Posts tagged: George Soros

Republicans Must Make Democrats Own Their Radical Politics

Written by Robert Knight

Left-wing lunacy should be Republicans’ best friend. Take California — please.

In Democratic-run Los Angeles, a fire from a homeless encampment got out of hand and caused enormous damage to an Interstate 10 overpass, closing the major freeway. It will be weeks before it can reopen to the roughly 300,000 commuters who use it daily.

In Democratic-run San Francisco, officials cleaned up just enough homeless tents, used needles, human excrement and garbage to give visiting Chinese leader Xi Jinping a Potemkin village experience during the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit and his visit with President Joe Biden.… Continue Reading

GOP Must Go On The Offensive and Call Out Democrats’ Extremism to Win 2024 Elections

Written by Robert Knight

Most pundits credit the Democrats’ election victories last Tuesday to the nation’s apparently unquenchable lust for abortion.

They have a point.

Democrats kept the focus off potent issues such as crime, raging inflation, millions of illegal immigrants, the war on domestic energy production, and President Biden’s bizarre behavior.

Using abortion like a club, Democrats in Virginia flipped the state House and kept the Senate, albeit by paper-thin majorities. They kept control in Fairfax and Loudoun counties.… Continue Reading

The Wages of Moral Confusion: When Lawlessness Replaces Ordered Liberty

Written by Robert Knight

My son and I attended one of the Washington Nationals’ last home games and were walking back to his vehicle when we saw a strange sight.

It was a guy pushing a grocery cart full of goods down the sidewalk toward us at top speed, accompanied by a young woman who was laughing. Two clerks from a CVS store came around the corner and began screaming, “Stop them!”

Just then, a police car sped by in hot pursuit with lights flashing.… Continue Reading

Looting As a Way of Life

Written by Robert Knight

Karl Marx’s famous prescription for economic equity is “from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs.”

A more honest version is “robbing Peter to pay Paul,” which takes brute force in most cases.

This is the ethos of the radicalized Democratic Party, whose mantra is centralized power and redistribution of wealth. The street version is called “looting,” but that word aptly summarizes their entire agenda.

This is the ethos of the radicalized Democratic Party, whose mantra is centralized power and redistribution of wealth.… Continue Reading

The Boogeyman of Christian Nationalism

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

With the midterm elections just a couple of days away, the woke cries of Christian nationalism are again on the rise. We hear the portents from coast to coast. Everyone from California’s dear leader, Gavin Newsom, to George Soros’ sock puppet, President Biden, is warning that “Christian nationalists” are perhaps the greatest threat to our country.

“Beware of the heartland conservatives,” they shout! “These Bible-thumping rubes are dangerous. They’re destroying democracy and must be stopped, or the next shoe to fall will be forced conversions, inquisitions, public floggings and witch hunts.”… Continue Reading

Headline Misleads About Mary Miller and Jim Marter

Written by David E. Smith and Paul Hurst

The Daily Herald newspaper recently published an article about Congresswoman Mary Miller (R-15th) and her endorsement of Congressional Candidate Jim Marter, who is running as a Republican for the 14th Congressional District in the western and southwestern suburbs of Chicagoland. Upon receiving a Marter for Congress press release about the endorsement, the Daily Herald took the occasion to drudge up a previously debunked attack-narrative against Miller, by referring to her as a “Hitler quoting lawmaker.”… Continue Reading

The Cloward-Piven Strategy Remix: Criminal Justice

Written by Abraham Hamilton III

In recent years, there’s been a massive surge of crime in America’s major cities, including violent crimes and murder specifically. For example, there were 397 murders in Los Angeles in 2021. According to Los Angeles Magazine, that was an 11.8 percent increase from the 355 murders in the city in 2020 and a 53.9 percent increase from the 258 murders in the pre-pandemic year of 2019. Three hundred ninety-seven murders was the highest total in the city since 395 people were murdered there in 2007.… Continue Reading

The Pandemic of De-Incarceration

Written by Daniel Horowitz

People are sitting in solitary confinement in the D.C. jail for a year for trespassing on public property on Jan. 6, yet in Chicago, nearly 90 murder suspects are out on bail.

Last Monday, Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart revealed that in his county alone, 90 murder suspects, 40 people charged with attempted murder, and 852 people charged with aggravated gun possession are out free on bail indefinitely, waiting for their trials.… Continue Reading

The Dark Side of The Left’s Tyrannical ‘Democracy’

Written by Robert Knight

In the name of “democracy,” Democrats want to get rid of our current system of government.

That’s no small thing, given that the Constitution has held up for 240 years — longer than any other. The founders’ design of a federal republic with representative decision-making and checks and balances has ensured unparalleled freedom and prosperity, unlike “democratic people’s” regimes worldwide.

Some liberals are so angry at U.S. Senator Joe Manchin, West Virginia Democrat, for capsizing Joe Biden’s $5 trillion socialist Build Back Better bill that they want to do away with the U.S.… Continue Reading

How ‘Woke’ Conservatives Cancel Their Own Culture

Written by Cliff Kincaid

Conservatives have canceled their own culture. Glenn Beck was a recent example, blasting anti-communist U.S. Senator Joe McCarthy and warning of a new “Red Scare” targeting conservatives. We should have taken the old Red Scare more seriously and could have avoided our current fate.

That fate, recently described by federal Judge Laurence Silberman, is the “ideological consolidation” of the media in the hands of the Democratic Party and its allies. Marx called it the centralization of the means of communications in the hands of the state.… Continue Reading