Written by David Limbaugh
The Democratic Party’s emerging radical bloc is alarming, but the leftist group’s youthful intemperance could backfire and re-energize Republicans’ 2020 electoral prospects.
Even before all the hanging chads and miraculously divined ballots have been examined in Florida, newly elected leftist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is already engaging in activism in the halls of Congress. On Tuesday morning, the future representative from New York joined a protest organized by the Sunrise Movement outside the offices of Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi to demand immediate action on climate change — as if the dinosaur wing of the Democratic Party weren’t sufficiently extremist on environmental issues.… Continue Reading
Tags: Al Gore, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Barack Obama, Climate Change, Democratic Party, Green New Deal, IPCC, Kyrsten Sinema, Nancy Pelosi, The Sunrise Movement, Waleed Shahid
Political | David E. Smith |
November 20, 2018 6:00 AM |
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Written by David Limbaugh
Someone please tell me what bizarro world Democratic activists inhabit — those who are grumbling that Republicans are unscrupulous partisan warriors imposing their agenda by government coercion and trampling the innocent, passive left in the process.
This is frighteningly delusional and shockingly divorced from reality.
Without question, Democrats and their never-Trump supporters on the right would have us believe that Donald Trump is the very creator of partisan politics, someone who has gobsmacked the unsuspecting collegial political left into abject impotence.… Continue Reading
Written by Robert Knight
The progressive game plan to re-acquire power in Washington and make it permanent has been shockingly obvious for some time:
Import millions of illegal immigrants, hook them on government aid, and turn them into voters – legally or illegally.
Two Democrats running for Congress in Texas have come out for decriminalizing illegal immigration, along with Beta O’Rourke, who is running for Ted Cruz’s U.S. Senate seat. Virtually all Democrat office holders oppose voter ID laws.… Continue Reading
Tags: Abigail Shrier, Barack Obama, Beta O’Rourke, Bruce Jenner, Deep State, Donald Trump, FBI, free college, Free healthcare, Hillary Clinton, ICE, Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency, IRS, Jennifer Roback Morse, Jerry Brown, Sean McElwee, Ted Cruz, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Trump Administration
Federal Issues | David E. Smith |
September 8, 2018 5:00 AM |
Comments Off on As Progressives Move Left, They Must Replace the American Electorate
Written by Robert Knight
The progressive Left is in a panic over the U.S. Senate’s coming confirmation vote on President Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.
How do we know this? They keep telling us.
In a national conference call sponsored by People for the American Way (PFAW), U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts Democrat, said, “We’re in the fight of our lives.”
PFAW’s Marge Baker echoed Ms. Warren by exclaiming that this is “a critical, critical, critical fight.”… Continue Reading
Tags: ACLU, Anthony Kennedy, Barack Obama, Brett Kavanaugh, Cory Booker, Daniel Lapin, Donald Trump, Elizabeth Warren, Marge Baker, People for the American Way, SCOTUS, Ten Commandments, U.S. Supreme Court
Federal Issues, Sanctity of Life | David E. Smith |
August 18, 2018 7:00 AM |
Comments Off on Left Claims The Moral High Ground – For What?
Written by Michelle Malkin
It’s quite simple: Some political relatives are more equal than others.
Agenda-driven journalists love to exploit familial dysfunction when a prominent politician is conservative and his or her kinfolk espouse liberal views. When a vengeful offspring, sibling, cousin or distant relation wants to wreak havoc, instant fame and adoration are just a tweet or call away. The media schadenfreude over such bloody bloodline battles is thicker than California wildfire smoke.
By contrast, relatives who openly challenge powerful Democrats are dismissed as gadflies and publicity hounds.… Continue Reading
Tags: Barack Obama, Bonnie Fuller, border security, CNN, Donald Trump, Dr. David Glosser, GQ, Hillary Clinton, Huffington Post, immigration, Kyung Lah, Lawrence O'Donnell, Malik, Maria Hinojosa, MSNBC, New York Times, Politico, Slate, Stephen Miller, Vox, Wajahat Ali
Federal Issues, Media Watch | David E. Smith |
August 15, 2018 11:00 AM |
Comments Off on The Theory of Political Relative Relativity
Written by Autumn Price Johnson
President Trump’s popularity is soaring among voters in spite of round-the-clock attacks from CNN’s Jim Acosta and others in the Fake News industry.
