Written by Alex Newman
With mobs of indoctrinated young people now targeting America’s Founding Fathers and even the foundations of the nation under the guise of tearing down “racism,” a much more logical place to start would be dismantling the Democratic Party. The party’s shameful history is literally filled with vicious racism, violence and oppression of black Americans.
It was America’s Founding Fathers who enshrined the then-revolutionary idea that “all men are created equal” and are “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.”… Continue Reading
Tags: abortion, Abraham Lincoln, Antifa, Aubrey Shines, Black Lives Matter, Civil War Amendments, created equal, Damani Felder, Democratic National Convention, Democratic Party, Dinesh D'Souza, Donald J. Trump, fascism, George Floyd, Hillary Clinton, infanticide, Joe Biden, Ku Klux Klan, Nathan Bedford Forrest, National Socialist party, Racism, Robert Byrd, Slavery, unalienable rights, Woodrow Wilson
Marriage, Family & Culture, Political | David E. Smith |
June 19, 2020 4:00 AM |
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Written by Ryan Bomberger
Every life unjustly killed deserves justice. In the cause to make things right, I will not join a movement that has nearly everything wrong. More innocent lives have now been killed (#BlueLivesMatter, too) since these predominantly violent protests began over George Floyd’s horrific death. What about the black lives killed in this nationwide chaos? Do they matter?
“Well, you don’t have to agree with everything. Just pick out the good things in the #BlackLivesMatter movement,” I’m told.… Continue Reading
Tags: #BlackLivesMatter, #BlueLivesMatter, #DadsMatter, #SocialJusticeWarrior, Black Lives Matter, Colin Kaepernick, Ford Foundation, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Movement for Black Lives, Nation of Islam, New Black Panthers, Ryan Bomberger
Marriage, Family & Culture, Sanctity of Life | David E. Smith |
June 8, 2020 7:00 AM |
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Written by Peter Heck
Make no mistake about it, Anna Kendrick, the actress/singer famous for roles in the Pitch Perfect and Trolls movies, undoubtedly considers herself quite woke. She is a Hollywood actress who is fully cognizant of what she’s supposed to say, when she’s supposed to say it, and what power she is supposed to “speak truth” to in order to maintain pop culture credibility.
That said, Kendrick bravely ventured into a position of “unlikely voice of reason” on Twitter recently when she properly identified what the mainstream media has been decidedly unable to deduce or unwilling to admit.… Continue Reading
Tags: Anna Kendrick, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Dan Rather, Ian Miles Cheong, Peter Heck, Pitch Perfect, social justice, Trolls, Violet Iknomova
Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
June 2, 2020 7:00 AM |
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Written by Robert Knight
U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has again apologized – sort of – for lying about being an American Indian back when it helped advance her academic legal career.
At a Native American presidential forum in Sioux City, Iowa last week, the Massachusetts Democrat framed her prevarications as a mistake:
“I want to say this, like anyone who’s been honest with themselves, I know that I have made mistakes. I am sorry for harm that I have caused.
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Tags: 2020 Election, Black Lives Matter, Darren Wilson, Elizabeth Warren, Ferguson, Glenn Kessler, Heather MacDonald, Kamala Harris, Laquan McDonald, Michael Brown, Robert McCulloch, The War on Cops, Washington Post
Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith |
August 31, 2019 4:00 AM |
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Written by Shelby Steele
Even before President Trump’s election, hatred had begun to emerge on the American left—counterintuitively, as an assertion of guilelessness and moral superiority. At the Women’s March in Washington the weekend after Mr. Trump’s inauguration, the pop star Madonna said, “I have thought an awful lot of blowing up the White House.” Here hatred was a vanity, a braggadocio meant to signal her innocence of the sort of evil that, in her mind, the White House represented.… Continue Reading
Written by Perry Bacon Jr.
