Posts tagged: Betsy DeVos

Trump & DeSantis Target “Woke” Education on Road to White House

Written by Alex Newman

Former President Donald J. Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis are both focusing heavily on education policy in the run-up to the 2024 election, suggesting the issue will take center stage over the next two years. DeSantis is already on the warpath in Florida, as Trump vows to wrest control of schools from “radical left maniacs” and “pink-haired communists” in his second term.

Among other tactics, both men are vowing to ramp up conservative defenses in the ongoing culture war within schools as public education becomes increasingly radicalized — and unpopular with parents desperate to stop the sexualization and indoctrination of their children at taxpayer expense.… Continue Reading

Christian Socialism Is a Sinful Mix of Greed and Envy

Written by Peter Heck

I recently read a thought-provoking, though ultimately misguided, article by Daniel Jose Camacho from the faith-oriented left-wing commentary website Sojourners.  In it, Camacho argued against the preoccupation many American Christians have with capitalism, suggesting that,

“Capitalism is so deeply ingrained in our Christianity that it is the default.  Yet, this arrangement is neither natural nor inevitable.”

Such a perspective was anything but surprising coming from a Sojourners publication.  After all, the online magazine is the modern iteration of socialist Jim Wallis’s anti-capitalist magazine “The Post American.”  … Continue Reading

“Repeal and Replace Common Core” (Spotlight #053)

Lennie Jarratt is the Project Manager of the Center for Transforming Education for the Heartland Institute. He joins Monte Larrick and David Smith, to discuss everything Common Core, from math, to President Trump’s stance on Common Core, and the new Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

"Repeal and Replace Common Core" (Spotlight #053)
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Homeschooling in the State of Illinois (Spotlight #043)

Written by Benjamin Smith

In the spotlight this week is Kirk Smith, the Executive Director of the Illinois Christian Home Educators. Kirk graduated from Greenville College, teaching and coaching for two years at the high school level before founding the House of Prayer church in Albion, IL, which he pastored for almost 25 years. Kirk and his wife Joely live in Bone Gap with their 11 children who range in age from toddler to young adult.… Continue Reading

4 Likes, 2 Dislikes from Trump’s First 50 Days

Written by Jon Schweppe

Generally, the first 50 days of the Trump Administration have been an absolute joy to watch. The media and the Left have been apoplectic as President Donald J. Trump largely honors his campaign promises and does exactly what he said he would do. Truthfully, Trump has been everything we hoped he would be and more.

Still, that’s not to say there haven’t been some disappointments. Here are four things I like and two things I dislike from the first 50 days:

Like: U.S.

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“Trump is President. Now What?'” (Illinois Family Spotlight #024)

il_family-spotlight_125x125The Donald became President Trump on Friday. Monte and Dave speak with Pastor John Kirkwood, an active Republican and a steady critic of Donald Trump, to discuss what a victorious Trump Administration means for evangelicals, Republicans, conservatives, and the next generation.  Pastor Kirkwood also discusses why Bernie Sanders succeeded among millennials and what that means for future political bouts.

"Trump is President. Now What?'" (Illinois Family Spotlight #024)
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