Posts tagged: Donald J. Trump

Seven Ways Conservatives Can Fight Back At The State And Local Levels

Written by Daniel Harowitz

Everyone is hoping and assuming 2021 will be a better year than 2020. But it will not happen on its own. We must get on the playing field and make it happen.

Assuming Joe Biden is sitting in the White House on January 20, there is little we can do to influence the direction of federal policy in the coming years. And given that too few Republicans in the U.S. Senate plan to stand against Biden’s fraudulent election victory, we are out of options at the federal level to fight back against voter fraud.… Continue Reading

Standing with Trump Against Election Fraud!

Written by David E. Smith

America needs God-fearing patriots like never before! Establishment Media (aka Fake News) has cheered for and now celebrates the inaugural events for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Even some formerly stalwart outlets, such as Fox News Channel, have succumbed to the narrative.

But what is the truth, and how should conservatives respond?

Looking at the situation following Election 2020, the outlook seems bleak. The AP and every “news” station declared Mr.… Continue Reading

America Does Not Need the Pallid Milquetoast of Biden and Complicit RINOs

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Republican pollster Patrick Ruffini recently tweeted, “What Republicans need to replace Trump is not a wet blanket. Trump will always be with us until someone steps up who can fight smarter.” Mr. Ruffini then added, “When conservatives don’t fight for ideological first principles like they used to, fighting for nonsense is what fills the void.”

But what are those first principles, and what do they look like?

Historian Tom Holland, an atheist, offers the answer: Christianity.… Continue Reading

Democrats Want Unity Only on Their Terms

Written by David Limbaugh

Many Trump haters have been lying all along about President Donald J. Trump, what he stands for, what his record has been and who his supporters are. Now they tell us they want unity.

What Trump wants — and want his supporters want — is for America to reclaim its greatness, its robust liberty tradition, its prosperity, the integrity of its borders, fair trade deals with foreign nations and its military strength.… Continue Reading

Things That Make You Wonder About Trump’s “Loss”

Written by Micah Clark

Few media outlets are significantly reporting the President’s legal arguments or questions surrounding the stalled counts in several swing states that moved from Trump to Biden in the wee hours of the morning after Election Day. Most of the media could not care less about election fraud and want the President to concede right now, even though they had no such calls during Al Gore’s 37-day court fight after the 2000 election.… Continue Reading

Election Integrity- “I See Dead People Voting”

Written by Jerry Newcombe

[This week we celebrate] the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower Compact (November 11, 1620)—the document that initiated American democracy that culminated in the Constitution and our freedoms. Is that Constitution at risk.

This is not a banana republic. This is the United States of America.

Election integrity is at risk. How this is resolved may well determine what kind of a country we become and what kind of a legacy we leave for our children and posterity.… Continue Reading

Election Update: What We Know So Far

Written by David E. Smith

The final results of this week’s election may remain unknown for days or weeks with five or more states still counting ballots. Our continued prayers are needed today and throughout the upcoming week for honesty and fairness to prevail. Pray that voter fraud of any type would be exposed. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 20:23 that the Lord hates unequal scales.

We should not be surprised to learn how wrong the predictions of the establishment media and pollsters have been again.… Continue Reading

The Relentless Revolution

Written by Robert Knight

This past month, America’s Progressives showed they will do anything to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. This includes having social media, along with “legacy” media, spike articles by America’s fourth largest newspaper, The New York Post.

But that’s not all. These Marxists are even vowing revenge on Trump supporters if they get back the reins of power.

“When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission,” tweeted Robert Reich, former Labor Department secretary under Bill Clinton and adviser to Barack Obama.… Continue Reading

Trump’s Accomplishments: The Case for Four More Years

Written by Kathy Valente

There are many people who do not like the personality of President Donald J. Trump and his unorthodox methods of communicating. Some have even gone so far as to say that they couldn’t vote for him because of his temperament and/or boorishness.

Having concerns about or aversions to President Trump’s style is understandable. You don’t have to like him. When it comes to picking the commander in chief of the United States, we believe that voters should carefully consider President Trump’s record of achievements over the past four years and his goals for a second term.… Continue Reading

President Trump Should Read Black Lives Matter The Riot Act – And The Insurrection Act

Written by Daniel Horowitz

The hallmark of a first-world country is not that violence never occurs within its borders, but that once it does, the damage is mitigated immediately and the perpetrators are punished and future criminals deterred. Yet here we are, over 80 days into this national insurrection by terrorist groups like Back Lives Matter and Antifa, and there is no end in sight.… Continue Reading