Posts tagged: Michael Bloomberg

‘Woke’ Liberals Aren’t Hiding Their Hatred Anymore

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Last week, in this column, I argued, “What happens in Israel will not stay in Israel.” I went on to warn that “the next shoe to drop may be in Galveston rather than Gaza.”

Is this warning a bit over the top, or is there a reason to take it seriously?

Well, if Solomon was right when he said, “As a man thinketh, so he is,” let’s consider what the people who fancy themselves the moral conscience of America and the West actually think and say.… Continue Reading

The Moderate Democrat

Written by Micah Clark

You may have noticed that several news commentators attached the label “moderate” to former New York Mayor, Michael Bloomberg last week when he filed papers to run for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.

A news story appearing at Town this week raises some questions about the notion that Bloomberg is a middle of the road Democrat.   It points to a lawsuit against the former mayor in which an employee told him that she was pregnant.  … Continue Reading

GOP Needs to Ignore Media’s ‘Advice’ and Go Smart, Not Left

Written by Robert Knight

In November 2010, Republicans gave Democrats a “shellacking,” regaining control of the U.S. House of Representatives.  In 2014, they held the U.S. House and captured the U.S. Senate, swept a majority of governorships. Overall, the GOP gained more state legislative offices that they had held since the 1920s.

In the face of this, President Barack Obama made it clear that he was not about to move to the right in any fashion.… Continue Reading

Intolerance in Academia

Written by Walter E. Williams

If you need an accurate update on some of the madness at the nation’s institutions of higher learning, check out Minding the Campus, a nonprofit independent organization. John Leo, its editor in chief, says that the organization’s prime mission is dedicated to the revival of intellectual pluralism and the best traditions of liberal education at America’s colleges and universities. Leo’s most recent compilation of campus madness leaves one nearly breathless.… Continue Reading

Say No to Nanny Bloomberg

Written by Michelle Malkin

No matter how politically fractured the nation may seem, I believe that liberty-loving citizens of all ideologies can unite and agree:

Billionaire Nanny Michael Bloomberg — the soda-taxing, gun-grabbing, snack-attacking control freak — should keep his nose out of our lives and out of the 2020 presidential race.

On the eve of the midterms, the former New York City mayor dumped $5 million into a self-serving ad bashing President Donald Trump, promoting Democrats, decrying border enforcement and preaching about a “higher purpose” in Washington.… Continue Reading