Posts tagged: Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg’s Metaverse And The Progressives’ Dark Pedigree

Written by Robert Knight

What do socialists, Marxists, “transhumanists,” Mark Zuckerberg’s Metaverse, the LGBTQ movement, “woke” academic and corporate leftists, Davos economic elites and the left-wing of the Democratic Party have in common?

They are all invested in a progressive, secular worldview based on the idea that humans evolve toward higher levels of being and just need help getting there.

Implicit is the idea that God is an antiquated superstition, not the benevolent, omniscient creator of the universe.… Continue Reading

‘Great Unifier’ Biden Tells Half The Country To Go To Hell

Written by Robert Knight

President Biden went down to Georgia on Tuesday, following a trail blazed by the devil.

Bemoaning Georgia’s new election law, which is less strict than that of Mr. Biden’s Delaware or Elizabeth Warren’s Massachusetts, Mr. Biden played a tune hatched in hell, the kind of stuff that stokes a civil war, not healing.

Mr. Biden, who earlier called “white nationalists” the greatest security threat facing America, went full demagogue at an Atlanta college: “I will defend your right to vote and our democracy against all enemies foreign and, yes, domestic.”… Continue Reading

Breaking Up Big Tech Hard To Do, But It Should Happen

Written by Robert Knight

You know it’s getting thick when even U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) says Facebook and other social media are too censorious.

First, she took the mandatory shot at Donald Trump. “I’m glad that he’s not on Facebook,” the Massachusetts Democrat said of the ban on the former president upheld on May 5 by a Facebook appeals board. “I think that he poses a real danger.”

She went on: “But I don’t think that Facebook ought to have this kind of power.… Continue Reading

Big Tech’s Masters of the Universe Fueling the Marxist Revolution and Destroying America

Written by Robert Knight

Big Tech was on the hot seat again last Thursday.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey testified again before Congress, this time in the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee virtual hearing. The three men were the essence of cool. Nothing ruffled them. Well, almost.

In fact, their cool, almost robotic articulation was unsettling, though it contrasted well with what unfolded at the other big Washington event on Thursday — President Biden’s first press conference.… Continue Reading

An Open Letter to Mark Zuckerberg

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

This week I had a new Facebook “friend” send me this note: “Upon liking your professional page a minute ago, Facebook warned me that your page ‘has repeatedly shared false information.’”

Because communicating with a real human being at Facebook’s Ministry of Truth is more difficult than talking with your dead uncle at a Madam Blavatsky seance, perhaps this open letter to Mark Zuckerberg is in order.

Your Eminence Mr. Z,

I have recently been informed that I am guilty of posting “false information” on your social media platform.… Continue Reading

Pandering Democrats Protect Own Ideology But Say Nothing to Defend Free Speech

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

On May 10, 1933, students in 34 university towns across Germany gathered to burn more than 25,000 books. The works of authors like Albert Einstein, Ernest Hemingway and Helen Keller went up in flames.

At the same time, 40,000 people gathered to hear the German Minister of Public Enlightenment, Joseph Goebbels, give a speech applauding those who were “commit[ting] to the flames the evil spirit of the past.” The unwanted ideas of Western civilization fueled the bonfires of Berlin.… Continue Reading

Twitter Censors Trump Yet Keeps Khamenei’s Tweet Calling for Jihad Violence

Written by Robert Spencer

Twitter did this after the President’s Executive Order calling for an end to politically motivated censorship on Twitter. And so the war is on. It is clear from Twitter’s leaving up Khamenei’s tweet calling for jihad violence that they’re not censoring Trump out of concern about violence, but because he is the largest voice dissenting from their agenda. Once he is silenced, it will be easy to silence everyone else. Who appointed Twitter’s Jack Dorsey, and Mark Zuckerberg, and the clowns at Google/YouTube and the Southern Poverty Law Center, as the guardians of acceptable opinion and permitted speech?… Continue Reading

Cooking Up a Viral Moment

Written by Robert Knight

Two theories are circulating about the origin of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

The media are still selling the idea that it probably arose from an infected bat at an outdoor live animal food market in Wuhan.  That’s also the Chinese Communist Party’s line.

The media don’t want people thinking that communist researchers at the Wuhan Virology Institute’s BSL-4 lab might have been directly responsible.

However, a plausible scenario is that the virus was, indeed, cooked up in the lab.… Continue Reading

Wealth and Envy: A Wealth Tax Will Make Paupers of Us All

Written by Oliver Perry

In his presidential campaign, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders issued his own plan to institute a “wealth tax.”

While Warren has touted the tax to fund her agenda, the primary purpose of Sanders’s proposal is to correct what his campaign called the “outrageous level of inequality that exists in America today and to rebuild the disappearing middle class.”[1]

The wealth tax seems to have wide support. A Quinnipiac Poll claims that 60% of those surveyed support a 2% annual wealth tax on the rich.… Continue Reading

Facebook & Twitter: Biased Against the Right?

Written by David Grogan

Recently, representatives from Facebook and Twitter appeared before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee to respond to claims that their companies are engaging in the censorship of conservative news and voices. For years, conservatives have lamented the power of Big Tech over political discourse and their bias against the Right.

U.S. Senator Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) made sure to point out that, in her view, the evidence conservatives have for social media bias is purely anecdotal.… Continue Reading