Category: Media Watch

CNN Is a Disgrace, and Don Lemon Is a Huge Problem

Written by Peter Heck

Perfect.  It was perfect.  What Don Lemon, one of the most unscrupulous actors posing as a journalist on television today, did to a black minister live on television last week stands as the perfect depiction of why people hate the media, why the president’s punches against them always land so forcefully, and why his employer CNN is cratering to what seems like unsustainably low ratings.

It was also perfect that not long before, CNN’s resident “senior media reporter” Oliver Darcy had criticized Fox News’ resident loudmouth Tomi Lahren for “reprehensible commentary.” … Continue Reading

Attacks on Conservative Speech Take Many Forms

Written by Ken Blackwell

Looking over the frenzied political landscape in America today — one marred by constant clashes between right and left — a single issue rises above the rest. In many areas of public life, conservatives — their words, views and values — are under assault. Ultra-left, radical activists methodically expunge conservative speech and conservative ideas from public discourse.

This threat to the First Amendment and to the sharing of viewpoints held by roughly half of all Americans is taking many forms.… Continue Reading

How Democracy Dies in Darkness

Written by Robert Knight

Tyranny can arrive fast in the form of tanks and jackboots. Or it can come gradually, snuffing out liberty and replacing it with fear.

The latter is what we’re facing today, as cultural Marxists advance their doctrines and silence any dissension.

Each day brings new examples, but here are a few that show why a sleeping church and any friend of liberty had better wake up before it’s too late.

Social media giants Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo, Google’s YouTube and even Pinterest have all been caught censoring Christians and conservatives.  

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Reporter Cries ‘Sexism’ After Mississippi Gubernatorial Candidate Invokes Billy Graham Rule

Written by Brian McNicoll

A gubernatorial candidate in Mississippi invoked the Billy Graham Rule and declined to allow a reporter ride alone with him on a 15-hour campaign trip, a decision the mainstream media has condemned in nearly lockstep.

Mississippi State Rep. Robert Foster, who represents a district near Memphis, said he had made a promise to his wife before they married that he would not be alone with another woman in a situation that could be construed as compromising.Continue Reading

A Christian Response to Taylor Swift’s LGBT-Promoting Video

Written by Peter Heck

Generally speaking, the entertainment industry is no friend to Christians attempting to raise their children to resist worldly conformity and embrace Godliness.  Taylor Swift’s recently released Christian-mocking, LGBT-affirming anthem You Need to Calm Down is the latest example.

The 29-year-old pop sensation brings together a cast of colorful celebrity collaborators to depict those who would choose to promote biblical sexual ethics as backwards, mean-spirited, even toothless cretins, angrily berating anyone who expresses their sexuality in a nontraditional way.… Continue Reading

Al Gore Deserves Shame, Not an Apology

Written by Peter Heck

NPR recently ran a silly story with this provocative headline: “We All Owe Al Gore an Apology.”  I dissent.

Let’s first be clear about Gore.  After losing the 2000 presidential election, Gore found a cause to peddle in global warming.  He partnered with affluent donors, created a documentary full of hyperbolic exaggeration and dire warnings about an impending ecological armageddon, and made millions.  And millions.  He divorced his wife and became the international playboy of global warming-turned-climate change-turned-climate disruption-turned-whatever we’re calling it now.… Continue Reading

A Disturbing Glimpse Into the Manufacturing of Fake News

Written by Ken Blackwell

President Trump’s enemies provided yet another disturbing glimpse of the bona fide fake news factory into which the mainstream media has morphed.

Late last week, Ian Bremmer tweeted a made-up quote from President Trump. Bremmer is one of the most well-known foreign policy experts in America. He didn’t offer any hint that the statement was fake. “President Trump in Tokyo: ‘Kim Jong Un is smarter and would make a better President than Sleepy Joe Biden,’” Bremmer wrote.… Continue Reading

Jesters, ‘Hypokrites,’ Actors & Actresses

Written by Nicholas J. Stojakovich

The next time a Hollywood actor or actress tries to persuade or impress you with their profound knowledge and insights on political or world affairs, keep a few things in mind.

Never forget that the word “actor” comes from the Greek word “hypokrites,” which means “an actor” or “a stage player.”

Of course, many actors and actresses throughout history and today are incredibly gifted, and have created and will continue to create memorable stage plays and films that impact society for good.… Continue Reading

Understanding Fake News

Written by Carmel Kookogey

Tuesday on the radio, LevinTV host Mark Levin explained why he believes the media is the most important issue facing Americans today.

Levin read from an article he discusses in his upcoming book, “Unfreedom of the Press.” The article, written after the 2016 election by CBS News digital political correspondent Will Rahn, detailed D.C. journalists’ anguish after Donald Trump’s victory. The reporter admitted the mainstream media missed the story, while smugly mocking the people — Trump’s supporters — who knew better what was going on.… Continue Reading

Facebook & Twitter: Biased Against the Right?

Written by David Grogan

Recently, representatives from Facebook and Twitter appeared before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee to respond to claims that their companies are engaging in the censorship of conservative news and voices. For years, conservatives have lamented the power of Big Tech over political discourse and their bias against the Right.

U.S. Senator Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) made sure to point out that, in her view, the evidence conservatives have for social media bias is purely anecdotal.… Continue Reading