Posts tagged: Climate Change

Biden’s Baleful Border Betrayal

Written by David Limbaugh

Is there anything the left won’t blame on their fantastical scapegoat, climate change? Don’t bet on it. Their latest dodge is blaming the border crisis, which they created, on the climate crisis, which they invented.

A Politico article is headlined, “It’s Not a Border Crisis. It’s a Climate Crisis.” That’s a convenient twofer. Never let an opportunity to blame a crisis on climate change go to waste. Well played.

But to the left, I guess the border catastrophe isn’t a crisis.… Continue Reading

Climate Change Deliberation: Taking Occam’s Razor to Proxy Data

Written by Robert T. Smith

It is quite often the case that the simplest explanation is the correct explanation. The namesake for this principle comes from the English philosopher and theologian, Franciscan friar William of Ockham. It is called Occam’s razor. From various sources, Occam’s razor is a principle of parsimony or frugality used in logic and problem-solving. It states that among competing hypotheses, the hypothesis with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Perhaps Occam’s razor can be appropriately applied to many of our current issues.… Continue Reading

Democrats’ Climate Agenda Will Mimic Their COVID Tyranny

Written by Trevor Thomas

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Democrats Have Turned Normal and Common Sense Into Raw Sewage

Written by Ron Ewart

“Identity politics rejects the model of traditional give-and-take politics, presupposing instead that the most important thing about us is that we are white, black, male, female, straight, gay, and so on. Within the identity-politics world, we do not need to give reasons—identity is its own reason and justification.  Because identity politics supposes that we are our identities, politics does not consist in the speech, argument, and persuasion of normal politics but instead, in the calculation of resource redistribution based on identity—what in Democratic parlance is called ‘social justice.’”—Joshua

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Voters Must Choose Between Revelation or Revolution This Election Year

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Eric Voegelin was born in 1901. In 1919, he enrolled in the University of Vienna. He studied Karl Marx, read “Das Kapital” and embraced Marxism. However, as he watched the Bolshevik Revolution’s bloodlust play itself out in the streets of Russia, Voegelin concluded he was wrong. Therefore, he abandoned socialism and its assumptions of race and class conflict and became a member of the Austrian economics clan.

In addition to having a first-hand account of the ways of Vladimir Lenin, Voegelin also had a front-row seat to the rise of Adolf Hitler.… Continue Reading

Biden’s Embrace of the Green New Deal Signals More Danger for the Economy

Written by Vijay Jayaraj

Late in April Joe Biden, the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential elections, acknowledged that he is ready to embrace the Green New Deal aimed at making sweeping changes to America’s energy spectrum.

This signals more danger to the American economy, which is already reeling under the pressure of the coronavirus lockdowns.

There is hope the economy will recover from this coronavirus slump, but not if the nation implements the Green New Deal.… Continue Reading

We Must Fight Climate Extremists Before They Upend Society

Written by Dr. Ross McKitrick

Last year was the year the climate issue took a sharp turn towards extremism. Let’s hope 2020 is the year sanity makes a comeback.

There have long been three groups occupying the climate issue. To avoid pejoratives, I will call them A, B and C.

The A group are the doubters. They don’t believe greenhouse gases (GHGs) do much harm and they don’t support expensive climate-policy interventions. If we must choose between climate policy and the continued use of inexpensive fossil energy, they readily choose the latter.… Continue Reading

If Only We Could Impeach the Left-Wing Media

Written by Trevor Thomas

In order to remove the U.S. president, the vice president, federal judges, and other federal officials from office, Article I, Section II of the U.S. Constitution gives the U.S. House of Representatives “the sole Power of Impeachment.”  Article I, Section III gives the U.S. Senate “the sole Power to try all Impeachments.”  In the history of the United States, the U.S. House has initiated impeachment proceedings dozens of times; however, only 19 individuals have faced actual Articles of Impeachment.… Continue Reading

Democrats Once Again Embrace Population Control to Save the Planet

Written by Stephen Moore

Is the left once again embracing Malthusian population control in order to save the planet?

Of all the preposterous proposals put forward by the Democratic presidential candidates during the CNN climate change town hall meeting last week, the dumbest wasn’t outlawing plastic straws, incandescent light bulbs or air travel. It wasn’t the contention that climate change is the globe’s greatest threat since World War II. It wasn’t even the fantastical hypothesis that hurricanes are racist because they target “communities of color” more than white areas.… Continue Reading

Al Gore Deserves Shame, Not an Apology

Written by Peter Heck

NPR recently ran a silly story with this provocative headline: “We All Owe Al Gore an Apology.”  I dissent.

Let’s first be clear about Gore.  After losing the 2000 presidential election, Gore found a cause to peddle in global warming.  He partnered with affluent donors, created a documentary full of hyperbolic exaggeration and dire warnings about an impending ecological armageddon, and made millions.  And millions.  He divorced his wife and became the international playboy of global warming-turned-climate change-turned-climate disruption-turned-whatever we’re calling it now.… Continue Reading