Posts tagged: Ten Commandments

The Left’s War On The American Dream

Written by Robert Knight

One of the most chilling scenes in the anti-communist 1965 film “Dr. Zhivago” shows the doctor returning to his Moscow home after forced duty in the Red Army.

The Bolsheviks overthrew the czar and took power in Russia in the October Revolution of 1917.

As his wife, Tonya, gives him a hug and a silent warning, Yuri looks around and sees dozens of people unrelated to him. What was once the Zhivagos’ home — a large, magnificent house — is now a sordid commune crammed with state-sponsored squatters.… Continue Reading

What’s The Big Deal About The Ten Commandments?

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Did you know that the 11 words inscribed on the Liberty Bell, “Proclaim liberty throughout all the Land Unto all the inhabitants thereof,” were written by Moses?

Did you know that Thomas JeffersonBenjamin Franklin and John Adams originally proposed that the Great Seal of the United States include an image of Moses with the motto “Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God”?

Did you know that when the nine justices of the U.S.… Continue Reading

Compromise Isn’t The Great Commission

Written by Peter Heck

It was several years ago that in preparing a speech for an upcoming event, I flipped on the local evening news.

The first story of the night was a double homicide on the city’s northeast side. The second story was that police feared a serial rapist had struck again. The third story involved a string of armed robberies. And then it happened: The anchors turned to the fourth item on their laundry list of bad news, and detailed the removal of the Ten Commandments display at the local courthouse following a legal challenge.… Continue Reading

Washington Post Hit Piece on Home Schooling is Thinly Veiled Attack on Christianity

Written by Robert Knight

Home-schoolers consistently outscore government school students in every academic area. It’s no wonder that the public school establishment hates and fears home schooling.

The clearest evidence yet came in this past Thursday’s Washington Post. “THE REVOLT OF CHRISTIAN HOME-SCHOOLERS” (all caps in original) is a voluminous, front-page article almost entirely about one Loudoun County, Virginia, couple who had home-schooled their children before opting to enroll them in public schools.… Continue Reading

Socialism is Theft — Why Are Candidates Espousing It?

Written by Jerry Newcombe

I recently preached a sermon on the subject of stealing in our church’s series on the Ten Commandments. And one of the points I made is that socialism is a form of theft.

I mentioned the slogan going around during the 1960s — “property is theft.”

But the Bible says, “Thou shalt not steal.” Implied in that commandment is the sanctity of private property — I’m not allowed to simply take it because someone else owns it.… Continue Reading

Left Claims The Moral High Ground – For What?

Written by Robert Knight

The progressive Left is in a panic over the U.S. Senate’s coming confirmation vote on President Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.

How do we know this? They keep telling us.

In a national conference call sponsored by People for the American Way (PFAW), U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts Democrat, said, “We’re in the fight of our lives.”

PFAW’s Marge Baker echoed Ms. Warren by exclaiming that this is “a critical, critical, critical fight.”… Continue Reading

Rafael Cruz Remembers Life in Cuba

Written by Bob Weir

To shed some light on the death of Fidel Castro, I did an interview with U.S. Senator Ted Cruz’s father Rafael Cruz, who lived under the oppressive regime of the Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista.

Have you ever had experiences in which you felt as though your government was taking unfair advantage of you, and it seemed as though you had no power to do anything about it?  Have you written your congressman, senator, or county commissioner several times and only received form-letter responses?  … Continue Reading