Posts tagged: Planned Parenthood

Are We Insane or Standing Fast?

Written by Pastor Calvin Lindstrom

Supposedly, Albert Einstein gave this definition for insanity – doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Whether Einstein actually said this or someone else conceived it, it is a profound definition.

Does this definition apply to all situations? What is the context that needs to be considered? Are we as Christian conservatives in Illinois guilty of insanity?

I am going to answer this question in two ways: first in the negative and then in the positive.… Continue Reading

Action Alert: Veto Session 2021 Continues THIS Week

Written by David E. Smith

During the weeks of October 19-21 and 26-28, Illinois state lawmakers will be headed back to Springfield for the annual “Veto Session.”

Using his social media account to circumvent the liberal media, Illinois State Rep. Dan Caulkins (R-Decatur) recently posted a video update on Facebook to warn his constituents about the corrupt priorities that the Democratic majority has on the docket for these six days of Veto Session. Of these, we are specifically concerned about the following:

1.)… Continue Reading

What the Democrats Did is Horrifying … Yet Helpful?

Written by Peter Heck

Amid all the trillion-dollar spending bill talk, it’s been largely overlooked that the Nancy Pelosi-led U.S. House of Representatives passed historic legislation last week – a bill that would permit the intentional killing of all infants in the womb through all 9 months of pregnancy, up to the moment of birth.

It’s truly difficult for me to surmise who would have been more euphoric at the galling news: the Planned Parenthood abortion cabal or Satan himself.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Anti-Life Legislation, Parental Rights and Sex Trafficking

Written by David E. Smith

Legislation has consequences. Good legislation can bring about beneficial improvements and protections, but unwise legislation can have harmful, devastating effects on the people who must abide by it. With that dichotomy in mind, this edition of Spotlight takes an in-depth look at the ramifications of repealing Illinois’ Parental Notice of Abortion Act by considering its impact on the unborn child, the underage mother-to-be and her parents, compassionate and helpful pregnancy center workers, and Planned Parenthood’s bottom line.… Continue Reading

Agree With Liberals, or You’re Racist, Xenophobic and Dangerous

Written by Robert Knight

OK, with the “unity” and “healing” rhetoric behind us as we enter the Biden/Harris years, backed by 25,000 troops, we can get back to the business at hand.

That would be the left’s all-out war on free speech, American heritage, limited government, economic freedom, biological truth and Judeo-Christian morality.

After Mr. Biden’s soothing words, his administration took a scorched-earth approach on its very first day. He signed executive orders reversing many positive Trump policies, including controlling the border, achieving energy independence, limiting travel from terror-prone nations, protecting unborn children, keeping biological males out of females’ bathrooms, locker rooms and sports, and assembling the 1776 Commission, which was countering lies about America spread by the malign 1619 Project.… Continue Reading

Abortion Is the Issue that Will Not Die

Written by Jerry Newcombe

Another anniversary of Roe v. Wade has come and gone. And in recent days, the pro-life movement has suffered some serious political setbacks.

Outgoing President Donald Trump was surprisingly pro-life. In contrast, incoming President Joe Biden, although he is a Catholic, has become so pro-abortion that he believes in abortion for any reason up to the very moment of birth—and that you and I should pay for it.

Vice President Kamala Harris is just a heartbeat away from the presidency.… Continue Reading

Biden’s Cabinet Picks Avoid Left-Wing Loons But Show What He Means By ‘Unity’

Written by Robert Knight

Some progressives are grousing that Joe Biden’s Cabinet choices aren’t sufficiently Marxist. They want Bernie Sanders named as Labor secretary, for instance. The Nation magazine is less critical but also wants more lefties.

You just can’t please some people. The fabricated “Office of the President-Elect” has announced what amounts to a reunion of the Obama administration’s radical crew, and then some.

Take Susan Rice. After the United Nations ambassador was caught lying about the terrorist attack on the American consulate in Benghazi on Sept.… Continue Reading

The Disastrous Co-Belligerence of Never-Trumpers and Leftists

Written by Laurie Higgins

Listen to this article:

Never-Trumpers in a de facto alliance with leftist Trump-loathers of various stripes have apparently succeeded in their effort to elect a cognitively impaired man who claims to be Catholic while heartily endorsing a legal right to slaughter the unborn and making the public pay for their deaths.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: How the Fight for Life is Impacted by The Election

Written by David E. Smith

We shine our Spotlight this week on an informative, post-election conversation between Monte Larrick and Eric Scheidler, Executive Director of Pro-Life Action League. They discuss our newest U.S. Supreme Court Justice, Amy Coney Barrett; the likelihood of repealing Roe v. Wade; bubble zones; and various issues that might be revisited by SCOTUS.

After the break, Eric details the Pro-Life Action League’s efforts amidst the pandemic. He also addresses probable and possible goals of a Joe Biden administration: reinstatement of Planned Parenthood’s Title X funding, repeal of the Hyde Amendment, a federal abortion law, and more.… Continue Reading

Trump’s Accomplishments: The Case for Four More Years

Written by Kathy Valente

There are many people who do not like the personality of President Donald J. Trump and his unorthodox methods of communicating. Some have even gone so far as to say that they couldn’t vote for him because of his temperament and/or boorishness.

Having concerns about or aversions to President Trump’s style is understandable. You don’t have to like him. When it comes to picking the commander in chief of the United States, we believe that voters should carefully consider President Trump’s record of achievements over the past four years and his goals for a second term.… Continue Reading