In the days after Hillary Clinton’s defeat, the two people who seemed like the Democratic Party’s most obvious 2020 candidates, then-Vice President Joe Biden and Vermont U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, hinted that Clinton had gone too far in talking about issues of identity. “It is not good enough for somebody to say, ‘I’m a woman; vote for me,’” Sanders said.
Other liberals lamented that the party had lost white voters in such states as Ohio and Iowa who had supported Barack Obama, and they said Democrats needed to dial back the identity talk to win them back.… Continue Reading
Tags: Al Franken, Barack Obama, basket of deplorables, Bernie Sanders, Black Lives Matter, Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton, Identity Politics, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Lee Drutman, Obamacare, Planned Parenthood
Federal Elections, Political | Benjamin D. Smith |
July 28, 2018 4:00 AM |
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Written by Robert Knight
Not content with filing nuisance lawsuits all over the country, most of them aimed at thwarting the Trump administration, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is plunging into local political campaigns.
In Philadelphia, about 40 ACLU ex-con canvassers like Mike Twiggs, 59, who served 41 years for murder, knocked on doors and distributed literature keyed to the Democratic primary election last Tuesday in which voters selected newcomer Larry Krasner as the district attorney candidate.… Continue Reading
Tags: ACLU, Amelia Warren Tyagi, American Civil Rights Union, Ben Wofford, Bill Cobb, Black Lives Matter, D.A. Seth Williams, Elizabeth Warren, Fraternal Order of Police, George Soros, Larry Krasner, Mike Twiggs, Occupy Philadelphia, Project Vote, Udi Ofer
Political | David E. Smith |
May 30, 2017 5:00 AM |
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Written by Jeffrey Ludwig
Are you aware that we are facing a political and cultural tragedy right now? The Democratic Party, one of two great parties of the USA, has been co-opted by the communist ideologues, the power-mad neo-Marxists, in our political establishment. They can call it liberalism or social justice or togetherness, but it is my considered judgment that, without exaggeration, we are facing an intent to subvert the electoral will of the American people.… Continue Reading
Tags: "Big Bill" Haywood, Andrew Young, Barack Obama, Black Lives Matter, Black Panthers, Black Power, Bobby Seale, Charles Schumer, Communism, David Horowitz, Debbie Schultz, Democratic Party, Dick Durbin, Donald Trump, Eugene V. Debs, fascism, Henry Wallace, Hillary Clinton, Huey Newton, Josef Stalin, Jr., Mao Zedong, Martin Luther King, Marxism, Ralph Abernethy, Russia, Socialism, Stokely Carmichael, Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, Students for a Democratic Society
Political | David E. Smith |
May 20, 2017 7:00 AM |
Comments Off on America’s Betrayal by the Democratic Party

Written by Steve McCann
A recent phenomenon in American politics amid the conclaves of the media and academic elites is the stultifying debate over an outgoing president’s so-called “Legacy.” The nation now finds itself embroiled in this conversation as none other than Barack Obama, by his innumerable self-serving speeches, countless appearances on a multitude of media platforms and myriad gatherings with fawning supporters, has attempted to establish a positive spin on his legacy. He has far exceeded anything the previous occupants of the Oval Office have done to reinforce their image as they leave the White House behind. … Continue Reading

Written by John Biver
Now that Barack Obama’s second term is coming to an end, the question is — who will fill his shoes as the leader of the Democratic Party? Minnesota U.S. Representative Keith Ellison would like the job — and is officially seeking to become the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee.
Journalist and newspaper editor Caroline Glick has pointed out that “When a party is out of power, the party chairman is also treated like its formal leader, and most active spokesman.”… Continue Reading
Tags: Andrew McCarthy, Antisemitism, Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Black Lives Matter, Caroline Glick, Chuck Schumer, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Democratic National Committee, Democratic Party, Diana West, Donna Brazile, Hamas, Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton, Jeremiah Wright, Keith Ellison, Louis Farrakhan, Muslim Brotherhood, Nation of Islam, Progressive Caucus, Scott Johnson
Faith & Religion, Political | David E. Smith |
November 22, 2016 5:28 PM |
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