Posts tagged: border security

The Public Health Emergency The Left Won’t Declare

Written by Daniel Horowitz

We were told in 2020 that our life, liberty, and property — up to and including our right to breathe freely — were subservient to the government’s capricious invocation of public health needs. As such, under the guise of stopping a virus, state governments were able to mask children for two years, shut down businesses and churches, and even place travel bans on Americans from other states.

Now officials want to use these emergency powers for global warming and, as we saw in New Mexico last week, for gun control.… Continue Reading

The Open Border Reveals Our Backward Homeland Security Mentality 22 Years After 9/11

Written by Daniel Horowitz

The central lesson of 9/11 is that we had too many dangerous people who should never have been in the country who were able to operate and plot evil acts undetected. We needed to focus on our own border and immigration system rather than saving the world. Yet we did the exact opposite. We squandered two decades refereeing Sunni-Shia civil wars and then bringing in dangerous people from both sides of them.… Continue Reading

President Biden is a Liar

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Have you ever wondered how President Biden could lie so often and so egregiously? Have you ever asked yourself how anyone can stand before millions of people on a near-daily basis and say things that are so blatantly false and do so with a straight face and an apparent clear conscience?

By almost any measure, Mr. Biden is a proven fraud and a pathological liar of the highest order.

Over the past few weeks alone, the president has repeatedly lied about his business dealings with his corrupt son.… Continue Reading

GOP Governors Must Repel The Invasion

Written by Daniel Horowitz

It’s unparalleled in human history. No other sovereign nation has ever voluntarily invited millions upon millions of invaders, primarily young men, to line up at the border and march into the country. With over 140,000 estimated illegal aliens just in the past two weeks (which would be an annual flow of 3.7 million) – even before the official rescission of Title 42 on Thursday – we are out of time to stop this invasion through traditional means.… Continue Reading

Intimidation 101: From Trump to Transgender Mania, Leftists’ War on America is Intensifying

Written by Robert Knight

In the space of a week, we saw three children and three adults executed at a Christian school in Nashville, the indictment of former President Donald Trump, and the advent of the national “Transgender Day of Visibility.”

We also saw the current White House occupant awkwardly joking at length about his love of ice cream before addressing the Nashville massacre. The word “inappropriate” is wildly inadequate. Within moments, he segued into a gun control rant.… Continue Reading

The Left is “Crazy” Says Sarah Huckabee Sanders in Her Response to SOTU

Written by David E. Smith

Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R-AR) gave the official Republican response to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union on Tuesday night. She rightly pointed out that the dividing line in America is between normal and crazy. In fact she used the word “crazy” three times. 

While pundits are analyzing and parsing both speeches, they seem to be glancing over how Gov. Sanders may have laid the foundation for impeaching President Biden when she said,

“President Biden is unwilling to defend our border, defend our skies, and defend our people.Continue Reading

Informed Voters And Honest Elections Are Left’s Worst Nightmare

Written by Robert Knight

Lots of things today don’t pass the straight face test.

President Joe Biden says the main danger to “democracy” is the “semi-fascist” half of the country that doesn’t vote Democrat. He continues to insist that “white supremacists” pose more of a security threat than China, Russia, Iran and the homegrown goons attacking churches and crisis pregnancy centers.

On Thursday, standing in front of two U.S. Marines, he said, “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”… Continue Reading

Why Are no Democrats Prosecuted by Garland’s DOJ?

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

On Wednesday, Aug. 10, Merrick Garland, the United States Attorney General, confidently strutted to the national podium and asserted, “No person is above the law in this country. I can’t say it any more clearly than that.” He then went further: “There is nothing … which prevents us from investigating anyone — anyone — who’s criminally responsible …”

As principled as that all sounds, one can’t help but ask Mr. … Continue Reading

Biden’s Border, Criminal Justice, Health Care, and COVID Policies Responsible for Drug Poisoning Epidemic

Written by Daniel Horowitz

What are the consequences of 235,000 people teeming over our border per month?

Over 107,000 Americans died from drug poisoning, often from counterfeit pills containing fentanyl, funded by the Chinese government and concocted by the Mexican drug cartels. Why is there no clamor to fight the cartels with the same resoluteness with which we are fighting a proxy war halfway around the world?

Earlier this month, the CDC announced that an estimated 107,622 Americans died in 2021 from drug poisoning, up 15 percent from 2020 and more than double the number from just seven years before.

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Take The Biden Quiz

Written by Micah Clark

Author and former Fox News host, Bill O’Reilly, has a revealing quiz he has created and shared on his website and in radio interviews. The quiz is rather persuasive for the average non-political person, independent, or swing voter who may have voted for Joe Biden because they didn’t like Donald Trump.

Here is his simple, but revealing 10-question quiz.   Answer “Yes” or “No” in your mind.  Each question starts with:

“Does it make sense .Continue Reading