Posts tagged: Joe Biden

Eight Steps States Should Take to Stop Biden’s Border Invasion

Written by Daniel Horowitz

In the eyes of the Biden administration, there is still enough of a public health emergency to criminalize the breathing of 2-year-olds and disabled seniors on planes, but not enough of an emergent matter to prevent millions of illegal aliens from all corners of the globe from invading our border.

At present, the rate of illegal alien apprehensions at the border is averaging 7,000 a day, which is an annualized pace of 2.5 million.… Continue Reading

From Hunter’s Laptop to the LGBTQ Mouse and the White House

Written by Robert Knight

There are many column-worthy topics, but I’m going to limit this to the Hunter Biden laptop, President Biden’s troubling gaffes and Disney’s latest plunge into “wokeness.”

The Washington Post, like The New York Times, has finally admitted the validity of Hunter Biden’s laptop 16 months after the New York Post broke the story. Like Big Tech, they suppressed it until after his father, Joe Biden, was safely ensconced in the White House.… Continue Reading

Disney, Big Pharma and Media’s War on Children

Written by Robert Knight

So, Mickey, Goofy and the gang have joined the war on children’s innocence. If Walt could spin one more time in his grave, it would be now.

Walt Disney Company CEO Bob Chapek announced this past week that the entertainment giant has joined the leftist mob opposing a bill backed by Republican Governor Ron DeSantis and passed by the legislature that would protect young children from exposure to LGBTQ themes.

In the latest example of corporate genuflection to all things radical, Mr.… Continue Reading

Wake up, America — They’re Trying to Destroy Us

Written by Laura Hollis

Throughout our nation’s relatively short history, powerful people — kings, communist dictators, tribal tyrants, warmongering corporatists — have always resented America. The reason is simple and biblical: America’s success was proof that free people who exercise self-restraint grounded in Judeo-Christian principles of human dignity and ordered society can govern themselves and flourish, unencumbered by totalitarian control.

But we have grown weak, dependent and easily manipulated. In 2008, when Barack Obama was first running for president, I remarked on the similarities between those proclaiming Obama to be a messiah of sorts and the ancient Israelites’ demand for a king.… Continue Reading

A Slip of the Tongue in the Supreme Court

Written by Terence P. Jeffrey

When lawyer Sarah Weddington stood up in the U.S. Supreme Court on Oct. 11, 1972, to present the pro-abortion argument in the case of Roe v. Wade, she was legalistically careful in the language she used to describe whom exactly an abortion aborted.

She avoided normal human terms like “unborn child” or “baby” — and, most importantly, “person.” She preferred “fetus.”

Presumably, this was because the Fourteenth Amendment states,

“nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

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The Gulf Widens Between Democrats’ Truth & Lies

Written by Robert Knight

If you don’t go outside the legacy media, you might have missed a few important stories.

In New York, Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul extended the COVID-19 “emergency” to March 16, even though the pandemic is running out of steam.

“The rate of new COVID-19 hospital admissions has been increasing over the past month to over 300 new admissions a day,” she said. But, as The Wall Street Journal’s Allysia Finley points out, “In fact, state data show that daily new hospital admissions fell to around 300 from 2,100 in early January.”… Continue Reading

The West’s Fixation on Climate Change is Proving Disastrous

Written by Peter Heck

The crisis in Ukraine has highlighted, once again, the foolishness of the Western world’s climate change gambit – that is, shackling ourselves with economy-crippling restrictions that the globe’s largest, dirtiest, and most dangerous countries will ignore. Commentator Erick Erickson explained the ignorance recently:

Over the last two decades, Putin has taken advantage of the Western world’s grievous fixation with climate change. European nations have reduced their dependence on both fossil fuels and nuclear power.

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Violence Is In The Offing And It’s The Fault Of Our Schools

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

This past week while President Joe Biden puttered about the White House, addled and confused, in his rainbow-striped pajamas, two surveys were released that should chill the blood of even the most progressive among us who still think we live in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

The first survey was conducted by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education and reported that 23 percent of America’s college students now think it’s okay to use violence to silence those with whom they disagree, and 66 percent currently support shouting down a campus speaker whose ideas they don’t like.… Continue Reading

The New York Times’ Fake News Has a Russian Accent

Written by Robert Knight

The New York Times has a problem with Russia. And the truth.

For more than three years, the Times pushed the false Trump-Russia collusion story, making the paper an accessory to what amounted to an attempted coup against the 45th president.

For its sordid role, the Times, known as “the Gray Lady,” won a Pulitzer Prize in 2018 for writing on “Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and its connections to the Trump campaign.”… Continue Reading

Media Hostile to Republicans While Democrats’ ‘Gaffes’ Ignored

Written by Robert Knight

If the lockstep media are good at anything, it’s repeating phrases out of context until they’re a mantra of shame.

This is done only to Republicans, of course. When Democrats commit awful misstatements, the media dismiss them as harmless “gaffes.”

By the way, if you think otherwise, you’re a “lying, dog-faced pony soldier,” as President Joe Biden said to a student. She was crushed, while the media gave Mr. Biden cover, saying he was only “joking.”… Continue Reading