“When they see the anger from the media – the seething rage against this president, it drives people to the president’s corner,” Republican National Committee spokesperson Kaley McEnany said on the Todd Starnes Radio Show.
McEnany cited a new Rasmussen poll showing President Trump has a current approval rating of 48%, while former President Barack Obama had an approval rating of 46% at the same point in his presidency.… Continue Reading
Tags: Barack Obama, fake news, George W. Bush, Jim Acosta, John Cox, Kaley McEnany, Media, President Trump, RNC, Todd Starnes
Media Watch, Political | Benjamin D. Smith |
August 8, 2018 4:00 AM |
Comments Off on Trump is More Popular Than Obama and it’s Driving the Fake Newsers Nuts
Written by Perry Bacon Jr.
In the days after Hillary Clinton’s defeat, the two people who seemed like the Democratic Party’s most obvious 2020 candidates, then-Vice President Joe Biden and Vermont U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, hinted that Clinton had gone too far in talking about issues of identity. “It is not good enough for somebody to say, ‘I’m a woman; vote for me,’” Sanders said.
Other liberals lamented that the party had lost white voters in such states as Ohio and Iowa who had supported Barack Obama, and they said Democrats needed to dial back the identity talk to win them back.… Continue Reading
Tags: Al Franken, Barack Obama, basket of deplorables, Bernie Sanders, Black Lives Matter, Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton, Identity Politics, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Lee Drutman, Obamacare, Planned Parenthood
Federal Elections, Political | Benjamin D. Smith |
July 28, 2018 4:00 AM |
Comments Off on What The Rise Of Kamala Harris Tells Us About The Democratic Party
Written by William J. Watkins, Jr.
Much like King Nebuchadnezzar’s instructions to the three Hebrew boys, U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has telegraphed to Judge Brett Kavanaugh a way out of the fiery furnace of confirmation. Kavanaugh need not bow down to a golden image, but he must give obeisance to Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark abortion case. “The onus is on the nominee,” Schumer has declared, “to show where he or she might stand” on Roe. … Continue Reading
Tags: Barack Obama, Brett Kavanaugh, Chuck Schumer, Due Process Clause, Edward Lazarus, Fourteenth Amendment, Griswold v. Connecticut, Harry Blackmun, King Nebuchadnezzar, Laurence Tribe, Potter Stewart, Roe v. Wade
Sanctity of Life | David E. Smith |
July 16, 2018 7:27 AM |
Comments Off on Shifting the Roe Burden Back to Schumer
Written by David Limbaugh
People on the left are outraged when you question their patriotism, their dedication to the nation as founded and their respect for the U.S. Constitution as originally written, but they continually vindicate our concerns.
The most recent example is the left’s unhinged mania at Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s inclusion on President Trump’s list of potential U.S. Supreme Court appointees. In times of perceived crisis — and this is certainly one of those times for leftists — they show their colors, and you can color them militantly opposed to Barrett, in large part because of her Catholicism.… Continue Reading
Tags: Amy Coney Barrett’s, Barack Obama, Catholic, Catholism, Democratic Party, Dianne Feinstein, Donald Trump, Michael Shermer, Notre Dame, SCOTUS, U.S. Supreme Court
Uncategorized | David E. Smith |
July 6, 2018 7:12 AM |
Comments Off on The Democratic Party’s Christian Problem
Written by Kristin Keller
This week, many Americans are donning flag apparel and singing “God Bless the USA” as they watch fireworks to celebrate America’s heritage. In earlier times, a Fourth of July Celebration was an act of unity, as our nation’s unique blend of people came together to show respect for our country’s icons and traditions and to celebrate its continued success.
Just this week, a Gallup poll asking U.S. adults how proud they are to be Americans showed that for the first time in the poll’s history, only 47 percent responded that they are “extremely proud.”… Continue Reading