Posts tagged: People for the American Way

ERIC – A Voter Roll Maintenance System or a Left-wing Voter Registration Drive?

Written by Nancy Hayes

Given the ongoing national conversation about voter fraud and election security, it would be encouraging to know states are looking for an effective, nonpartisan solution, wouldn’t it? A majority of states have joined something called ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center), a nonprofit established in 2012 as a consortium of states to help maintain our voter registration rolls, but don’t get too excited.

Judicial Watch, a conservative, nonpartisan educational foundation that promotes transparency, accountability, and integrity in government recently published a document entitled, “ERIC white paper.”… Continue Reading

Left Claims The Moral High Ground – For What?

Written by Robert Knight

The progressive Left is in a panic over the U.S. Senate’s coming confirmation vote on President Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.

How do we know this? They keep telling us.

In a national conference call sponsored by People for the American Way (PFAW), U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts Democrat, said, “We’re in the fight of our lives.”

PFAW’s Marge Baker echoed Ms. Warren by exclaiming that this is “a critical, critical, critical fight.”… Continue Reading