Posts tagged: Gretchen Whitmer

How Will America Handle The Next Pandemic?

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

This past week, while the nation sat transfixed by endless stories of President Joe Biden‘s pathological dishonesty, Hunter Biden‘s cocaine-laced corruption and U.S. Representative Nancy Mace’s just-plain-weird boasting of her wanton sex life, another headline of equal if not more significance may have escaped your attention.

On July 24, the World Health Organization reported that a male citizen of the United Arab Emirates had been hospitalized with MERS-CoV, a coronavirus variant with a 35 percent mortality rate.… Continue Reading

How Democrats’ Trump Derangement Syndrome is Literally Killing People

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

I’ve generally tried to stay out of the hydroxychloroquine debate. My hesitation has been for one reason and one reason only: I have no degree in medicine, and I don’t want to pretend otherwise. As my youngest son has said of my Ph.D., “Dad’s not a real doctor. He can’t really help anybody.”

With my lack of medical credentials noted, however, I have decided it is time to get off the sidelines and engage this issue.… Continue Reading