Posts tagged: National Review

Lab Leak Story: How Elite Scientists Lied and Concealed the Truth

Written by Michael Barone

When the Wall Street Journal reported in a front-page lead story that the Department of Energy had concluded the COVID-19 pandemic resulted from a leak from China’s Wuhan laboratory, you might have argued it was old news. The FBI had already, it turns out, come to the same conclusion and with a higher degree of confidence (moderate) than the Energy Department (low).

Those agencies’ conclusions, moreover, came as a result of a May 21 directive from President Joe Biden to multiple intelligence agencies to review two “equally plausible scenarios” for COVID’s origin, “whether it emerged from human contact with an infected animal” (the zoonotic theory) “or from a laboratory accident” (the lab leak theory).… Continue Reading

Censored by YouTube…

Written by David E. Smith

The overlords at Google/YouTube have banned the IFA video of our U.S. Senatorial Forum. Why? Because the topic of widely suspected voting irregularities during the 2020 election was briefly touched on during the forum. That is a “conspiracy theory” Leftists will not tolerate despite the mounting evidence. So, what conspiracy theories do they tolerate?  Well, if you search the following topics, you will find a plethora of videos available:

  • Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy theory
  • Jussie Smollett attacked by racist, homophobic Trump supporters conspiracy theory
  • Who shot JFK conspiracy theory
  • Moon landing hoax conspiracy theory
  • Area 51 conspiracy theory
  • Sasquatch conspiracy theory
  • Loch Ness Monster conspiracy theory
  • Elvis still lives conspiracy theory

Thankfully, last year we decided to cross-post our videos over at our Rumble channel in case intolerant regressives blocked us, but who knew it would be over a video of a candidate forum?… Continue Reading

SCOTUS Case of Colorado Web Designer Has Big Implications for Religious Liberty

Written by Jorge Gomez

The U.S. Supreme Court recently announced it will hear 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, a free speech case that could have major implications for religious liberty. This is a case being handled by our friends at the Alliance Defending Freedom.

It involves Lorie Smith, a Christian web designer from the Denver-area who declines to create wedding websites for same-sex couples, because of her religious beliefs. The case is expected to be heard during the Court’s next term, which begins in October.… Continue Reading

Cowardly Biden Hides from the Press on Afghanistan

Written by Tim Graham

The very supportive media environment around President Joe Biden has turned suddenly sour over this administration’s shoddy handling of Afghanistan. This debacle shouldn’t be buried and ignored by the press, like they’ve tried to do with the border crisis. But Biden’s gone back to hiding as a strategy, as he did in his 2020 presidential campaign.

For four days, the president disappeared from public view. Then he gave a speech on Aug.… Continue Reading

Why Trump Is Gaining Conservative Christian Supporters

Written by Dr. Michael L. Brown

A recent editorial in the New York Times confirms the results of my own online polling. President Trump appears to be gaining more conservative Christian voters than he is losing.

Writing for the Times on October 5, Jeremy W. Peters compiles an impressive list of former Never Trumpers who are now firmly in his camp. And quite a few of those on his list would identify as conservative religious voters.… Continue Reading

Joe Walsh’s Misguided Self-Serving Candidacy

Written by David E. Smith and John Biver

Some Illinoisans wonder how Joe Walsh morphed from a Trump-supporter into a Trump-hater so intense he’s decided to run against Trump in the 2020 primaries. What strikes many as odd about Walsh’s transformation is that Trump has accomplished much of what he promised and has governed more conservatively than many expected.

Perhaps Walsh, like other Trump-haters, paid too much attention to Trump’s tweets and too little attention to all the good Trump has accomplished for the American people, including record low unemployment among blacks and Hispanics, good judicial appointments, deregulation, moving the U.S.… Continue Reading

When Ideology Collides with Good School Governance

Written by R.B.A. DiMuccio

Should schools be focused on providing children with a good education in a safe environment or should they be laboratories of partisan political agitation? The answer, of course, should be obvious. The National School Boards Association states that “education is not a line item in your school board’s budget, it’s the only item.” The principles of “governance and leadership,” such as those articulated by the Pennsylvania School Boards Association, make no allowance for focusing on anything other than educating children.… Continue Reading

National Review: Rauner is the Worst GOP Governor in America

Written by John Biver

Illinoisans have a lot to be proud of — we live in a beautiful state in the heart of America. Our people are hardworking, our soil is among the most productive in the world, our transportation systems are first rate, we have a world-class city and hundreds of great small towns. The list could go on and on.

But to our shame is our state government. Illinois is at or near the top on a lot of bad lists: corruption, tax burden, unfunded liabilities, and debt.… Continue Reading