Posts tagged: Family Research Council

NPR’s Lurch to the Left

Written by Robert Knight

For years, those of us in the media have known that National Public Radio could also be called National People’s Radio.

It’s no secret that tax-subsidized NPR has leaned left since its inception in 1970. But the network had some good reporting and used to keep its most radical elements mostly in check.

Public radio even features discussions pitting conservatives against liberals on various issues. I did some of those when I worked as a cultural policy analyst for the Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America.… Continue Reading

Projection and Denial: That’s the Biden Way

Written by Robert Knight

Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, chronicled neurotic disorders, including “projection” and other psychological defense mechanisms.

Projection occurs when someone projects their own feelings, motives, behaviors and thoughts onto others. It’s a way of coping with one’s own insecurities and to blame one’s problems on others.

Another Freudian concept is denial. That’s when someone dismisses external reality and formulates his or her own “truth.”

Both disorders are not only rampant among America’s political left but have become tools in their war on common sense, truth and decency.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Religious Liberty in America

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This episode of Illinois Family Spotlight features remarks from Ariella Del Turco on the topic of religious liberty in the first half, along with a question and answer segment with Ambassador Sam Brownback during the second half.

Arielle Del Turco is the director of Religious Liberty at the Family Research Council (FRC) and is the co-author of FRC’s “Hostility Against Churches” report.

Sam Brownback is the former governor of Kansas, formerly representing Kansas in the U.S.… Continue Reading

The Far Left’s Slander Machine

Written by David E. Smith

We’ve all heard the story of “the boy who cried wolf,” but perhaps the modern version should be about “the organization that cried hater.”

The far left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has forged a reputation as a nationally outspoken advocate against “hate groups.” Founded in 1971 and based in Montgomery, Alabama, the SPLC is no stranger to controversy.  The group has long been accused of targeting conservative and Christian organizations.… Continue Reading

SCOTUS Unleashes the Left’s Outrage

Written by Robert Knight

You know it’s a good sign when President Joe Biden and lefty celebrities go bat crazy.

At a press conference in Spain, Mr. Biden trashed the U.S. Supreme Court as “destabilizing” because of its “outrageous” rulings on abortion and guns. He pledged to do an end-run on the U.S. Senate filibuster to pass a national abortion bill.

On June 24, a 6-3 court majority overturned Roe v. Wade in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.… Continue Reading

How Big Tech Crushes Hope For Change

Written by Robert Knight

While Big Tech’s Washington lobbyists fend off anti-trusters, Silicon Valley has not missed a beat in its “woke” censorship of views they don’t like.

COVID-19. Climate change. Vote fraud. Former President Donald Trump. Human sexuality. Whatever.

Toe their leftist line or get muzzled.

Last week, Google-owned YouTube blocked all videos on the Reintegrative Therapy Association channel after a left-wing group in Alabama complained loudly about them and Forbes carried an article parroting the group’s report.… Continue Reading

Strong Fathers Desperately Needed to Steer Families Back Toward Personal Responsibility

Written by Robert Knight

It’s no secret that families depend in many ways on the involvement of fathers.

A striking illustration of this can be found in America’s prisons, where charitable groups donate greeting cards for inmates. Mother’s Day cards are quickly snatched up, while Father’s Day cards go unclaimed. Most of the inmates either had a bad relationship with their dads or never knew them.

Likewise, we can trace many social ills to the demise of strong marriages and the absence — physical or emotional — of husbands/fathers in the household.… Continue Reading

The Southern Poverty Law Center Hate Hoax

Written by Andrew Harrod

Former Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) “staffers have admitted that the hate accusations leveled by the SPLC are a ‘con,’ a deceptive scheme to raise money,” writes PJ Media Senior Editor Tyler O’Neil. In his new bookMaking Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center, O’Neil shreds the SPLC’s claims to be an impartial “hate arbiter” and exposes the SPLC as a corrupt, leftist smear merchant.… Continue Reading

Congress Should Defund Federal Government From Coordinating With the SPLC

Written by Richard McCarty

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and its co-founder Morris Dees, who was recently fired by the organization, have long and sleazy pasts. Over the years, they have been sharply criticized for their tactics, priorities, and mistreatment of employees.

Despite this, the federal government has regarded the SPLC as an expert on extremism and has a long history of coordinating with law enforcement at the federal and state level. SPLC sources were among those used to draft the Department of Homeland Security right-wing extremism memo in 2009.… Continue Reading

Lefty SPLC, Soros Foundations Build Coalition to Ban ‘Hate Speech’ Online

Written by Corinne Weaver

The anti-conservative hate group, Southern Poverty Law Center, wants to censor people it disagrees with and it’s asking the top social media companies to help.

On Thursday, October 25, the liberal organization announced that it had formed a coalition with five other groups to encourage the prohibition of so-called “hate speech” online. SPLC partnered with four George Soros funded organizations: the Center for American Progress, Color of ChangeFree Press and Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, as well as the National Hispanic Media Coalition.… Continue Reading