all over conservatives. But they’re really RINOs who identify as camels in order to get into the tent, which is no longer red. It’s not even pink. It’s the color of the purloined rainbow.… Continue Reading

It’s The Violent Gun Felons

Written by Daniel Horowitz

We need not steal people’s guns without due process, as Joe Biden suggests, nor do we need to send in the National Guard to protect America’s cities, as Donald Trump recently suggested. What Chicago’s experience demonstrates is that we simply need to lock up the gun felons and career criminals who have already been found guilty through due process. It’s not so much about funding the police or drastic measures of having the military occupy American cities, but about simply locking up the criminals.

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