Posts tagged: Joe Biden

Kamala Harris Just Keeps Getting Worse

Written by David Limbaugh

No matter how mentally diminished President Joe Biden is, you have to be horrified by who waits in the wings should he leave office before the expiration of his term.

Unfortunately, one of the many consequences of Biden’s mental decline is an impairment of judgment that manifests itself in such reckless decisions as putting Vice President Kamala Harris in charge of the border. It is like making a colicky infant the goalie of a professional hockey team.… Continue Reading

Happy Pride Month! Celebrating the Essential Vice and Utmost Evil

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

On June 1, 2021, Joe Biden used his bully pulpit to encourage Americans to stand proud in our nation’s march for what he called equality. “Pride stands for courage. [Pride] stands for justice, and most of all [pride] stands for love … Happy Pride Month!” the president tweeted.

In the fall of 1942, C.S. Lewis took to the airways of his nation to encourage his fellow citizens to, likewise, stand resolute.… Continue Reading

The Left’s Chutzpah Knows No Bounds

Written by Robert Knight

Two recent opinion columns were eye catchers.

A Wall Street Journal piece by James Carville was headlined, “Democrats Are the Anticrime Party.” Seriously?

The other, by The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank, said, “The GOP’s fixation on race is on full display.” Seriously?

Both men are undoubtedly familiar with the definition of “chutzpah.” It’s someone killing his parents and then falling on the mercy of the court on account of his being an orphan.… Continue Reading

BLM’s Legacy a Year Later: Terror on America’s Streets

Written by Daniel Horowitz

This week, the Biden White House hosted the family of George Floyd to mark the one-year anniversary of his death in police custody. His brother, Philonise, expressed hope that things are “slowly” moving in the right direction and that they are “making progress” in their war on cops. However, what is not going in the right direction is justice for victims of crime thanks to the agenda spawned by their movement.

Thanks to the pandemic and less social mobility, crime has been decreasing in most countries.… Continue Reading

The Far Left’s Radical Plan to Rig the Whole Federal Judiciary for Political Gain

Written by Jorge Gomez

When Americans hear the term “court-packing,” they almost instinctively make a connection to the radical coup attempt of the U.S. Supreme Court.

However, court-packing isn’t limited to adding stacks of politically motivated, activist justices to the nation’s highest court.

While rigging the U.S. Supreme Court would indeed destroy one of America’s most venerated institutions, the far Left is also waging a two-front attack to ideologically capture the lower federal courts—a plot that could endanger the judiciary’s integrity from top to bottom and accelerate the erosion of our God-given rights and freedoms.… Continue Reading

Leftist Racial Agitation Damages and Divides America

Written by David Limbaugh

Just when you think racial agitators can’t get more outrageous and ridiculous, they do. We see fruits of this evil obsession every single day.

Throughout the pandemic, the media preached that historical racism in the United States disproportionately impacted African Americans. Hollywood bombards us with race-shaming on show after show, using fictional characters to lecture us on the pervasiveness of white supremacy, stirring racial resentment and division in the name of healing.… Continue Reading

GOP: Seek Not Phony Bipartisanship. Save the Nation

Written by David Limbaugh

Riddle me this: Why would Republicans fall for the Democrats’ age-old ploy of pressuring them into working on “bipartisan” legislation that will only advance the Democratic agenda and damage the nation?

Indeed, what’s the point in the GOP puffing up its chest about ousting Liz Cheney from her U.S. House leadership position if they’re just going to turn around and behave like never-Trumpers by caving on Joe Biden‘s agenda? Why would they play footsy with the most militantly leftist party in American history?… Continue Reading

Calling on ‘Moderate’ Democrats

Written by David Limbaugh

Everyone knows President Joe Biden ran as a moderate and is governing as a leftist radical, yet we see little evidence of Democrats, including the liberal media, breaking ranks from him. Why?

I’ve previously written about the lack of Democrats’ dissent from their party’s undeniable extremism and have always been met with the response that they don’t dissent because there are no longer any moderate Democrats. Yet when I talk to my Democratic friends, they vehemently deny that they personally are extremists.… Continue Reading

U.S. Senator Manchin and Growing Number of Democrats Express Opposition to Court-Packing

Written by Liberty McArtor

A lot has changed since President Franklin Roosevelt tried to rig the U.S. Supreme Court in 1937, but some things stay the same—like widespread opposition to court-packing among both political parties.

When President Roosevelt tried to increase the number of U.S. Supreme Court justices to advance his New Deal agenda in the late 1930s, his own party was key in stopping him. Despite FDR’s overall popularity, Congress—and the American people—recognized that his court-packing plan was a “bonehead idea,” to use Joe Biden’s term from 1983.… Continue Reading

The War For The Soul of America

Written by Robert Knight

Merriam-Webster defines the soul as “the immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life.” The same might be said of a nation.

White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain describes President Biden’s sweeping agenda as “rebuilding the backbone of the country, rebuilding the soul of the country.”

It’s claptrap. Mr. Biden and his party are removing America’s backbone — our love of liberty — and hollowing out the soul of the country, not rebuilding it.… Continue Reading